Quotable Quotes

"You look at what inflation has done to many other countries, it is an absolute death sentence. But your sister Diamond was taken from us much too soon." ~ Trump, speaking at memorial service for Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway

Cause of death revealed for Diamond Hardaway of 'Diamond and Silk'​

3 days ago ... Diamond Lynnette Hardaway, best known as one half of the duo Diamond and Silk, died on Jan. 8 of heart disease due to chronic high blood ...

inflation [in] many other countries, it is an absolute death sentence." ~ Trump, speaking at memorial service for Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway
Please name 3 persons that have been absolutely sentenced to death by inflation in many other countries, and when the death certificates were issued.
"I didn't believe it for one second." ~ Fox host Sean Hannity, under oath, on 2020 election fraud claim that was promoted on Fox News
"I didn't believe it for one second." ~ Fox host Sean Hannity, under oath, on 2020 election fraud claim that was promoted on Fox News
I wonder what if anything Hannity did to revise the errant details of the FOX story.

Fact is, truth is not FOX' stock in trade. FOX markets delusions to the minority segment of the media-consuming public that prefer bias confirmation to objective reporting.

If Hannity objects, he can resign. Don't hold your breath waiting for that. Spewing sovereignty-threatening lies is FOX' $bread-&-$butter.
"I have an important message for everyone in America: You're welcome...I'm sorry I didn't get more of them." ~ David DePape, charged with breaking into Nancy Pelosi's home and assaulting her husband Paul with a hammer
"I have an important message for everyone in America: You're welcome...I'm sorry I didn't get more of them." ~ David DePape, charged with breaking into Nancy Pelosi's home and assaulting her husband Paul with a hammer
Wasn't aware you'd gotten any.
"Remember in Helsinki when a third-rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia or our 'Intelligence' lowlifes?...My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people...Now add McGonigal and other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?" ~ Trump
"I could solve that in 24 hours." ~ Trump on war in Ukraine
Trump is confessing that he's so incompetent it would take him a full day to surrender to one of his favorite autocrats?
Trump's domestic insurrection failed, but he thinks forfeiting a nation's sovereignty is easier?
I consider Trump an idle braggart. But in this rare case he may be right.
"He came over and he begged me, begged me for an endorsement. He said, 'If you endorse me, I'll win,' and there were tears coming down from his eyes." ~ Trump on DeSantis before the 2018 primary

"I think the police officer did his job." ~ House Speaker Kevin McCarthy
"Joe Biden's president. We don't know what to do, Lord! It's all right, we pray for our presidents. You know, it says, 'Let his days be few and another take his office.' That's why I filed articles of impeachment for Joe Biden. Unfortunately, he does have a really great insurance policy named Kamala Harris." ~ Rep. Lauren Boebert
"... he does have a really great insurance policy named Kamala Harris." ~ Rep. Lauren Boebert
Nixon had Spiro Agnew. GHWB had Dan Quayle. GWB had Dick Cheney. Trump had Mike Pence. And Boebert is a skairt of Kams? :oops:

PS #92 ~
"I'm not going to sit there and listen to him lie." ~ Rep. Mary Miller (R-Illinois)

"Real America won't believe a word Joe Biden says tonight." ~ Rep. Troy E. Nehls (R-Texas)

"Today's State of Confusion speech will contain more lies and deceit than any in history." ~ radio host Mark R. Levin
"I'm not going to sit there and listen to him lie." ~ Rep. Mary Miller (R-Illinois)
"Real America won't believe a word Joe Biden says tonight." ~ Rep. Troy E. Nehls (R-Texas)
"Today's State of Confusion speech will contain more lies and deceit than any in history." ~ radio host Mark R. Levin
There's good news & bad news here.

The good news is these enemies of the United States of America are candid enough to confess their insurrectionist views publicly.

The bad news is it is pervasive & tenacious. It's long past time for patriots to view these sustained expressions of hostility against the furtherance of the State with simple disdain. If effective action is not taken to quell these anti-American sentiments there's substantial risk "we won't have a country anymore." They've already tried it once, and learned from their mistakes. Their ring-leader again seeks supreme global power. Will Nikki Haley be enough to stop him / them?

Nikki Haley to announce 2024 presidential run on Feb. 15
"Republicans offer a vision for a future built on freedom, not fear-mongering." ~ House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

"Savage killers, rapists, and violent criminals are being released from jail...They're trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children. [Biden is] leading us to the brink of WW3. He's the most corrupt president in American history." ~ Trump

"I don't think things could possibly be going worse." ~ Sen. Ted Cruz on the state of the nation
I get the impression individual Republicans are competing against one another to see who can spin the most outrageous lies.

Their 2024 looks to be a dark chapter in U.S. politics.

Should Joe run again?
"You're fired, you're fired!" ~ Elon Musk, to an engineer trying to explain Musk's tanking engagement numbers on Twitter
"If our elections were really fair, I believe the ranks of Congress, the Senate, the White House, all the state governorships, would be Republican. If elections were fair." ~ defeated AZ gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake