Quotable Quotes

"If the Biden administration refuses to stop the invasion of cartel-led human and drug trafficking into our country, states should consider seceding from the union...Does it mean civil war? No. It's about avoiding civil war. Is it secession? No, it's not secession." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
"If the Biden administration refuses to stop the invasion of cartel-led human and drug trafficking into our country, states should consider seceding from the union...Does it mean civil war? No. It's about avoiding civil war. Is it secession? No, it's not secession." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
I'm a little w/ MTG on this one.

If we deny a population the right of self-determination, we undermine the legitimacy of the United States of America as Thomas Jefferson explained it in our Declaration of Independence.
In practical terms such whining population pockets are not likely to prosper on their own as they do in our union. Texas has tried. Texas attempted to save a little by avoiding federal standards for their commercial power grid.
And Texas may have succeeded in avoiding the federal standards. Texas paid the penalty, losing commercial power for days during a Winter storm.

And then there's the matter of preserving sovereignty. "States", the term MTG uses, if seceded would then be left to their own national defense. That might seem inconsequential from our perspective. But what about ten or twenty years from now as China continues to expand its global dominance?

It's easy to nitpick while reaping the benefits of union membership. It's not likely the popularity of such secession would be maintained much beyond the generation that seceded.
Examples abound, including the U.K. removing itself from the E.U.

self-de·ter·mi·na·tion (sĕlf′dĭ-tûr′mə-nāshən)
1. Determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion; free will.
2. Freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; independence.

self′-de·termined (-tûrmĭnd) adj.
self′-de·termin·ing (-tûrmĭ-nĭng) adj. & n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
"Everything that is happening with Trump is the persecution of a political rival for political reasons....This is good for us in today's conditions, because it shows the rottenness of the American system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy." ~ Putin

"Putin has now officially endorsed the Putin-wing of the Republican Party. Putin Republicans and their enablers will end up on the ash heap of history. Patriotic Americans in both parties who believe in the values of liberal democracy will make sure of it." ~ Liz Cheney
S2 #363
"Putin has now officially endorsed the Putin-wing of the Republican Party. Putin Republicans and their enablers will end up on the ash heap of history. Patriotic Americans in both parties who believe in the values of liberal democracy will make sure of it." ~ Liz Cheney
Got a link?
Problem is "liberal" is a Republican code word meaning simultaneously demonic and unredeemably destructive (to the Republican agenda).
If Cheney were trying to communicate an idea she could have done so without that one word. Same sentence entirely except omit that one word.
That suggests some percent of her motive is a finger in the eye to the GOP. I don't know Liz well. But before reading that I'd have believed she was more interested in constructive information / insight than twisting the knife.

S2 if you have a link to authoritative source for this Cheney "quotation" I'd like to review it. Perhaps in context it might make more sense.
Try here - it's part of her tweet

But if you click thru to her post on X (aka Twitter) it's amazing just how much orange KookAid people have drunk.
"KookAid" S2 #365
oh ! - yigh -

Thanks for the link.
Still not sure what to make of it. Liz is likely to know "liberal" is an insult among Republicans, used by Republicans to insult & dismiss their political opposition, often Democrats.
So has she used it here for sour grapes? I [Liz] may be out of office, BUT I can still insult the Republicans that ousted me? In their own terms? - OR -
Perhaps trying to drain the venom from it, showing that both constructive Republicans and constructive Democrats can be in some substantive sense "liberal"? *

this image from PBS NewsHour 23/09/14
* "It [liberal] is pretty much now a lost word, in the original sense of being an effort to restrain government; and one has to keep that in mind when using it." William F. Buckley Jr. April 2, 2000 on C-SPAN
Trump: "I'm allowed to take these documents...When I have them they become unclassified. People think you have to go through a ritual. You don't, at least in my opinion...All I know is I'm allowed to have those documents."

Megyn Kelly: "But once you get a subpoena you have to turn them over."

Trump: "I know this. [pause] I don't even know that! I have the right to have those documents, so I don't really know that. These are Democrat fascists that are there to interfere with an election."
"Remember, it's a Democrat charging his opponent....That means that if I win and somebody wants to run against me, I call my Attorney General and I say 'Listen, indict him!' 'Well, he hasn't done anything wrong that we know of...' 'I don't know, indict him on income tax evasion, you'll figure it out.'" ~ Trump, on having been indicted
Trump's shtick seems elementally simple to me. Trump misinterprets, relying on superlative terms to exaggerate to extreme, and outright lies. "I will build a great, great wall ...".
At the bowling alley in Peoria such braggart is an annoyance.
At the white house in DC the stakes are elevated vastly beyond that.

worth noting:
Recent poll data indicates Trump is yet once again careening toward the Republican presidential nomination.
"This is a disgusting lie against Mayor Rudy Giuliani -- a man whose distinguished career in public service includes taking down the Mafia, cleaning up New York City, and comforting the nation following September 11th." ~ Trump attorney John Eastman, on former Trump WH aide Cassidy Hutchinson's claim that Giuliani groped her backstage at the Jan. 6 rally in Eastman's presence
"I slowly shook my head. The President pulled the mask off and asked why I thought he should not wear it. I pointed at the straps of the N95 I was holding. When he looked at the straps of his mask, he saw they were covered in bronzer. 'Why did no one else tell me that? I'm not wearing this thing.'" ~ former WH aide Cassidy Hutchinson on Trump's decision not to wear masks during the pandemic
"Why would White House men -- prez, vp, senior aide -- EVER hire a woman after watching book pimps Cassidy Hutchinson, Alyssa Farah, Stephanie Grisham, Kayleigh McEnany, Oliva Troye throw mud at Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, et al. Pimp ladies be giving real MAGA WOMEN bad name." ~ former Trump adviser Peter Navarro
"Menendez is a 'piker' compared to some of those Election Stealing THUGS... I wonder how much they got paid for Rigging the Election?" ~ Trump on Senate Democrats and 2020, yesterday

"I'd like to make clear I would not back the former president of the United States. He's dangerous for the country. He is willing and has shown time and time again willingness to proliferate lies." ~ Cassidy Hutchinson, former Chief of Staff to Mark Meadows, on Trump, last night
"Cass, if I can get through this job and keep [Trump] out of jail, I'll have done a good job." ~ WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to aide Cassidy Hutchinson, in June 2020
"If they can do this to me, they can do it to YOU!" ~ Trump, on a ruling that he defrauded banks, insurers, and others for years by overvaluing and undervaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth by billions of dollars

How dare they? This means that if you commit massive fraud on this sort of scale you too can be convicted of a crime or crimes
"How dare they? This means that if you commit massive fraud on this sort of scale you too can be convicted of a crime or crimes" S2 #376
This yet once again raises the question whether Trump secretly knows he's a criminal, but is skilled The Art Of The Dodge, excuse-making. Or if his confused rhetoric accurately reflects his confused state of mind.

Whatever the case, despite serious criminal indictments pending, according to recent polling, if the election were held today Trump would likely be re-elected. 😳
"We don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We don't take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we're willing to die to protect it." ~ Gen. Mark Milley, stepping down as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

"A moron." ~ Trump on Milley, in response

"I don't know who he was referring to there..." ~ Mike Pence, asked about Milley's "wannabe dictator" statement
"We don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We don't take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we're willing to die to protect it." ~ Gen. Mark Milley, stepping down as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
"A moron." ~ Trump on Milley, in response
"I don't know who he was referring to there..." ~ Mike Pence, asked about Milley's "wannabe dictator" statement S2 #379
You blew the whistle on Pence before the 2016 election. And in this 2024 race Pence seems to me to be among the most slippery of Republican candidates. Sensible voters can't take DeSantis seriously.
Pence may seem to some a little more rational, which may make Pence a little more dangerous.

Ordering a hit on retiring JCS chief Gen. Mark Milley is unconscionable.