Russia Targets An Empty German Consulate in Kiev - Latest Reports (Edit)

When russians put their artillery amidst residential buildings,,,,,,,,,,,

possibly true, possibly not true.
perhaps you could give some sort of supporting source because the UNHR make no mention of it maybe an oversight may be your pamts are on fire I dont know.
But the Amnesty definitely say that "Ukrainian forces have put civilians in harm’s way by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in populated residential areas,"

"Between April and July, Amnesty International researchers spent several weeks investigating Russian strikes in the Kharkiv, Donbas and Mykolaiv regions. The organization inspected strike sites; interviewed survivors, witnesses and relatives of victims of attacks; and carried out remote-sensing and weapons analysis.
Throughout these investigations, researchers found evidence of Ukrainian forces launching strikes from within populated residential areas as well as basing themselves in civilian buildings in 19 towns and villages in the regions. "

"Survivors and witnesses of Russian strikes in the Donbas, Kharkiv and Mykolaiv regions told Amnesty International researchers that the Ukrainian military had been operating near their homes around the time of the strikes, exposing the areas to retaliatory fire from Russian forces. Amnesty International researchers witnessed such conduct in numerous locations."

"The mother of a 50-year-old man killed in a rocket attack on June 10 in a village south of Mykolaiv told Amnesty International: “The military were staying in a house next to our home"

and contrary to your assertions to the contrary do not seem to have withdrawn their statements or apologised for them, again IF Amnesty have repudiated these claims you might provide a link to them doing so?
Ukraine War: 'Russian soldiers held us as human shields'

Russian troops carrying out appalling acts on civilians, Liz Truss says, as children used as ‘human shields’


And of course all this is a giant red herring started by you in your attempts to excuse russian genocidal war.

This was was never about protecting Donbas from genocide, because there was no Donbas genocide. Your own link proved that -- 51 conflict-related deaths IN TOTAL over the previous 2 years, on both sides. This war was strictly about genocide and conquest for russia.

You are a genocide apologist (and of course you flat-out lied about 13k dead civilians during the previous years in Donbas, as you always do).


  • donbas deaths.png
    donbas deaths.png
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whataboutery at its finest

And of course Ukrainian civilians would lie about the actions of an army which has just invaded!

IF there is an ongoing genocide why are these people still around to tell us about the nasty Russians? why are they not in the bottom of a hastily dug ditch with a hole in their head and doused in diesel?
either there is a genocide or there is not and if there is why leave witnesses to your wrong doing?
whataboutery at its finest
You fucking dipwad, YOU ASKED ME FOR IT!!! ("perhaps you could give some sort of supporting source")

IF there is an ongoing genocide why are these people still around to tell us about the nasty Russians?
Many of them aren't. Lots of people murdered and tortured in Bucha, Irpin, Izyum, Balakleia, etc. Surely you know about those, right?

Just in Izyum alone the liberating Ukie forces found ten torture chambers and hundreds of graves. They were torturing and murdering people for pro-Ukrainian views, for Ukrainian tattoos, even for simply speaking Ukrainian language.

I shudder to imagine what Ukraine will discover in Kherson when it's liberated.

Yes, you are a disgusting genocide apologist.
Mr D #104
It's been many years since I've edited someone else's post for content.
But I'd like to believe you can make a more persuasive presentation than vulgar name-calling.
Such vocabulary excess lowers the one that uses it.
But it also degrades the cyber-neighborhood. I'd rather not do that here. You? Care to reword your #104?
Mr D #104
It's been many years since I've edited someone else's post for content.
But I'd like to believe you can make a more persuasive presentation than vulgar name-calling.
Such vocabulary excess lowers the one that uses it.
But it also degrades the cyber-neighborhood. I'd rather not do that here. You? Care to reword your #104?

You would edit his post but wouldn't edit or delete mine which are far more vulgar than anything he typed (the unedited version)..?

Care to explain how the hell that works?
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You edit his post but
I don't recall editing the post authored by anyone other than me. I tried it decades ago, but just became too much of a chore, found banning the repeat offenders the less labor-intensive solution.

Which post is it you accuse me of editing? Or would you prefer to retract your false accusation, with apology?
For further clarity, I'm pretty sure his post has been edited somehow, as I don't remember it saying that first lot of text. I assumed it was you.
Didn't mark the edit. If I had more experience editing posts I'd have known.
I did the X edit immediately after posting. I'll return later, see if the system allows a grace period for un-marked edits (to invite error correction?). I'll try editing this post later.

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The bottom line is if I got it wrong, then I'll retract what I said, fair enough.

However, the fact that you even hint at editing Victor's posts, when you haven't said so to me (hinted that you will edit or delete mine) when I have been far more vicious than Dan (and for far less good reason), is instructive of your bias towards certain posters.
the fact that you even hint at editing Victor's posts
I mentioned it, only to remind it's an ability I have, but resist using.
Mr D #104
It's been many years since I've edited someone else's post for content.
... Care to reword your #104?
I'm not sure I was excessive. I can't name many newspapers that would have printed D #104. I take no shame in joining / embracing / applying their professional standard.
This was was never about protecting Donbas from genocide, because there was no Donbas genocide

"especially the war in Ukraine’s Donbas region, which has killed more than 13,000 people in those five years." - Ambassador William B. Taylor In 2019 Taylor served as chargé d’affaires at the U.S. embassy in Kyiv.
You probably get drunk a lot. It explains your posts.
As distinguished from your own preferred posting style B #116, staying drunk?

m #115
"especially the war in Ukraine’s Donbas region, which has killed more than 13,000 people in those five years." - Ambassador William B. Taylor In 2019 Taylor served as chargé d’affaires at the U.S. embassy in Kyiv.
The number might not mean much to those not paying attention. Let's put it in context. The U.S. invasion / occupation of Iraq had its own death toll.


Further context, losing 5K from a nation of 300M+ is a terrible sacrifice. 13K from a nation the size of Ukraine is a genuine calamity. Condolence.
As distinguished from your own preferred posting style B #116, staying drunk?

m #115

The number might not mean much to those not paying attention. Let's put it in context. The U.S. invasion / occupation of Iraq had its own death toll.


Further context, losing 5K from a nation of 300M+ is a terrible sacrifice. 13K from a nation the size of Ukraine is a genuine calamity. Condolence.

Hmm, given I rarely drink, you can score another one for your monumental ignorance, stupidity and misjudging of everyone.

In your case, is it terminal stupidity? No need for drink as drinking might improve your intellect - nah, that's not possible.

Think back to "Ockham's Razor" (while you try to correct everyone else - on everything - laughable)
B #118's posting privilege @CV has been suspended until October 24, 2022.
This is likely to free up substantial blocks of time in his schedule.
Nothing to do with Trump the same claims could be made pf any of the recent presidential elections (and possibly all uS elections but they dont get much coverage here so i cant say) "hanging chad" any one?

Trump as is his way is just opportunistically exploiting long know flaws

the photos I posted largely come from the uprising in 2014 that resulted in Zelensky being in power

but if you like -
View attachment 110
In December 2021, Zelensky presented fascist Pravy Sektor commander Dmytro Kotsyubaylo with the “Hero of Ukraine” award in the Ukrainian parliament.
And Zelensky was president when he funded C14
and he was president when he awarded the absolutely not a Nazi Bandera a "Hero of Ukraine" title

View attachment 111

A recent (last 6 months) of a Ukrainian solder
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i'll have to read up, or better yet, talk to my bestie, about the hero of the year thing, but right now i lean towards him NOT being a nazi.