Russia Targets An Empty German Consulate in Kiev - Latest Reports (Edit)

BTW I cant find any retraction of the Amnesty report I posted no retraction OR apology

Amnesty regrets ‘distress’ after report claiming Ukraine violated international law
Rights group refuses to retract claim that Kyiv exposed civilians to danger by establishing bases in schools and hospitals, but stresses that it did not justify Russian aggression

Should a human rights organisation apologise for publishing important evidence of war crimes and human rights abuses?
(i will not bore you with the article but the answer was "NO"

pants on fire much?
m #82
I'm not sure anyone here's forgotten the Geneva Protocols. But the fact is, priggish adherence to rules while in mortal combat if it exists anywhere is probably the rare exception, rather than a near universal record.
While perhaps not quite amounting to forgiveness I'm a little lenient with Ukraine's defense forces. Why?
I gather many of them are inadequately trained, and inadequately experienced. Ukraine needed feet to fill all those empty boots. I think Russia's the side that had the time to prepare, and to delay the start until they met their own criteria of readiness. So if Russia is perpetrating war atrocities, I'd tend to be a little more by-the-book in my scrutiny of them.
I gather many of them are inadequately trained, and inadequately experienced.
inadequately trained and inexperienced but with access to some of the best equipment in the world and almost limitless funds

as compared to their attackers who are inadequately trained inexperienced ill equipped and under funded and like the Ukrainian forces dont have much say in what they are engaged in.

There are also on the Ukraine side plenty of "war tourists" aka "bullet catchers" who go there to fight in a "just war" we had some that had been captured returned by Russia the other day they were complaining about the conditions in Russian prisons apparently the guards didnt offer a turn down service!
If the Russian commanders didn't believe they'd win with the forces amassed on Ukraine's border, why attack?

It may have escaped your notice but the decisions are not being made by generals on the ground - no military commander who spent a week in a military academy would know that you dont line your troops up on the border for three months giving the enemy time to prepare and time for you to burn through your stores.

This is Putins wetdream few others have much support for it - just enough not to get themselves arrested
R #85 & m #86
I think you're both right.
Certainly it's never the decision of the ranking on-scene commander to start a war, unless the commander in chief (CIC) awards it in advance.

So one of two things is true.
- Either there was a communication problem between Putin's subordinate commanders, and himself. - OR -
- They all simply swilled weigh too much of the same flavor Kool-aid. Deluded themselves into believing Ukraine would be another Crimea.

Bad intel., the kind collected to reinforce an invasion mentality prejudice, or, when no other explanation is available, simple incompetence.
Actually you are correct, but I can see problems in securing such "transparent procedures" in war time Donbas which might not exist in peace time America and yet clearly the last presidential election was neither independently monitored nor transparent.

Didnt that also reportedly happen in American elections?

how true!
"reportedly"? that depends on if you read the truth, or trumpisms. did it actually happen? no, and that has been proven, along with all the rest of the false allegations, by no less than 62 court cases. the most fraud that was actually found and prosecuted was committed by trumpkins/GQPers.
joseph robinette biden won by a landslide, in a legitimate and legal, non fraudulent election. and he's doing a better job than i expected, so i'm grateful that my vote for him really counted!
Victor PLEASE dont try and tell me that US elections are free, fair OR transparent!
or perhaps you think it OK to disenfranchise African American voters on the basis that they are more likely to vote Democrat.

Below in yellow North Carolina’s 12th congressional district,

View attachment 71
View attachment 72

View attachment 73
(yeah seems legit to me!)

i don't think any sane american would deny that gerrymandering happens, and it's usually people of color AND the poor in general who get screwed. but the election process itself WAS fair and legit, and as transparent as is possible when you have people attempting to create dissension AND propaganda stating that if trump lost, it HAD to be cheating, long before the election happened. it goes all the way back to before trump WAS elected, in fact.
b2 #89
I remember Trump telling a campaign crowd that he wouldn't contest the election outcome "if I win".
It may have escaped your notice but the decisions are not being made by generals on the ground - no military commander who spent a week in a military academy would know that you dont line your troops up on the border for three months giving the enemy time to prepare and time for you to burn through your stores.

This is Putins wetdream few others have much support for it - just enough not to get themselves arrested
thank you for admitting that the blame for all of this lies with putin, the aggressor, the attacker, the one calling for genocide. NOT zelensky, the defender of his country, hie people and their democracy. that means something to ME, at least.
"reportedly"? that depends on if you read the truth, or trumpisms

Nothing to do with Trump the same claims could be made pf any of the recent presidential elections (and possibly all uS elections but they dont get much coverage here so i cant say) "hanging chad" any one?

Trump as is his way is just opportunistically exploiting long know flaws

got a date for when these were taken?
the photos I posted largely come from the uprising in 2014 that resulted in Zelensky being in power

but if you like -
In December 2021, Zelensky presented fascist Pravy Sektor commander Dmytro Kotsyubaylo with the “Hero of Ukraine” award in the Ukrainian parliament.
And Zelensky was president when he funded C14
and he was president when he awarded the absolutely not a Nazi Bandera a "Hero of Ukraine" title


A recent (last 6 months) of a Ukrainian solder
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Wow clutching at straws much?
Its a good thing I dont discard all of your post that have typos I would have nothing to read!
We are randos on a message board. When someone pretends to be an expert, the bar is higher. If you can't even spell the name of the person you are bullshitting about -- in the title no less! -- that simply shows that you are a pretender.
There are also on the Ukraine side plenty of "war tourists" aka "bullet catchers" who go there to fight in a "just war" we had some that had been captured returned by Russia the other day they were complaining about the conditions in Russian prisons apparently the guards didnt offer a turn down service!
Actually the complaints were about physical abuse, torture, mutilation, starvation, lack of access to communications, etc. -- you know, all the things addressed by Geneva conventions.
If the Russian commanders didn't believe they'd win with the forces amassed on Ukraine's border, why attack?
They believed it. They thought it would be a three-day walk in the park. They came in equipped with parade uniforms, police riot gear, and pre-minted medals "for capture of Kyiv" and "for capture of Lviv".

They had a completely delusional assessment both of their own forces and of Ukraine's capabilities.

And, of course, they came to conquer and murder and wipe out "Ukrainian" as a concept -- to commit genocide.
Im not sure that he claimed to be an "expert" on anything It was a video of Velensky doing a comedy routine assuming that the translation was accurate there was no commentary, no political points that didnt come out of Zelensky's own mouth
of course it is false and the sky is polka dot and Azov arent fascist
It's false because it never happened. It's made up.

So you think that Donbas was shelling Ukraine for 7 years and Ukraine never took any action because that is the official Ukraine version
There were artillery duels. When russians put their artillery amidst residential buildings -- and yes, it was russian regulars, and yes, they did it a lot -- sometimes civilians died in the counter-battery fire.

But Poroshenko had allowed ukie artillerists to respond freely (which is BTW right and proper under the laws of war), and Zelensky put in place a really complicated process for target validation which cut the civilians casualties down -- remember, the civilians which were used by russians as human shields! -- but also had the army grumble that they have to just sit there and eat artillery fire without being able to respond.

Either way, though, civilians were never targeted, it was not 13k, and by staging their arty amidst civilians the russians were the ones committing a war crime.

They first violated international law by invading Donbas back in 2014, and never stopped.

You are simply continuing to repeat kremlin propaganda. This is the bullshit story they used as casus belli in this invasion -- just like the bullshit story they had used as a casus belli in the Winter War.
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It's false because it never happened. It's made up.

So let me get this straight in my head, your claim is that Donbas shelled and bombed Ukraine for 7 years (widely acknowledged by many media sources) and Ukraine did NOTHING.
That is certainly the official line (try and find media reports of attacks by Ukraine on Donbas if there are any I couldnt find them)

According to the UN (I know its a Russian propaganda organisation that you dont trust) over 80% of the CIVILIAN causalities in the war between Donbas and Ukraine have been in Donbas

So let me get this straight in my head, your claim is that Donbas shelled and bombed Ukraine for 7 years (widely acknowledged by many media sources) and Ukraine did NOTHING.
So I just explain to you what happened, and you immediately lie about what I said.


BTW, your own link exposes your lie about 13k.