Quotable Quotes

"We went to buy a turkey today. It was $90! It's all a choice by Joe Biden." ~ former Rep. Jason Chaffetz on Fox News
- Toforkyou Jason. - Joe Biden

Happy Thanksgiving everyone else !
Producers began to cut back on raising the birds back in 2019 after turkey prices crashed. Then the pandemic hit, further curtailing production. Inflation has also pushed up the price of whole turkeys. Farmers and processors are paying a lot more for feed, fuel and labor, which can be scarce.
Producers began to cut back on raising the birds back in 2019 after turkey prices crashed. Then the pandemic hit, further curtailing production. Inflation has also pushed up the price of whole turkeys. Farmers and processors are paying a lot more for feed, fuel and labor, which can be scarce.
President Trump could solve both this problem, and the U.S. Southern border immigration problem in a finger-snap if he gets a second term.
Current livestock inventories would suffice. That eliminates the need of further "feed, fuel and labor".

Then all President Trump need do is change the traditional Thanksgiving feast from turkeys to Guatemalans.

Yep, he's still leading in the polls. Possibly something in there to be thankful for.
Possibly not.
"I'm well known but I'm not known well." VP Mike Pence on ABC thisweek 23/08/20


Seems you've solved both problems Mike.
Why should Republican voters settle for VP when they can vote for P ?
Even if he's out on bail.
"It ain't gonna be the dude from Mississippi that's gonna kick me, a New Yorker, out of Congress. No offense to people from Mississippi." ~ Rep. George Santos on House Ethics committee chairman Rep. Michael Guest
" No offense to people from Mississippi." ~ Rep. George Santos on House Ethics committee chairman Rep. Michael Guest
Right you are George. Why single out a red State for doing right when you George Santos can do wrong by the entire country by trying to cling to your ill-gotten gain, the house seat you lied your way into? Volley ball champ ?!
"Never forget: the press is the enemy, the press is the enemy, the press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy; the professors are the enemy. Write that on a whiteboard 100 times, and never forget it." ~ Nixon to himself, on tape, after winning re-election in 1972
I didn't know they had "whiteboard" (magic-mark / erase) in Dick's day.
"The problem with pictures on the internet is that you never know if they're real. Abraham Lincoln" shiftless2.currenteventsii
#469 PS
"Never forget: the press is the enemy, the press is the enemy, the press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy; the professors are the enemy. Write that on a whiteboard 100 times, and never forget it." ~ Nixon to himself, on tape, after winning re-election in 1972

"I was under medication when I made the decision not to burn the tapes." -- President Richard Nixon

Nixon is recognized as the only U.S. president to terminate his own presidency prematurely, before the 4 years was complete. He resigned in disgrace. We dodged a bullet. Nixon's chosen VP was Spiro Agnew, who would have become president of the United States, had Agnew not left office under a Nixon administration / executive branch scandal independent of Watergate. The GOP didn't look all that ethical, principled back then. Republicans have made substantial contributions toward revising this disappointing political persona. As improbable as it may seem, this Republican reputation has only gotten worse since then.
How extraordinary is this?
As a result, the GOP has ceded political conservatism to the Democrats. If you want your vote to support political conservatism, vote Democrat.
"We've got the weakest military that we've had in your or my lifetime." ~ Sen. Tommy Tuberville

"Interestingly" (amusingly) "Coach" Tubervile [whhoopsie] is listed as a U.S. senator from Alabama. BUT !! A character string search for "Republican" produced zero hits, at the above URL.

Not clear what criterion Tommy T. has in mind, but he'd have to provide more than unsubstantiated insult.
"They're really worried. Trump's not eating." ~ Kevin McCarthy, explaining his post-January-6th Mar-a-Lago visit to Liz Cheney
"They're really worried. Trump's not eating." ~ Kevin McCarthy, explaining his post-January-6th Mar-a-Lago visit to Liz Cheney
Why would Kevin McCarthy visit Liz Cheney at Mar-a-lago ?

- oh -
The visit was to Mar-a-lago, the explanation was to Liz Cheney.
That makes much more sense than the other thing.

Happy December

In the spirit of the season, let us all wish President Trump success in his second term as president. Deport everyone! & have a nice day
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), English author. Sherlock Holmes, in The Sign of Four, ch. 6 (1889)
It took a strong wind to topple the white house tree.

To topple Biden, a lot of hot air.


Remember the good ol' days?


What does this prove?
We need fewer trees at the white house, and more Bush's?
"I do not criticize him on television because I don't think it's right, and I know it drives him crazy." ~ former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Trump