Trump Gets Triggered By Looming Criminal Charges & Melts Down

Sounds like "Trump employee 4" realized that his lawyer had someone else's best interests in mind.

The grift continues ....


Have to wonder how much of that will actually make it's way to Rudy and how much will stick with Trump as the cost of hosting this event
S2 #201
a) This source:
says Kyle Cheney is "not related to Dick Cheney".

b) I'm not sure switching lawyers pre-trial protects a witness from the legal consequences of such false testimony.

S2 #202
$100K / guest, ostensible charity from Trump to Giuliani.
The grift continues ....
Have to wonder how much of that will actually make it's way to Rudy and how much will stick with Trump as the cost of hosting this event
I haven't seen a lot of detail, but have encountered more than one brief mention that Rudy is nearly broke. The suggestion is Giuliani's own legal bills have nearly exhausted his own $resources.

And yes S2, while Trump may not yet have stiffed Giuliani on this "evening in support", it wouldn't surprise me.
Re #204 - given the sheriff's opinion of Trump I'm surprised he didn't make him wear an orange jump suit.

And the sheriff did say he was going to post Trump's height and weight so we've got that to look forward to.
Imagine, a "billionaire" who can't comfortably come up with $200,000 (that he'll get back). Instead he's paying $20K as an insurance premium and he'll never see that again.


I'm sure he's planning on screwing the insurance company the same way he screwed everyone else who deals with him.
#204 & #207
Behold the First Ever Presidential Mugshot
The Fulton County Sheriff's office released Donald Trump's mugshot after he surrendered himself to authorities on Thursday

I've been puzzling over this.
- No length scale (often in inches), though Trump's fellow defendants don't have that either.
- The camera angle, slightly downward, suggesting Trump is smaller, shorter. 6'3" if reports are correct.
- Trump looks like a spanked child to me in this shot. I didn't know about the Kubrick angle (thanks S2 #207). BUT !!
- Joe Donahue of Northeast Public Radio said Trump was trying to look like Churchill. Did Trump succeed?

Seems a trifle odd. I might have expected such an attention hog as Trump to fail in a crash. It seems it's as likely to end with a fizzle. - oh well -
Supposedly somebody (Trump?) is claiming he's 6'3" and 215 lbs. No way he's 6'3" but if he is he's got to weigh over 300 lbs.

Even scaling my height and weight up to 6'3" (square/cube law) I'd be 250 and I'm nowhere near as heavy as he is.

Arizona Prosecutors Are Probing Rudy Giuliani’s Role as Fake-Elector Kingpin

State investigators have also started gathering information on Trump’s personal involvement in the plot, knowledgeable sources tell Rolling Stone

PROSECUTORS IN ARIZONA are “aggressively” ramping up their criminal probe into the 2020 fake electors plot aimed at keeping then-President Donald Trump in power. They’re not just looking at the fake electors, though. Rudy Giuliani is also now high on their list.

Two sources with knowledge of the matter tell Rolling Stone that in the past several weeks, state prosecutors have been asking questions about the former New York mayor who became a ringleader in Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Investigators assigned to the case by Arizona’s Democratic attorney general Kris Mayes have recently asked potential witnesses and other individuals specific questions not only about Giuliani’s behind-the-scenes conduct, but that of other key ....

Supposedly somebody (Trump?) is claiming he's 6'3" and 215 lbs. No way he's 6'3" but if he is he's got to weigh over 300 lbs.

Even scaling my height and weight up to 6'3" (square/cube law) I'd be 250 and I'm nowhere near as heavy as he is.
Interesting that the Fulton County Inmate records show his as 6'3" and 215 lbs. The only way that's correct is if they simply asked him for his height and weight and never measured them for themselves.


My understanding is that the intent of the law was to remove prosecutors who refused to indict certain crimes (i.e., someone who refused to indict someone for performing (or having) an abortion. This is different but we'll have to see how it plays out.
Donald Trump’s booking documents in Fulton County, Georgia, manage to repeat a familiar untruth about the former president—and even establish a brand-new one. Once again, Trump, whose height peaked at 6’2”, claims to be 6’3”. He’s been doing this for years, even though, as a 77-year-old man, he has surely been shrinking, not growing, and frankly isn’t particularly likely to be 6’2” still.
But Donald Trump’s booking documents also note Trump’s weight, pre-supplied by Trump himself: 215 pounds.
Six-three and 215! Those are some impressive stats. Those are “Muhammad Ali in his prime” numbers.

"Georgia GOP Gears Up to Remove Atlanta Prosecutor Who Indicted Donald Trump" #213

Reminds me of the payback Putin gave Prigozhin.
S2 #215 +

I confess, for 6'3" & 215 Trump sure makes those slackers he's pictured with (#215 MSNBC) look awfully scrawny.

I'm beginning to think Trump might have told a fib about his bodily parameters.
This does not validate a presumption of credibility. Usually that might not matter, unless the guy has a pending court case or something.

CONSEQUENCES: Trump complains his criminal cases prevent a Scotland golf trip​

# 218
Got your knickers in a wad Don?
Trump seems really teed off about it.
He'll be green with envy about those that putt without him.
So Trump's smile won't have dimples, even if his balls will.

Oh Donald, how many indictments are pending against you so far? F O U R !?!

Jack Smith’s Team Grilled Witnesses About Rudy Giuliani’s Drinking

The special counsel’s interest in Rudy’s drinking could play a role in undermining one of Trump’s key legal defenses

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office has repeatedly grilled witnesses about Rudy Giuliani’s drinking on and after election day, investigating whether Donald Trump was knowingly relying on an inebriated attorney while trying to overturn a presidential election.

In their questioning of multiple witnesses, Smith’s team of federal investigators have asked questions about how seemingly intoxicated Giuliani was during the weeks he was giving Trump advice on how to cling to power, according to a source who’s been in the room with Smith’s team, one witness’s attorney, and a third person familiar with the matter.

The special counsel’s team has also asked these witnesses if Trump had ever gossiped with them about Giuliani’s drinking habits, and if Trump had ever claimed Giuliani’s drinking impacted his decision making or judgment. Federal investigators have inquired about whether the then-president was warned, including after Election Night 2020, about Giuliani’s allegedly excessive drinking. They have also asked certain witnesses if Trump was told that the former New York mayor was giving him post-election legal and strategic advice while inebriated.

Furthermore, the special counsel’s office has probed how drunk witnesses and others believed Giuliani to be during specific and consequential moments of the tumultuous Trump-Biden presidential transition. Investigators asked for details that showed precisely how ...
