Quotable Quotes

"A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason -- in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us." ~ John Kelly, Trump's longest-serving WH chief of staff, on the former president
No question he's running scared - good thing he already wears diapers

Trump on judge: "Rogue... Deranged... A Democrat operative... Should be disbarred."

on Letitia James: "A racist... A terrible person... Very corrupt and incompetent... She's a fraud. And this case should be dismissed... You ought to go after this attorney general."

on the trial: "A sham... A scam... A continuation of the single greatest witch hunt of all time."
Trump last week criticized Milley's handling of the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in 2020 and said, without providing evidence, that "this guy turned out to be a Woke train wreck who, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States."
"This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!" Trump said on Sept. 22 on his Truth Social platform.
Mark Milley, set to retire as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says he will take "appropriate measures" to ensure his security after former president Donald Trump suggested he had committed a treasonous act that would have once warranted death.
"You want to come at me and call me a RINO -- you can kiss my ass!... You go around talking your big game and thumping your chest on Twitter. Yeah, come to my office, come have a debate, motherf***er." ~ Rep. Chip Roy on Rep. Matt Gaetz

"I don't have a lot of advice for my House colleagues, other than this: Follow your heart, but take your brain with you. I also advise all my House colleagues to be sure and take their meds." ~ Sen. John Kennedy
Rep. Chip Roy [R-TX]
Rep. Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
Sen. John Kennedy [R-LA]

They's all Republicanians.

note: RINO = Republican in name only
This internal taunt (one Republican to another) might have had more meaning before the GOP's ideological political cohesion exploded.
Though President Trump may well be considered the leader of the Republican party at the moment, who is to say what precisely the Republican party stands for? The answer evidently is whatever defendant Trump wishes to declare it is, on his own spur of the moment whim.
t #383

Perhaps legally there's question about whether Trump actually issued a death threat.
Legally wouldn't that be addressed by whether government steps are taken in response?
Reportedly government actions are being taken in response.

So they're giving Trump a pass on this, because the hot water Trump is in is already deep enough?
I think it would be hard to convince a court that Trump had actually issued a death threat (although I'm sure he knows that he has enough unhinged followers that it's quite probable that one of them will try to take him up on it).
And there's the rub.
Two categories of law apply here.
- The obvious: statute, law that emanates from a legislature. BUT !! Equally binding,
- precedent, stare decisis. Been years since I spent much time in a law library. And researching precedents on a narrow topic can be time-consuming tedium.

Sidestepping that: it is a theatrical cliche' when the mafia don says: it would be a terrible shame if this guy was accidentally run over while he was crossing the street.
Not an explicit homicide order. How much different is that from what Trump said of Milley? AND !!!

Isn't that pretty much what Trump did to stir up the Jan. 6 insurrectionists? It may seem more indictments for Trump is overkill. I'm not seeing much daylight between Trump's Jan 6 - fight like Hell, or you won't have a country anymore -
and Trump's "comment" on Milley.
While I agree that there is little or no difference between Trump's statement and that of a Mafia Don will either of them end up in jail because of it.
While I agree that there is little or no difference between Trump's statement and that of a Mafia Don will either of them end up in jail because of it.
The mafia don only says it on camera when it's written into his script.

Different story w/ Trump.

I wish Milley well. Not clear to me how satisfying a retirement a guy like that can have. I suspect military bearing is so deeply ingrained in his personality that swilling mai tais on a beach on the Riviera would feel awkward to him.

Coaching little league would be a sharp stick in the eye.
will either of them end up in jail because of it.
I've read the investigation of Jan 6 is the most complex crime investigation in U.S. history.

I'm stunned to disbelief at how casual Trump is being treated about it.
Why a SWAT team didn't swoop down & grab Trump because of that, and allow Trump to travel only Hannibal Lector style: straight-jacket & hand-truck.

Meanwhile Trump's numerous co-conspirators serving felony sentences seems as baffled by it as I am. "They" are punitive with me, but Trump still romps gaily about vying for a 2nd bite.
"Crooked Joe's coffers must be loaded up with cash. I wonder how much they got paid for Rigging the Election?" ~Trump

"There has been a moral decay in our country because too many of our leaders have traded the truth for a lie." ~ Rep. Lauren Boebert
"We can actually dampen our forests with water that costs us nothing that will come pouring down from the north. Wouldn't that be nice? If you had dampened floors, you wouldn't have forest fires." ~ Trump on California
"Crooked Joe's coffers must be loaded up with cash. I wonder how much they got paid for Rigging the Election?" ~Trump #391
Apparently many, including some party to the invasion of our capitol on Jan 6 believe this, despite bipartisan agreement that it's nonsense. BUT !
As you observe here:
"without the producers of The Apprentice hyping Trump as some sort of super genius businessman he wouldn't have rec'd those millions of votes." S2 @

if they'll believe one, should it surprise us they also believe the other? Perhaps a course in critical thinking should be added to the curriculum in U.S. "public" (government) schools. If we had President Clinton might be late in her second term.
"There has been a moral decay in our country because too many of our leaders have traded the truth for a lie." ~ Rep. Lauren Boebert
"Among life's perpetually charming questions is whether the truly evil do more harm than the self-righteous and wrong." Jon Margolis

I'm sincerely curious whether Boebert, MTG, etc know they are wrong but spew the rhetoric to spread their ignoble cause, or whether they're actually stupid enough to believe their own absurd rhetoric.
"We can actually dampen our forests with water that costs us nothing that will come pouring down from the north. Wouldn't that be nice? If you had dampened floors, you wouldn't have forest fires." ~ Trump on California
I agree with Trump on much of this, except:

"water that costs us nothing". If this were the brainchild of a 12 year old child it might seem impressive.
But from a man presented as a world-class businessman it's nonsense.

Land purchase and taxation costs aside, gold in a gold mine might be said to cost "nothing". But mining it can cost $millions.
Likewise the water Trump mentions might seem to cost nothing nestled in the lakebed. But transporting it and distributing it evenly in sufficient volumes to suppress wildfire would be spectacularly expensive, cost-prohibitive in fact.
And if Trump doesn't know that, how valid is the claim that he's a superior businessman?
"They haven't seen anything like what's coming at us in 25, 30 years, maybe ever. It's tremendously big and tremendously wet." U.S. President Trump commenting on Westbound hurricane Florence 18/09/11 12:34PM/PT / MSNBC

"This is an island. Surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water." U.S. President Trump, Washington DC 17/09/29 11:42 (/ MSNBC) commenting on Puerto Rico in context of the difficulty of providing U.S. federal disaster relief following hurricane Maria
"This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water." U.S. President Trump 18/09/18 commenting on hurricane Florence

"That statement ... is one of the dumbest we've ever heard, from the standpoint of stupid." political satirist Stephen Colbert 18/09/19
Still leading in the polls. :oops:
The GOP today is less a political party and more an inchoate mass of cultural grievances, conspiracy theories and lowest common denominator political slogans. Trump, for all his toxicity, is a symptom of the GOP’s decades-long descent into madness. Legislating is not seen as a tool for bettering the plight of the American people but rather an opportunity to troll Democrats and play to the perceived slights of the party’s rank-and-file supporters.


An unflattering if lucid perspective.
"We kiss the hands of those who planned the attack." ~ Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, denying that his country was behind the surprise assault by Hamas
"... denying that his country was behind the surprise assault by Hamas" Khamenei #397
openly expressing vehement support. That would seem to be an unlikely disparity for a "Supreme Leader" of a nation with well established historic record for involvement in such bloodshed.
sear, Khamenei distinguishes planning from execution. He reveals detail on Iran's involvement.
He does narrow it down to "those who planned the attack". Nope, not sure why. But it does seem like a disclosure, whether inadvertent, or deliberately veiled.