Quotable Quotes

"If Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, if JFK were alive today, if our Founding Fathers were alive today, they'd be America First Republicans." ~ AZ gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake


"Broke'mon cards." ~ "Stuttering John" Melendez on Trump's $99 collectibles

"I can't believe I'm going to jail for an NFT salesman." ~ Baked Alaska, right-wing radio personality who plead guilty re Jan. 6 charges

"I can't watch it again. Make it stop." ~ Steve Bannon
"Broke'mon cards." ~ "Stuttering John" Melendez on Trump's $99 collectibles

Well known, Trump is a shameless self-promoter. I haven't yet figured it out. Trump pre-announced, about making a major announcement, leading many to speculate Trump was preparing to run for president again. Then he got clobbered in the mid-terms, and polling data was released showing Florida Governor DeSantis beat Trump in a GOP primary match-up.

Florida GOP likes DeSantis far more than Trump in new poll​

7 days ago ... Florida Ron DeSantis is the most popular political figure among Republican voters who favor him far more than his fellow Sunshine State ...

Poll Results | Quinnipiac University Poll​

2 days ago ... Quinnipiac University Poll's list of recent and past poll results for political races, state and national elections, and issues of public ...

Florida Poll finds Trump Popular in the Sunshine State while Biden ...​

Voters want Felons to Pay Debts for Voting Rights. A new Florida Atlantic University poll finds President Trump's job approval at 47% with a 44% disapproval, a ...

So my lingering doubt:
- Has Trump only recently suspended / postponed / scuttled plans for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, or
- did Trump merely try to leverage his celebrity, to obtain more free publicity for this new marketing gimmick?

"I can't watch it again. Make it stop." ~ Steve Bannon
I don't know the context of this.
Topic drift?

Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 2:00 | Recorded on December 13, 2022
Crypto mining, the arcane process by which cryptocurrencies are generated, is incredibly energy-intensive. As of this past summer, global electricity usage for the activity is as much as 240 billion kilowatt-hours per year, which is more than many entire countries use (for example Australia and Argentina.) Crypto mining consumes as much electricity as all the […]
Is this not why we have government?
There's an energy shortage across the solar system.
It is not necessary to squander this energy commodity like this.

If there's market / public demand for cryptocurrency, DANDY !! I totally understand. Mega-number-crunching is required to manifest cryptocurrency in its current form. SO WHAT ?!
There were 8 economic depressions while the U.S. was on the gold standard, and none after the U.S. went off the gold standard. economist Dr. Stephanie Kelton
Even if in improved form, I'm confident the "geniuses" that started cryptocurrency can figure out a way to "print" the same number, without the computational "gold" behind it.

My opinion:
when human survival depends on it, when failure to restrain such blunder could prove cataclysmic, that places the issue within the jurisdiction of Earth's responsible Western governments.

That establishes the authority.
Now it's time to act.

In Ukraine, I saw the greatest threat to the Russian world isn’t the west – it’s Putin Timothy Garton Ash

The Kremlin’s imperial war has made its own culture and language a common enemy for people across its former empire

This thought came to me recently when I was in the Ukrainian city of Lviv, talking to Ukrainians made refugees in their own country by Putin’s war. “I was a Russian speaker until 24 February,” said Adeline, an art student from the now Russian-occupied town of Nova Kakhovka, referencing the date of Russia’s full-scale invasion earlier this year. Russia has failed to take over Ukrainian culture, she said, so now it has set out to kill it.

"These Weaponized Thugs and Tyrants must be dealt with..." ~ Trump on FBI, Department of Justice, the CIA, and Democrats
t #31
I caught this quotation, it reminded me of your #31.
"-- we're not going to allow comments from Russia to dictate the security assistance that we provide to Ukraine. Thank you." Dec. 15, 2022 Brigadier General Pat Ryder, Pentagon Press Secretary
It leaves me wondering about post Ukraine War Russia.
- If the West lets Russia off the hook without paying much penalty, the risk is an emboldened Russia that will strike severely again. BUT !!
- If the West punishes Russia in proportion to the misery Russia has spread, will that be similar to the Germany was treated after WW I ?
History taught us that wasn't a solution. It was the agar for WW II. So what is civilized society supposed to do?

S2 #32
Absent consequence I'd consider Trump pathetic, delusional.
I still consider Trump pathetic and delusional. Problem is his alarming quantity of followers.

Astoundingly, looks like despite tomorrow (Monday's) final insurrection hearing, the Republicans are going to let Trump walk, on bloody insurrection.
Astoundingly, not only that not the last nail in the GOP coffin, but may actually spruce it up a little.
"I would hope [the DOJ] would not bring charges against the former President...I think the President's actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless but I don't know that it's criminal to take bad advice from lawyers." ~ Mike Pence

"This is a show trial. It's trying to spur people up to believe Donald Trump is somehow bad." ~ Trump lawyer Christina Bobb

"Thankfully, you lose your chairmanship very soon. Your brain is too small." ~ Elon Musk to Rep. Adam Schiff

"Talking to Trump is one of the great joys, one of the great animal joys of life. Because he exudes this kind of animal joy." ~ Fox host Tucker Carlson
"Sadly, what I didn't hear tonight was a clear explanation of where the first $50B we sent to support their efforts went." ~ Rep. Lauren Boebert

"Zelensky is basically an ungrateful international welfare queen." ~ Donald Trump Jr.

"For fiscal 2023, should we just cut out the middleman and have taxpayers send their checks directly to Zelensky?" ~ Ann Coulter
"For fiscal 2023, should we just cut out the middleman and have taxpayers send their checks directly to Zelensky?" ~ Ann Coulter

Coulter joins a familiar chorus here. Russia's aggression in Ukraine similar to Hitler in Sudetenland. Coulter, is combating Russia outside Kyiv with Ukraine's blood and U.S. treasure less desirable than battling Russia outside Paris with U.S. blood and treasure? 50 billion dollars is certainly a lot of money. Regarding Russia in Ukraine it's a prudent if not shrewd investment in U.S. national security, a bargain.
"The President of Ukraine showed up at the White House dressed like the manager of a strip club and started to demand money. Amazingly, no one threw him out." ~ Fox host Tucker Carlson

"Do you know what happens in communist countries? They steal elections... Welcome to America." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

You have to wonder if either of them have heard of the other guy in this pic

Spiro’s Ghost @SpiroAgnewGhost

Oh my god. This isn’t parody. I have said it before, if his family weren’t all despicable grifters like he is, they would involuntarily commit him to a psychiatric facility and try to work an insanity plea deal. This is maybe his most purely insane rant of all time.

"Ukraine was threatening the world with nuclear terrorism and only Russia was able to save everything." ~ Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces and First Deputy Minister of Defense