Quotable Quotes

BC #439
Some casual news consumers may be thinking the fuss over Trump hasn't amounted to much, and won't until there's a conviction. But,
there already has been.

Jury finds Trump Organization guilty of tax fraud on all counts

"The radicals are the Democrats, because they kill babies in their eighth and ninth month, and they'll kill babies after birth." ~ Trump
Any candidate that exposes the error in his opponent's position may be regarded as formidable.
When a candidate can't find such error to expose, and instead concocts fiction to ridicule & lie about,
that too may be regarded as a formidable opponent.
What a lot of people commenting on other sites don't seem to realize is that the current trial is not about guilt or innocence but is simply to determine damages.

Anybody running a $pool?
I haven't followed the trial. I'd only be guessing about how many $figures. BUT !!
Seven seems like a nice round $number. $1.2 $M ?
Can't guess any more wildly than that.
"Their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House." ~ Trump spokesman Stephen Cheung, on critics comparing Trump to Hitler and Mussolini because of his "vermin" speech
The Late Show host Stephen Colbert interviewed author Rachel Maddow Tuesday regarding the prospects
for the United States from a second 4 year term for President Trump.


It's about as alarming as it gets. Maddow mentioned Trump's intention to invoke the "Insurrection Act which will allow him
to use U.S. military force against American civilians at home." Maddow

Nutty notions are not unique to Trump. What's unique to Trump is that Trump currently holds a long-tenured lead among his
Republican rivals in the Republican 2024 presidential candidate campaign.
Compounding that alarming fact is recent polling data indicates Trump also leads his Democrat opponent, President Biden.

All this leads to the obvious question:
Can a democratic society, can voters in our Constitutional republic forfeit our Constitution? Abandon our rule of law to replace it with ... ?

The fact is, we are alarmingly close to learning the answer to that from newspaper headlines, following a Trump election victory in 2024.

Alarmingly close.
"On Day One, instantly fire 50% of federal bureaucrats. Here's how: if your SSN ends in an odd number, you're fired. That downsizes the government by half." ~ Vivek Ramaswamy
"On Day One, instantly fire 50% of federal bureaucrats. Here's how: if your SSN ends in an odd number, you're fired. That downsizes the government by half." ~ Vivek Ramaswamy the twit #448
You're a half-stepper Viv !
Reductio ad absurdum. If you're smart enough to understand "federal bureaucrats" are the problem, then your - solution - solves only half that problem.

By your logic, if firing half the federal bureaucrats is good, isn't firing them all twice as good? AND !!

The sooner we eliminate government bureaucrats entirely, and the U.S. government they constitute, the sooner we begin to reap the manifold benefits of anarchy. Utopia !

right ?

Pseudo-cons test my tolerance for humanity.
"Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem. Ronald Reagan"
I can easily appreciate a sincere conservative point of view. BUT !!
Reagan was an authoritarian that approved authoritarian government "solutions" to issues he / they perceive as problems. Reagan's VP wrote a Constitutional amendment to render flag burning illegal.
Reagan supported abortion restrictions (authoritarian government "solution"), & Drug War.

George Will summed up pseudo-cons:
"... everyone's for big government. The American People say we hate big government, but we like our social security and medicare. That's 38% of government right there. The biggest components of government are the most popular components of government."
"What's pernicious about deficits for conservatives is this. It makes big government cheap. What we're doing, we're turning to the country, the "conservative" administration turns to the country and says: We're going to give you a dollar's worth of government, we're going to charge you seventy five cents for it. And we're going to let your kids pay the other quarter." George Will Nov 30, 2003
like anagrams ?

Ronald Wilson Reagan = A long-insane Warlord (or Insane Anglo warlord)

Ronald Reagan = A darn long era
"We published a piece that [Trump] really hated, in which the author Marie Brenner wrote that she had noticed that on his desk he had Hitler's speeches. And he went ballistic. And in fact, at a benefit six months later he passed behind Marie Brenner at the dinner party and he emptied white wine down the back of her dress. And that in a sense was a little flash of the Trump we know today." ~ former Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown in 2017 interview
"We published a piece that [Trump] really hated, in which the author Marie Brenner wrote that she had noticed that on his desk he had Hitler's speeches. And he went ballistic. And in fact, at a benefit six months later he passed behind Marie Brenner at the dinner party and he emptied white wine down the back of her dress. And that in a sense was a little flash of the Trump we know today." ~ former Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown in 2017 interview
I wouldn't be too alarmed if someone owned a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf. Ownership is not ideological endorsement. "Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer."
I have an English bound volume of Chairman Mao's little red book. Doesn't mean I'm an Ångström away from becoming ChiComm. BUT !

I was not party to bloody insurrection. I don't call my political enemies "vermin". I'm not running from president (while simultaneously running from conviction in separate law courts).

Brenner's observation may not in itself be alarming. But in the context of Trump's history, including mirroring the previous century's preeminent megalomaniac, Brenner's desk discovery corroborates an alarming reality.
There is no viable "coincidence" excuse for Trump here.

For those interested in a little light supplemental reading:

Hitler's Mein Kampf was banned in Germany for almost seventy years, kept from being reprinted by the accidental copyright holder, the Bavarian Ministry of Finance. In December 2015, the first German edition of Mein Kampf since 1946 appeared, with Hitler's text surrounded by scholarly commentary apparently meant to act as a kind of cordon sanitaire. And yet the dominant critical assessment (in Germany and elsewhere) of the most dangerous book of the twentieth century is that it is boring, unoriginal, jargon-laden, badly written, embarrassingly rabid, and altogether ludicrous. (Even in the 1920s, the consensus was that the author of such a book had no future in politics.)

For the Asian version:

Chairman Mao's "little red book" is available PDF:
Every Communist must grasp the truth, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

"I have a castle. At some point, maybe in my very old age, I'll go there and do the most beautiful thing you've ever seen." ~ Trump to judge, who asked about his holdings in Aberdeen
"I have a castle. At some point, maybe in my very old age, I'll go there and do the most beautiful thing you've ever seen." ~ Trump to judge, who asked about his holdings in Aberdeen
"THE most beautiful"?!
Giving birth to a litter of kittens ?!wow!

I've misjudged you sir.
"Every sane person without what they call Trump Derangement Syndrome -- Do you know what that is? It's a great honor. I had a disease named after me: Trump Derangement Syndrome -- wants to get back to how great we had it under the Trump Administration." ~ Trump
"Every sane person without what they call Trump Derangement Syndrome -- Do you know what that is? It's a great honor. I had a disease named after me: Trump Derangement Syndrome -- wants to get back to how great we had it under the Trump Administration." ~ Trump #457
"Great honor" perhaps DJ. BUT:
Your disease may be cruelly disfiguring. Is it fatal? There are others whom you may have met that are also named Trump, including your wife & sons. How do you know your disease isn't named after one or more of them?
There was a baseball player named Lou Gehrig. And not only did he contract a fatal disease. The fatal disease he contracted had the exact same name as he had. What are the odds of that ?!
"2024 is our final battle...We will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL!" ~ Trump
"2024 is our final battle...We will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL!" ~ Trump
Without seeming too whimsical about it, this is about as dire a peril to our Constitutional republic as I have experienced.

The following include law professor Lawrence Tribe's perspective on it.

The legal war continues over whether former President Trump should be disqualified from the ballot in Colorado.
The case is over Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which bars a person from future office if they have taken an oath to the Constitution and later engage in an insurrection or aid the Constitution's enemies.
On Friday, a Colorado district judge ruled that Trump did engage in an insurrection by inciting the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, but said the little-known clause doesn't apply to the presidency.

Now both Trump and the plaintiffs in the case, backed by the nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, have filed appeals.
Joining me now to discuss is Laurence Tribe.
He's a constitutional scholar at Harvard Law School and first backed the 14th Amendment theory earlier this year.
Professor Tribe, thank you so much for joining the "NewsHour."

The judge ruled that Trump engaged in an insurrection, a notable ruling, but that, for the purposes of the 14th Amendment, the president is not -- quote -- "an officer of the United States."
To the average person, that might be pretty confusing, that every other public official, senator, congressmember, qualifies under this, but the president doesn't.
Can you explain that?

LAURENCE TRIBE, Professor, Harvard Law School:
Well, it's quite confusing, and, in fact, it was confusing to the trial court judge herself.
She conducted a very elaborate weeklong trial.
There was a great deal of evidence, on the basis of which she carefully found, by clear and convincing evidence, that Donald Trump, not only on January 6, but in the lead-up to January 6, having taken an oath to support the Constitution, turned against it and engaged in an insurrection against it.
But, amazingly, she said, the language of the 14th Amendment, which was designed to protect the country and protect democracy from insurrectionists who had taken an oath to the Constitution, exempts the president.
She said that that may sound preposterous.
And it does, because it is.
The language clearly covers the presidency as an office under the Constitution.
It's described that way throughout the Constitution.
Donald Trump himself described it that way in his filings in other cases.
And, in fact, exempting the presidency would turn the Constitution upside down.
It would mean, among other things, that Jefferson Davis, having led the Confederacy, could then have turned around after the Civil War and been president again.
That's not the way the Constitution was designed or written.

LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: There's a few other things I want to get to, but this is being appealed to the Colorado Supreme Court now.
So what do you expect to happen next?
Well, I think the Colorado Supreme Court, which is on a very expedited schedule, is quite likely to reverse the bizarre holding that exempts the president, a holding that would, among other things, mean that:
- presidents could accept emoluments from foreign countries,
- that you could have a religious test for the presidency.

Having done that, the question is, will they find some basis to overturn the really important holding of the trial court, that this was an insurrection against the Constitution and that Donald Trump engaged in it?
If they don't overturn that holding, they will order that Trump not be on the ballot.
And he will then seek review in the U.S. Supreme Court, which will undoubtedly agree to hear the case on an expedited basis, because the primary election is going to occur really quite soon, in early 2024 in Colorado.

LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Professor, Michael Mukasey, the former attorney general under George W. Bush, argued in an op-ed recently that Trump is not an -- quote -- "officer of the United States," which is some of the language that they use in the 14th Amendment.
And he cited a 2010 ruling by the Supreme Court where Chief Justice John Roberts said that the people do not vote for officers of the United States.
So what's your response to that argument?

It's completely wrong. ...

more at: https://www.pbs.org/video/ballot-challenge-1700608014/