Quotable Quotes

"It wasn't a bad idea - it just wasn't well designed when it was instituted." S2 #1,320
A distinction without a difference?
If it were designed substantially differently, it wouldn't be Social Security. Clearly it's the design that is the problem.

"The biggest ponzi scheme of all time." ~ Elon Musk on Social Security #1,318
Anyone wish to challenge that?
I know of no exception. The inevitable end of any pyramid scam is collapse, failure. Rhetorically the only thing to save Social Security is "too big to fail". That means forestalling a catastrophe with a disaster.

Any such system should be robust enough to be immune from adversity. Are 401k funds at risk to the Trump / Musk mushroom cloud?

"When Social Security was implemented there were approximately 16 workers per retiree. Now there are three and that's projected to drop to two in the relatively near future." S2 #1,320
The original implementers may not have known the precise date upon which this even occurs. They needn't.
It was inevitable.

401k is impervious to this.

"The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits." Thomas Jefferson

"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion." Thomas Jefferson

"The proverb warns that "You should not bite the hand that feeds you." But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself." psychiatrist Thomas Szasz

Social Security as currently manifest renders U.S. citizens, retirees more dependent, not less.
401k is the opposite. The difference? U.S. federal government administers the former, but regulates the latter.

U.S. government deliberately inflicting policy rendering its citizens even more dependent upon it, coincidence? As much so as the sunrise.
"One big pyramid scheme." ~ Elon Musk on the US government
pyramid scheme
A fraudulent moneymaking scheme in which early participants are paid out of money received from later recruits, with the final recruits putting money in and getting nothing back.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

Elon, I think of it more as a protection racket.

"The biggest ponzi scheme of all time." ~ Musk on Social Security
I can't name a bigger one. HOWEVER !

Even if so, that does not justify further victimizing the victims by pulling the financial rug out from under them in their dotage.
Fix the system if you like Elon. But take food off the dining tables of several million of your closest friends, and you may hope you live long enough to regret it
a lot.
"Our Constitution is in actual operation; everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." Benjamin Franklin
Well Ben, we're fast careening toward our quarter-millennium anniversary. BUT !!
There are persuasive indications we may be closer to the end of our democratic republic than the beginning of it. Happy birthday to U.S. ?
BTW, just in case you thought he wasn't a lapdog

"The new [Trump] administration is rapidly changing all foreign policy configurations. This largely aligns with our vision." ~
Putin press secretary Dmitry Peskov
"The new [Trump] administration is rapidly changing all foreign policy configurations. This largely aligns with our vision." ~ Putin press secretary Dmitry Peskov
On the bright side, Trump & Putin can joyfully divide the spoils of the Russo-American conquest of Western Europe. tra la !

As yet to be determined, once he becomes the president of Europe, will Trump provide a tax cut for the uber-€wealthy there as well?
"We care about veterans tremendously. That's something the president has always cared about. But at the same time, we have... a fiscal responsibility to use taxpayer dollars to pay people that actually work...Perhaps they're not fit to have a job at this moment, or not willing to come to work." ~ Trump adviser Alina Habba, on 6,000 fired veterans
“We fell in love.” President Trump commenting on his relationship w/NK/KJU

“There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” President Trump2018, after his poorly prepared summit w/ NK/KJU
Got it.
Trump's a sucker for autocrats, including Kim Jong Un, and V. Putin. That apparently is why Trump is demonstrating his own homicidal hostility to Ukraine's President Zelenskyy.
It's a metaphorical pat on the back to Trump's autocratic role-model from Moscow.
Innocent humans are likely to die as a result of Trump withholding U.S. military battlefield intelligence from Ukraine's battlefield command. [Malcolm Nance]
"One way or another we're going to get it." ~ Trump, on Greenland #1,329
Apparently Trump isn't content to settle for mere metaphorical butt-sniffing.
Trump seems intent on applying this model to Trump's own international conquests, in Greenland, Panama, & Canada.

There is a magnificent but under-reported tendency among senior U.S. military / Pentagon commanders to either act on irresponsible presidential commands
with as little damage as possible.
And when minimizing damage is not sufficient, to disregard the irresponsible presidential order entirely.

This may be why Trump discharged such key U.S. military senior commanders in office during the Biden administration.

This Trump administration seems to be a greater peril to the United States Constitution than that inflicted by the attacks of 09/11/01 by UBL,
& perhaps as bad or worse than the Jan.6 insurrection.
"Washington under Trump has become Nero's court; an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers, and a jester on ketamine in charge of purging civil service. We were at war with a dictator, Putin, and now we're at war with a dictator supported by a traitor. It is a tragedy for the free world but first and foremost it is a tragedy for the United States!" ~ French Senator Claude Malhuret
French Senator Claude Malhuret #1,331
"We have accomplished more in 43 days than most administrations accomplished in 4 years, 8 years — and we are just getting started. I return to this chamber tonight to report that America’s momentum is back. Our spirit is back. Our pride is back. Our confidence is back. And the American Dream is surging bigger and better than ever before."
U.S. President Trump address to congress 25/03/04 bold emphasis sear's
"Expectation is the death of serenity." psychologist Joy Browne
I'm going to post this under the Second Term thread as well
