Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down

"In under 24 hours, it appears that Donald Trump may have violated the terms of his release" from S2 #159
What is the standard protocol for such violation? Terminate the release? Incarcerate the "suspect" for trial?

If "the terms of his release" are merely judicial suggestions, why does government even participate in such toothless exercise?
And if "the terms of his release" are enforceable court order, why is Trump loose? No jail cell big enough to hold all those Secret Service agents with him?
No question that Cheeto is freaking as the evidence keeps piling up


Trump’s Allies Prepare for Indictments in Georgia Probe: ‘They’re Coming for Everyone’

It's not just Donald. Sources say Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis is likely to indict a number of his associates involved in attempting to overturn the 2020 election

DONALD TRUMP MAY be in trouble in Fulton County, Georgia. But unlike the recent indictment of him in a federal court in Washington, DC, he may not be alone.

Three sources who have spoken with prosecutors tell Rolling Stone that they believe that Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis is likely to indict not just Trump, but a number of his associates involved in attempting to overturn the election, as well.

“It really seems like they’re coming for everyone,” says one lawyer who has repeatedly dealt with the prosecutors in this criminal probe. “Based on what I know, Willis and her team do not seem to be stopping at Donald Trump. The scope for this [likely coming indictment] is probably going to be a hell of a lot wider than that…and round up a significant number of people.”

The Fulton County DA’s office has declined to comment on what will occur with an indictment, and only she knows for sure who ultimately will be hit with charges.

Still, some of Trump’s own lawyers, as well as other attorneys retained by his election-denying allies, are already preparing for the very real possibility that Trump will have plenty of company in an upcoming indictment. Lawyers have already outlined legal strategies, memos, and other material that factor in their expectation that ....


"Trump’s Allies Prepare for Indictments in Georgia Probe: ‘They’re Coming for Everyone’" #163

- dandy -
It all makes sense to me, except !!
Why did all this not happen years ago?

The Jan 6 insurrection investigation including the riot @capitol is reportedly the most extensively investigated crime in U.S. history. Splendid. I understand establishing a coordinated time-line for that is a daunting challenge. Kudos to those that have succeeded.
But Trump?
Seems to me like the prosecution's been dawdling.
Re #165 - what exactly this will mean to the Grand Jury (or during a potential trial) isn't as clear cut as it might appear at first. Did Trump actually see this (or even know about it) or is this just something that was floating around "out there" is perhaps the first question to be asked.

Trump Allies Deliver ‘Incriminating’ Info on Conspiracy-Peddling Sidney Powell

People who've been grilled by Special Counsel Jack Smith's team agree: Powell should be prepared for criminal charges over her actions surrounding the 2020 election

SPECIAL COUNSEL JACK Smith’s investigation appears to be zeroing in on Sidney Powell, a conspiracy-theory-obsessed lawyer who was a key figure in Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Four sources with knowledge of the matter, several witnesses, and Trump allies who’ve appeared before the special counsel — including at least one in the past few days — team seem to agree: Powell should be preparing now for Smith to bring criminal charges.

On Monday, Bernie Kerik — a longtime Rudy Giuliani associate and a Trump ally who worked on the Giuliani-led legal team challenging Trump’s 2020 defeat — sat with special counsel investigators for a roughly four-and-a-half-hour interview, according to his lawyer Tim Parlatore. (Parlatore previously served as a top attorney to Trump, advising the ex-president on Special Counsel Smith’s probes.)

“Based on the contents of their questions, and my understanding of criminal law, the main individual who was discussed who Mr. Kerik gave any information that could be incriminating would be Sidney,” Parlatore tells Rolling Stone on Thursday. Parlatore added that what Kerik told investigators included: ....

Topic Title:

Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down​

Those that don't know Trump (Martians for obvious example) might mistake this topic title for hyperbole.
When it bears the superficial characteristics of hyperbole, but isn't, that's an indication it's a big deal.
It's a real big deal.

I can't deny my snickering S2. But I'm not snickering at you. I'm snickering with you. And perhaps I can add just a little more bounce in your step this weekend with:
Josephine Harvey / Fri, August 11, 2023 at 8:19 AM EDT
Two conservative law professors argue that Donald Trump is ineligible to serve as president again due to a section of the Constitution that prohibits anyone who has engaged in insurrection from holding office. ...
The answer, according to Baude: “Donald Trump cannot be president — cannot run for president, cannot become president, cannot hold office — unless two-thirds of Congress decides to grant him amnesty for his conduct on Jan. 6.”
Did titan mention this earlier?

Please pardon me if I'm off topic here. The Constitutional angle may have substantial significance, regarding Trump here.
Fani Willis is taking Donald Trump's accusation seriously. She's given him an ultimatum: provide proof by tomorrow or face charges for damaging her reputation. A conviction in Georgia would bar Trump from the 2024 election. #170
What I find so striking here,
the Republican party is in shambles. Certainly the Democrats would like to triumph over Republican legislative obstructionism. But I don't believe the Democrats are ruthless enough to devastate the GOP the way Republicans have. Astoundingly, it's the entire party. Not just some drunken fat-cats at the top of the heap. This involves grass-roots Republican voters by the millions, coast to coast.
I haven't read the stats on it. But prison gen. pop. may be a more perilous environment than U.S. public. SO
if Trump goes to prison, will his Secret Service protection detail accompany him there? And if so, what will their orders be? If MS-13 tries to get Trump to join the gang, will the Secret Service protect Trump from that?
Yes Shiftless, Trump's 4th indictment is from Georgia's Fulton County superior court, filed Monday the 14th. Trump and 18 others indicted in Georgia election interference probe. The indictment includes 41 felony counts including racketeering, RICO. The district attorney has given the 19 defendants until noon Friday the 25 August to surrender.
Trump and Allies Charged for Trying to Steal Georgia Election
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis slapped the former president and 2024 GOP frontrunner with his fourth criminal indictment of the year


DONALD TRUMP HAS been criminally indicted for the fourth time in five months, adding another batch of charges to the unprecedented heap of legal jeopardy the former president faces as he vies to win back the White House and disappear his problems.

The latest indictment comes in Georgia, where Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has long been investigating efforts to meddle in the state’s 2020 election results. Willis on Monday presented her findings to a grand jury, which voted to indict the former president — along with multiple allies involved in the plot — on a series of charges including a violation of the Georgia Racketeer, Influenced, and Corrupt Organization (RICO) Act, a serious felony.

Trump was charged with 41 total counts, including solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer, conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer, conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree, conspiracy to commit filing false documents, and filing false documents, and false statements and writings.

The indictment listed 18 others as defendants, indicted on a variety of charges. The include:

Seems the release in #174 was simply premature as opposed to false
t #175 & S2 #176
You guys beat me to it.
Worth noting, considering the severity of the charges, this news doesn't seem to making much of a splash.
In context of all the other Trump news, this is just one more, even if it means potentially years in prison for Trump if convicted.
Worth noting, considering the severity of the charges, this news doesn't seem to making much of a splash.
I was watching news while I was on the bike in the gym and during the entire hour all that was discussed was this and the Maui wildfires.
Seems out of kilter to me somehow. Perhaps it's more than merely the %time / hr spent on Trump indictment #4.
Perhaps the 4th estate is within range, but the public reaction? The lack of furious crowds gathered in the village square angrily brandishing manual farm implements?