Quotable Quotes

"The problem is the human heart. It's not guns... This is not the time to talk about legislation." ~ House Speaker Mike Johnson
"The problem is the human heart. It's not guns... This is not the time to talk about legislation." ~ House Speaker Mike [stone wall] Johnson
Preferring vague, ambiguous hand-gestures, legislator Mike "This is not the time to talk about legislation." Johnson.

- ah -
So it's still time for carnage. got it
"I can literally probably count the seconds before an incident like this becomes politicized, and that part of it I never like." ~ Fox host Sean Hannity
"I will never let them silence you. And in the end they aren't after me, they are after you. I just happen to be, unfortunately for me, standing in the way." ~ Trump
"I will never let them silence you. And in the end they aren't after me, they are after you. I just happen to be, unfortunately for me, standing in the way." ~ Trump
My hero hoagie01b.JPG.

I'm not sure when on his death-bed, in calm, mortal, final reflection, whether the orange eminence will think it was worth it.
"He's already saying it's going to be about retribution, and he's a very petty man, and it's all about him. He has a very fragile ego. Something happened to him as a kid." ~ former Attorney General Bill Barr on a Trump second term

"I called Bill Barr Dumb, Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy, a RINO WHO COULDN'T DO THE JOB...Now this moron says about me, to get even, 'his verbal skills are limited.'" ~ Trump

Speaking of limited verbal skills:

“Trump Has a Vocabulary of About 50 Words”: Ann Coulter Mocks Trump’s Tiny Vocabulary in Savage Takedown​

Sounds like someone is scared about what those children will say on the stand

"...There is no Victim (except me!). Leave my children alone, Engoron. You are a disgrace to the legal profession!" ~
Trump to judge, in 2:28 a.m. post
"If we don't win, this country's going to be fire hell." ~ Trump on 2024
If we don't win this [Vietnam] war, the Pacific Ocean will become a red sea. President Richard M. Nixon
You may be right Dick. BUT !!

You Donald are a self-serving egotist. You're projecting your own egotistical craving on a nation of hundreds of millions. And if MAGA sincerely perceive 4 more Biden / Democrat years as "fire hell" [sic] then MAGA are pansies. A chipped fingernail is not a cataclysm. Grow up.
"Make me look sexy." ~ Donald Trump Jr. to courtroom sketch artist Jane Rosenberg

"It's in the middle of a school week." ~ from Ivanka Trump's court filing arguing she'd face "undue hardship" if forced to testify next week
"They say, 'Trump wasn't tough on Russia.' I was so tough on Russia. Putin said, 'If you're not tough now, I'd hate like hell to see you if you were tough.'" ~ Trump
"I call them 'the J6 hostages' -- not prisoners. I call them the hostages." ~ Trump
"A broken clock is right twice a day"? DT: you and I may disagree about a great deal. On this narrow, specific detail, I have no objection.
"We won, the last time, 50 states. Think of it, 50 states. We won every state...The whole thing is a lie...The whole election is a lie." ~ Trump on 2020
"We won, the last time, 50 states. Think of it, 50 states. We won every state...The whole thing is a lie...The whole election is a lie." ~ Trump on 2020
Even if also uncommon I thought it was customary to screen some defendants for mental competence. Is there a compelling reason to make an exception for Trump here?
a) If Trump knows he's lying, he's sealing the fate of his inevitable conviction.
b) If not, how can we present Trump as competent? The defendant's perspective is clearly not reality-based. Thus this trial holds Trump to a standard he may not meet.
"You're just scum." ~ Nikki Haley on Vivek Ramaswamy during GOP debate

"Aren't we all fed up with the Deep State bullsh*t? End the bullsh*t! We want Trump, the Magadore, to kill that goddamn bull!" ~ Roseanne Barr at Trump rally
"Al Capone, who was a notorious killer, had one indictment, and Donald Trump has four indictments. That would tell you something right there." ~ Ben Carson
"The radicals are the Democrats, because they kill babies in their eighth and ninth month, and they'll kill babies after birth." ~ Trump