Quotable Quotes

Speaker Gingrich (R-GA) is a pro.
It's unlikely Gingrich doesn't understand the error embedded in the quotation.

So why?
It energizes the base. Such falsehood helps ignoble Republicans to feel just a little less ignoble.

It's not merely that by packing the courts Republicans have managed to usurp the right of choice Roe v. Wade enumerated.
By the martial usurpation of this right, Republicans pretend to heroism.

It's quite sad. It's anti-science. It's anti-social. It's anti-Liberty. It's Republican.
"Buy ammo, clean your guns, get storable food and water. Be prepared! Things are going to get bad before they get better." ~ 11/10/20 post by Proud Boy leader Joseph Biggs, sentenced yesterday to 17 years in prison for seditious conspiracy
"That's, I think, why people get nervous about Trump; he doesn't do what's popular or what's right. Or what I should say, he only does what's right, he doesn't do what's popular." ~ Trump legal spokesperson Alina Habba
"Buy ammo, clean your guns, get storable food and water. Be prepared! Things are going to get bad before they get better." ~ 11/10/20 post by Proud Boy leader Joseph Biggs, sentenced yesterday to 17 years in prison for seditious conspiracy
Good idea no matter what. Not sure it rises to "advice". What sense does it make to not have ammo for a dirty gun?
Good / bad are the yin and yang of subjective human experience. When ever in human history could it not have been correctly observed that "things are going to get bad before they get better"?
"Don't forget that if the Left had their way, they'd take away your grill." ~ Rep. Marsha Blackburn
I don't recall a significant segment of the Democrat caucus advocating taking away my grill. SO !! Either Blackburn is wrong, or Democrats are not "the left", - OR -
I don't recall a significant segment of the Democrat caucus advocating taking away my grill.
Think that was in reference to the ban on gas stoves (which was overturned)

Think that was in reference to the ban on gas stoves (which was overturned)
Yes, in general a dialing back of propane (LP) consuming appliances, both indoor & out. That's one of the cute things about the quotation. The specific propane appliance named is the one most stereotypically red-neck. Women run the gas stove in the kitchen. Men run the gas grill on deck. "Grill" is an obvious reach for emotional leverage.
Phasing out Carbon fuels is a dandy idea. But we needn't lurch into the abyss about it before breakfast tomorrow. I have both electric (UPS) and fossil fuel (propane & gasoline) backup power. "Don't forget that if the Left had their way, they'd take away your grill." ~ Rep. Marsha Blackburn" #345
This comment interpreted at grammar school level might present Rep. Blackburn as a Paul Revere, heroically spreading a dire warning. BUT !
Those who know, know it ain't so. You're all wet Marsh.
"People are not affecting climate change. You're going to tell me that back in the Ice Age, how much taxes did people pay, and how many changes did governments make to melt the ice?" ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Think about how much she's being paid to be this stupid
"People are not affecting climate change. You're going to tell me that back in the Ice Age, how much taxes did people pay, and how many changes did governments make to melt the ice?" ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene #349
This might seem an appropriately logical view from a 12 year old child, a person lacking adult understanding. So the obvious questions:
- Does MTG know better, but is merely satirical?
- What's MTG's education level? And if a college degree, in what?
"There's no comparing anybody that was there -- including myself -- with George Washington or any of the Founding Fathers. We invoked 1776 and the Constitution...That was a perversion." ~ Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio, sentenced to 22 years re Jan. 6, in court
" #349 ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Think about how much she's being paid to be this stupid
Alarming. BUT !!
Think about not only that she got votes, but that she got enough votes to be elected to congress.
"He must be removed. His son Jared must be prosecuted...F*** these people...Run again, you'll get your f***in' brains beat in." ~ Roger Stone on Trump, 1/20/21, in clip released by documentary filmmaker Christoffer Guldbrandsen
The GOP is in extreme crisis.
Impressive that they're doing as well as they are, having undermined themselves so severely during this 8 year Trump era.
"I am standing with President Trump. I am proudly supporting him. He can be a handful at times, but I thought he was a good president." ~ Sen. Lindsey Graham
"I think that Crooked Joe Biden is not only dumb and incompetent, I believe that he has gone MAD, a stark raving Lunatic...He is a mental catastrophe that is leading our country to hell...Thank you." ~ Trump in video post
"I am standing with President Trump. I am proudly supporting him. He can be a handful at times, but I thought he was a good president." ~ Sen. Lindsey Graham
"You know how to make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to Hell." Senator Lindsey Graham 15/12/08
Why would Lindsey Graham comment on Donald Trump in 2008? What brought that on?
my bad
I'm a little bit a computer geek.
I use the:
Year, Month, Day, and Hour, Minute, Second date format, aka YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
So Senator Graham said that in December 2015.

If you (for example) archive any digital photography I recommend the YY/MM/DD format, for each sub-folder in the year folder.
Using this format automatically sequences each sub-folder chronologically.