Quotable Quotes

One from the history books

S2 #61
Interesting, BUT !!

Without the context, without knowing to what ostensible U.S. violations Jackson refers to, difficult for me to make full sense of it. But I don't think there's much doubt, WWII got ugly. We needn't look beyond the inexcusable internment of Japanese Americans to acknowledge that.

I hope this isn't too much of a tangent. I haven't seen any news of Gitmo in quite a while.
11 out of 17 ~ proportion of incoming GOP House committee chairs in the 118th Congress who voted to reject the results of the 2020 presidential election
"He is a terrorist. He is a Trump hater....He should resign." ~ Trump on special counsel Jack Smith

"Joe Biden arguably has done something far worse than anything Donald Trump was ever accused of doing." ~ Lara Trump

"Whether a cyber attack or a system issue is the cause of the FAA shutdown, we can all rest assured that when he finishes chest feeding, Mayor Pete is on it!" ~ Donald Trump Jr.
"We can be especially proud of the City of Milwaukee (80.2% Dem Vote) casting 37,000 fewer votes than cast in the 2018 election with the major reduction happening in the overwhelming Black and Hispanic areas." ~ Wisconsin Republican official Robert Spindell

Guess he's saying that this means their voter suppression methods worked?
"The media is ganging up on President Trump because he's so dangerous to their globalist agenda, and globalism is just a fancy word for communism." ~ Kari Lake
"My 'Prosecutor' is a Radical Left Trump-HATING Lunatic, whose wife and family get a perfect '10' for spewing Trump HATE, and whose 'friends' are the most evil, angry, and disgusting Marxists and Communists in and around Government... These are Sick Thugs." ~ Trump
S2 #68

Do you as a healthcare pro have any conviction about whether Trump and Santos are aware of the truth, but simply lie deliberately (for a reason, or not)?
Or do you believe they sincerely believe these delusions?
"What I said last week is likely true -- the Deep State is taking out Biden...The Republicans might not even have to help the Democrats take out their trash." ~ Rep. Matt Gaetz
Posted on FB by an American friend

"There are two kinds of Americans; those of us who witness the death of decency and understand instinctively that we are in danger, that we are at risk -- and those of us who witness the death of decency, and feel as if they have been set free."
"She has matured. She realized she doesn't know everything, and she wants to learn..." ~ Rep. Michael McCaul, asked if he's okay with Marjorie Taylor Greene, who in 2018 asserted that 9/11 was a hoax, serving on the Homeland Security Committee, which he formerly chaired
"I've milked a few cows, spent most of my time walking behind lines of cows, so if you want some ideas on repro and the women's health thing, I have some definite opinions." ~ Idaho state Rep. Jack Nelson
"I will never leave that woman. I will always take care of her." ~ House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
"I will never leave that woman. I will always take care of her." ~ House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
$Cha-$Ching !
One more coffin for two !
Not only do I support the choice.
I endorse expedited completion. No dawdling !
"I'd rather give Rep. Santos access to classified information than Schiff!" ~ Rep. Matt Gaetz, on former House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff being removed from the panel
"I'd rather give Rep. Santos access to classified information than Schiff!" ~ Rep. Matt Gaetz, on former House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff being removed from the panel
Years ago there were reports of a deliberate conspiracy to undermine and perhaps overthrow United States federal government. I dismissed these reports as liberal hysteria. After all, is that really plausible?

Fast forward to January 27, 2023. I still believe it's not plausible. None the less ...
It happened in the past
"We learn from history that we do not learn from history." Hegel

"Strike while the Iron is hot." The U.S. is known in some elsewheres as "the great Satan". Not merely an exercise in hyperbole. But is the U.S. so bad U.S. citizens are to lead the charge? And if so,
where are the heirs of Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, & George Floyd?
"It happened in the past" S #79
Have these "in the past"s ever come as close as Jan 6?

Point being S2 #79:
what appeared at the time to be hysterical alarmist fantasy has come to pass. Doesn't that at least provide some insight into just how radical, just how dangerous these traitors are?
Seems to me shockingly close to collusion that Trump is still romping around loose. If you or I had perpetrated the crimes he has, would we still be loose, unincarcerated?