Quotable Quotes

Musk is going to keep having kids until he finds one that likes him.

"If I had a nickel for every time that I found out I had a new half-sibling online, I'd have a few nickels -- which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened SIX SEPARATE TIMES." ~
Vivian Jenna Wilson, Elon Musk's daughter
"I pardoned J6 people who were assaulted by our government. They didn't assault. They were assaulted, and what I did was a great thing for humanity." ~ Trump
I started out thinking the following excerpt was the focus.
"... I'd have a few nickels ..." Vivian Jenna Wilson, Elon Musk's daughter
The commentary provided deeper insight.

"Musk is going to keep having kids until he finds one that likes him." #1,301
Some seeking the presidency have philanthropic motive.
I've long believed Trump has pursued power for the sheer enjoyment of wielding it. Unlike other presidents, not for the benefit of the People, the nation, but to benefit himself.
But I also believe Trump quantifies his own value as a human being (self-worth) in $US. The emoluments clause a factor?
Trump knows he's a failure, his net worth and business practices a Potemkin Village.

I don't recall reading it, though I can't be the first to consider:
Trump & Musk may be drunk on "money is power" and they're flaunting their power, busting up stuff, because they think they can get away with it.
So do I.
They got away with it the last time, albeit the only pres. to be twice impeached, and the only pres. I know, a convicted felon.

#1,301 helps connect the dots.
Musk is gutting the federal government, even dabbling in NYC congestion pricing. https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-03612

"Musk is going to keep having kids until he finds one that likes him." #1,301
Musk is so unpopular even his own kids don't like him, is the implication. That's consistent with reports of Musk being ruthless to work with.
Seems to me Trump's kids fawn on Donald.
But both Don & Elon seem to enjoy not merely wielding power, but abusing power ruthlessly.

"I pardoned J6 people who were assaulted by our government. They didn't assault. They were assaulted, and what I did was a great thing for humanity." ~ Trump
Two peanuts were strolling down the boulevard. One of them was a salted.
"This is the ultimate dick boss move from Musk -- except he isn't even the boss, he's just a dick." ~ Sen. Tina Smith, on Musk's tell-me-five-things-you-accomplished-last-week-or-else email sent to millions of government employees on Saturday
"You know Social Security is wrong, you know Medicare and Medicaid is wrong, so he's going to cut one trillion." ~ Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick, to Fox News
"You know Social Security is wrong, you know Medicare and Medicaid is wrong, so he's going to cut one trillion." ~ Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick, to Fox News
This is yet one more reason governmentalizing individual citizen's $finances is such a spectacularly hideous idea.
If each citizen / taxpayer / voters retained full control of their own money, this Lutnick delusion would be immaterial.

The principle is taught in HazMat training. "Accidents" result from an unsafe condition, and an unsafe act.
Government insinuating itself into the life & livelihood sustaining finances of individual citizens is unimaginably idiotic. An unsafe condition.

Privatize these, and this Lutnick risk drops to $zero.
Privatize these, and this Lutnick risk drops to $zero.
Unless the gov't is providing life annuities that people have to purchase with their funds (and individuals are not allowed to touch those funds until they retire) this won't do as much as you might think.
"Unless the gov't is providing life annuities that people have to purchase with their funds (and individuals are not allowed to touch those funds until they retire) this won't do as much as you might think." S2 1,307
Reason enough to exclude that.
We could clarify in paragraph form. But we needn't go beyond obvious quotations:

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." Thomas Jefferson

"The proverb warns that "You should not bite the hand that feeds you." But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself." psychiatrist Thomas Szasz

"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime."

However benevolent the government excuse, the fact is these "entitlement" programs don't make citizens more self-reliant. They make us more dependent.
Has U.S. government taken this approach for benefit of the individual citizen? Or because it substantially strengthens the "stick" of carrot-&-stick governance / citizen control? Obey our commands, or forfeit what you've labored a lifetime to acquire.

"There is no law that says we have to go to work every day and follow our employer's orders. Legally there is nothing to prevent us from going to live in the wild like primitive people or from going into business for ourselves. But in practice there is very little wild country left, and there is room in the economy for only a limited number of small business owners. Hence most of us can survive only as someone else's employee."
Excerpt from Unabomb Manifesto: mathemagician author convict Theodore Kaczynski; sentenced to Lifetime imprisonment without possibility of parole
Lest we forget - he's the one that negotiated and signed it .....

"Best agreement we ever made." ~
Trump, signing his trade deal with Mexico and Canada, 2020

"Who would ever sign a thing like this?" ~ Trump, on that same trade deal, 2025
"The president has put together I think literally the best cabinet the country has ever had. This is an incredible group of people." ~ Elon Musk, in first meeting of new Cabinet

"Elon, let the Cabinet speak for just a second: Anybody unhappy with Elon? -- If you are, we'll throw them out of here. [laughter]" ~ Trump, asked in meeting by reporter if all Cabinet members approve of Musk's actions
Trump didn't take the escalator ride (down escalator, savor the foreboding symbolism) on election day 2016. He was early enough to swindle a following.
It's been a decade.
The Kamala message #1,311 presents the integrity of a carnival barker.
What Trump says may be news-worthy because he's president.

That a voting plurality has fallen for this huckster again is shameful, embarrassing, & makes all the more alarming a headline.

Apparently half the U.S. voters are far, far below average.

Trump doesn't seem too particular about what he says. Evidently, neither are Republican voters.
Whenever I see the words Trump and escalator in the same sentence I remember him perving on a ten year old coming down the escalator in his building
Astronomer / astrophysicist / Pulitzer Prize winning author / professor Dr. Carl Sagan was doing Q & A.
A perky co-ed began: "How are you Dr. Sagan?"
Sagan turned to her directly, drew scholarly breath, & replied: "I
am fine.
Next question."

Donald Trump is a ding-dong.
And his father, the president isn't much better.
"You're either going to make a deal or we're out, and if we're out, you'll fight it out. I don't think it's going to be pretty." ~ Trump to Zelensky

"My fellow Americans, we are in completely uncharted waters, led by a president, who -- well, I cannot believe he is a Russian agent, but he sure plays one on TV." ~ Thomas L. Friedman
"You're either going to make a deal or we're out, and if we're out, you'll fight it out. I don't think it's going to be pretty." ~ Trump to Zelensky
"My fellow Americans, we are in completely uncharted waters, led by a president, who -- well, I cannot believe he is a Russian agent, but he sure plays one on TV." ~ Thomas L. Friedman #1,316
When Trump approached President Zelenskyy to help railroad Hunter Biden, Zelenskyy sidestepped the minefield with diplomatic skill.

There was little if any mystery about what Trump's intentions were for the white house visit at issue.
This renders all the more baffling why Zelenskyy even agreed to attend.
And in lieu of sound judgement in being present, Zelenskyy certainly could have been better prepared, yet fell for it lock, stock, and barrel.

The best time to snuff out a wildfire is while it's still on the match. BUT !!
Evidently the non-Russian world prefers to await the conflagration.
"The biggest ponzi scheme of all time." ~ Elon Musk on Social Security

"Social Security staffing is already at a 50-year low while the number of beneficiaries increases by 10,000 people daily." ~ Rich Couture, president of AFGE, representing 42,000 Social Security employees
"The biggest ponzi scheme of all time." ~ Elon Musk on Social Security
I can't name a bigger one Elon.

There's a long list of reasons Social Security is a spectacularly bad idea.
That a South African maniac would intercede to knee-cap it may not have been high on the list of reasons to advocate reform, it could not be ruled out.

If a different program were substituted whereby the individual citizen owned his / her / its retirement equity, retirement in the U.S. would be less vulnerable to Trump / Musk miscreants.

"Social Security staffing is already at a 50-year low while the number of beneficiaries increases by 10,000 people daily." ~ Rich Couture, president of AFGE, representing 42,000 Social Security employees
A.I. to the rescue?

Automation has made impressive improvements in our culture in my lifetime.
The first telephone I used in the 1950's had no dial. To make out-going call:
uncradle the receiver and speak the telephone number into the mouthpiece.
From there a human operator at a "switchboard" would complete the connection.

The rotary dial, and after that touch-tone dialing revolutionized telephony.

How long will it be before we elect a robot to the white house?
There's a long list of reasons Social Security is a spectacularly bad idea.
It wasn't a bad idea - it just wasn't well designed when it was instituted.

When Social Security was implemented there were approximately 16 workers per retiree. Now there are three and that's projected to drop to two in the relatively near future.

And when Social Security was introduced a 65 year old could be expected to live some 13-14 years. Today they can be expected to live over 20 years so almost twice as long
