Quotable Quotes

"Remember in Helsinki when a third-rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our 'intelligence' lowlifes?" ~ Trump, recently
"We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government." MTG

se·di·tion (sĭ-dĭshən)
1. Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.
2. Archaic Insurrection; rebellion.

[Middle English sedicioun, violent party strife, from Old French sedition, from Latin sēditiō, sēditiōn- : sēd-, sē-, apart; see s(w)e- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots + itiō, act of going (from itus, past participle of īre, to go; see ei- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots).]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
"Zelensky is not a hero. He's an anti-hero. He's a destroyer..." ~ Tucker Carlson

"A demonic force, a destroyer." ~ Tucker Carlson on Trump
"Zelensky is not a hero. He's an anti-hero. He's a destroyer..." ~ Tucker Carlson
One one of Sunday's talking head TV shows I saw a sound-bite of Putin talking tough from the podium, wherein Putin assured victory as a certitude, but in the same address accused Ukraine of starting the War Putin was boasting about winning.

Carlson is an excellent example of a Faustian. For what purpose would he create such lies, other than personal gain? And at what cost?
"Honor means sacrificing yourself for the benefit of others. Dishonor means sacrificing others for the benefit of yourself." Lanny Davis, Special Counsel to President Clinton
"You have to knock heads and you have to get it done. That would mean saying things to Putin and saying things to Zelensky that they're not gonna want to hear and getting them into a room and getting it done." ~ Trump's plan for ending war in Ukraine
"You have to knock heads and you have to get it done. That would mean saying things to Putin and saying things to Zelensky that they're not gonna want to hear and getting them into a room and getting it done." ~ Trump's plan for ending war in Ukraine
"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16 www.DonaldJTrump.com
"I'm not going to pay for that %$#@ wall!" former Mexico President Vicente Fox ~160225, commenting on Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump's claim that as U.S. president he'd build a multi-$Billion dollar wall on the U.S. / Mexico border, and get Mexico to pay for it
Trying to find it but there was a vid explaining that building the wall Trump wanted would cost something like $200 billion and that wouldn't include the cost of policing it. After all, there are vids of people climbing the existing segments and of people cutting holes in it using commonly available tools you can find at any hardware store.
Trying to find it but there was a vid explaining that building the wall Trump wanted would cost something like $200 billion and that wouldn't include the cost of policing it. After all, there are vids of people climbing the existing segments and of people cutting holes in it using commonly available tools you can find at any hardware store.
Thus the unqualified campaign promise "I will build a great, great wall ..." attracted simpleminded voters like a lit candle attracts moths.
What is so horrifying about that is:
- they thought it was a good idea. (I don't recall even Trump asserting it was)
- a large minority of voters approved it by voting for the one that promised it
- Trump never came close to achieving it
- Republican $fund $raising for Trump's wall (the wall Trump promised Mexico would pay for) was corrupt, Trump's wealthy cronies skimming funds raised for wild parties on big yachts

Perhaps one of the more detrimental affects of Trump's lies about the wall is the distraction. There's a serious immigration crisis on the U.S. Southern border. This crisis has endured since before the Trump administration, and it persists years after. Even a wall as Trump described it and constructed a small portion of it is not likely to solve that crisis.
What's needed for that is substantial U.S. immigration policy review and revision.

U.S. employers are clamoring for employment applicants. Regional job skills training programs open to both citizens and immigrants / non-citizens, with immigration quotas adjusted to keep the training programs fully attended might help solve multiple problems.
For the record, building that wall would have violated a number of environmental treaties with Mexico. It would also have required seizing private property via eminent domain along much of its length (that would have taken years of court battles and there is no guarantee the government would prevail).
"If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people -- according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll -- that's a hate group. I don't want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away... because there is no fixing this." ~ Dilbert creator Scott Adams
"If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people -- according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll -- that's a hate group. I don't want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away... because there is no fixing this." ~ Dilbert creator Scott Adams
I didn't get the detail, but I did read a report of this recently. Does this mean the Dilbert comic will no longer be published in some or all? Or did that happen already?
Thanks S2 #136
It's been a while since I subscribed to a tree-killing newspaper. If Dilbert publication had been terminated decades ago I wouldn't know.
Not sure what Adams' problem is. BUT !! I do understand that a racially benign gramma living outside White Bear Lake, Minnesota might have believed / hoped racism in the U.S. was substantially over when Obama was elected president. Nope.
So even if I don't share Adams' resignation, hopelessness, I remain painfully aware racism in the U.S. won't end any time soon, if ever. BUT !!

Demographic projections indicate Whites will soon be a minority in the U.S.
That's no panacea, as females have been a majority for as long as I can remember. But they only got the vote about a century ago. I conclude from this that there's a basic component, possibly a genetic component to racism.
The fence we straddle:
The Westermarck effect on one side. Incest is a taboo in every human culture I've studied. BUT ! otoh
There does seem to be an intrinsic wariness of strangers. Humans reportedly have an organically developed capacity for facial recognition. This aptitude may assist on both sides of that fence.

Westermarck effect: individuals who spend large amounts of time with each other under the age of six, raised together, regardless of relationship, tend to become desensitized to each other, and they will not generally develop sexual attraction to each other later in life. This idea is sometimes referred to as “reverse imprinting,” and it is named for Edvard Westermarck, a Finnish sociologist.
Demographic projections indicate Whites will soon be a minority in the U.S. That's no panacea, as females have been a majority for as long as I can remember.
Worth noting that white males are already a minority.
Worth noting that white males are already a minority.
"... white males are already a minority" and yet they retain an overwhelming grip on power & control, in both public & private sectors. Your point in offering the juxtaposition I gather.