Well-known member
Sounds like "Trump employee 4" realized that his lawyer had someone else's best interests in mind.

I haven't seen a lot of detail, but have encountered more than one brief mention that Rudy is nearly broke. The suggestion is Giuliani's own legal bills have nearly exhausted his own $resources.The grift continues ....
Have to wonder how much of that will actually make it's way to Rudy and how much will stick with Trump as the cost of hosting this event
I've been puzzling over this.Behold the First Ever Presidential Mugshot
The Fulton County Sheriff's office released Donald Trump's mugshot after he surrendered himself to authorities on Thursday
Interesting that the Fulton County Inmate records show his as 6'3" and 215 lbs. The only way that's correct is if they simply asked him for his height and weight and never measured them for themselves.Supposedly somebody (Trump?) is claiming he's 6'3" and 215 lbs. No way he's 6'3" but if he is he's got to weigh over 300 lbs.
Even scaling my height and weight up to 6'3" (square/cube law) I'd be 250 and I'm nowhere near as heavy as he is.
"Georgia GOP Gears Up to Remove Atlanta Prosecutor Who Indicted Donald Trump" #213
Got your knickers in a wad Don?CONSEQUENCES: Trump complains his criminal cases prevent a Scotland golf trip
# 218