Quotable Quotes

"Unbelievably, the corrupt Biden Department of Justice recently invited an Iranian-backed judge from Iraq to visit our nation's capitol -- isn't that nice? He couldn't have been too impressed with our capitol. It looks like sh*t." ~ Trump, at rally in West Palm Beach
"I think people who never held public office, like you, maybe they're not qualified to be president!" ~ Sean Hannity to Vivek Ramaswamy
Hannity mostly cable these days? I don't "get" cable. BUT !!
I deduce he's a Trump fan. Trump, the president that never before held public office. Hip ocracy?
"I hereby demand a full apology from the failing Forbes Magazine, and their third-rate psycho writer, Dan Alexander, for the many false and libelous articles they have written about me..." ~ Trump, on not being included in the Forbes 400 list

"If you want to point out a single false fact in any of the articles I've published about you -- or in the book I wrote about you -- feel free to do so." ~ Dan Alexander

"Trump responds as he always has -- by lying about his net worth... We publish a detailed breakdown of our work, offering a far more accurate portrayal of Trump's personal balance sheet than the fictitious documents that the Trump Organization has created over the years." ~ Forbes Magazine
"... he [Trump] repaid the loans in full so no actual injury was done as a result of the false information." MC #405
As I was preparing this post I planned to suggest that might seem to support Trump's claim of being railroaded. BUT !!

If I understand the economics of this, Trump tricked the bankers into believing there was $collateral which was not actually available.
This shifts the risk from a secured loan to an unsecured loan. Right? The latter usually means higher risk, and therefore higher interest rate. Right?
So doesn't that mean Trump not only chiseled the banker/s, but also shifted the risk-burden from himself to the banker/s, who were inadequately prepared for default in that transaction?

It's business fraud. Right?
"James is seeking a fine of $250 million ..." #405
I'm curious about the $differential.
What did Trump actually pay?
And what would he have paid if the bank's rules were followed?
sear, if you're going to stretch that far, Trump boasted that Russia didn't invade Ukraine during Trump's administration. Hamas wouldn't have attacked Israel? Sometimes it's as bad as it looks sear.
"Remember, Republicans eat their young. They really do, they eat their young. Terrible statement. But it's true." ~ Trump
"I don't want to tell you what I had to go through with these people. Some of the dumbest people I've ever met in my life." ~ Trump on U.S. military officials

"Hezbollah's very smart. They're all very smart." ~ Trump
"You know what happens, after about 20 minutes the stuff that he's taking wears off. He gets a little groggy. He gets a little bit groggy! They say, 'Get him off the stage! That sh*t's wearing off, man! Get him off!'" ~ Trump on Biden
t #407 & S2 #409

Alright you guys.
The cliche' is: "half the people you know are below average". For most of my life I figured, even if so, it's inconsequential. If they're not smart enough to trick McD's into hiring them, they can run for congress*. BUT:

Then Trump entered.
Trump's basically a madman spewing nonsense. In a non-dysfunctional world (double-negative deliberate) it would barely warrant an asterisk in the history books. BUT !!

This maniac, the one that claims his house is the most expensive in the world, and countless other superlative boasts & claims has suckered millions! Trump continues to lead in the polls, despite his legal mire that seems to only get worse.

Bad enough that the rules of fundamental logic are suspended. Trump's fantasy world bears only tenuous relationship to reality.

Trump continues to lead in the polls.

* An oblique reference to Democrat Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania was harshly criticized online after saying that the United States has not sent its “best and brightest” to Congress.
“You all need to know that America is not sending their best and brightest to Washington, D.C.,” Fetterman said on “The Late Show.”

"Our country is going to have a terrorist attack. We're going to have it on our land, and it's Joe Biden and his administration's fault." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

If she paid attention to the news the US has already had a terrorist attack. That label applies to things like the Pulse nightclub shooting but more importantly the events of January 6th meet the definition of terrorism.

And the "far right" (white supremacists) pose the biggest threat of terrorism within the US.

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~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

"If she paid attention ..." S2 #412
The following pic is of U.S. President Bush [R-"TX"*] (younger) being notified of the attacks of 09/11/01.
Bush was attending the reading of My Pet Goat and remained in his chair for over 7 minutes before he began to function as commander in chief in the matter.


MTG, care to predict sunrise? Or you're not quite sure?

* The "Texan" from Connecticut.
It's a dangerous world. That's why the United States of America has a full complement of H-bomb ICBM. BUT !
They're not of much use against enemies from within, such as the Jan. 6 insurrectionists.

It seems terrorism is here to stay for the foreseeable future. Ironically, MTG's simpleminded perspective demonstrates the difficulty of the problem.
"The department stores refused to use the word 'Christmas.' They wouldn't say 'Merry Christmas!' They'd say, 'Happy New Year!' They'd have red, they'd have everything for everybody. I said, 'Where's Christmas?' and by the time we finished they all had Christmas there." ~ Trump
"Massive information and 100% evidence will be made available during the Corrupt Trials... OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROYED. MAGA!!! Does anyone notice that the Election Rigging Biden Administration never goes after the Riggers, but only after those that want to catch and expose the Rigging dogs?" ~ Trump

"Ranting and raving like a lunatic." ~ Trump, on NY Attorney General Letitia James
"Massive information and 100% evidence will be made available during the Corrupt Trials... OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROYED. MAGA!!! Does anyone notice that the Election Rigging Biden Administration never goes after the Riggers, but only after those that want to catch and expose the Rigging dogs?" ~ Trump
"Ranting and raving like a lunatic." ~ Trump, on NY Attorney General Letitia James
"In the fevered state of our country, no good can ever result from any attempt to set one of these fiery zealots to rights, either in fact or principle. They are determined as to the facts they will believe, and the opinions on which they will act. Get by them, therefore, as you would by an angry bull; it is not for a man of sense to dispute the road with such an animal." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 24 Nov. 1808, to his grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph

Well TJ, you have me wondering sincerely. Was it really MAGA-bad in the 19th Century? These clowns stormed our capitol. Some have been sentenced to over a decade of incarceration.
"I'm for us. You know how you spell us, right? U.S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before? I'm reading and said 'us.' You know, when you think about it, us equals U.S. If we think of something genius, they [gesturing toward reporters] will never say it." ~ Trump
When a senior is such a buffoon that we can't distinguish satire from his actual behavior it's reason for concern about his stability, his grip on reality.
When that buffoon is not merely a candidate for president but leading in the race, that's Twilight Zone territory.
"Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Dorothy
"I'm for us. You know how you spell us, right? U.S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before? I'm reading and said 'us.' You know, when you think about it, us equals U.S. If we think of something genius, they [gesturing toward reporters] will never say it." ~ Trump #418
