"I'd like it to be closed immediately. The Department of Education is a big con job." ~ Trump
"Con" as you've used it here is an abbreviation for "confidence":
That means obtaining confidence to perpetrate fraud, swindle.
You think education is a swindle?
Just how Mr. president do you propose to sustain U.S. competitiveness into the future in our ultra-competitive globalized environment
if you disadvantage our future labor pool?
"Penny wise, pound foolish"?
"'60 Minutes' are the biggest liars in the world. They engaged in deliberate deception to interfere with the last election. They deserve a long prison sentence." ~ Elon Musk
Institutional Award: 60 Minutes
When 60 Minutes first aired in 1968 as a “magazine for television”—featuring co-hosts Mike Wallace and Harry Reasoner—it was met with inattention from critics, indifference from audiences, and skepticism from journalists. One prominent national newspaper editor dismissed the show as “entertainment, not journalism.”
Fifty years later, when the ticking of that Aristo stopwatch pops up on millions of American television screens every Sunday night, it signals that serious journalism is about to be committed, and it may be entertaining as well. 60 Minutes has become nothing less than a touchstone in American life, championing the “little guy” in struggles against corrupt politicians, unscrupulous corporations, and uncaring, inaccessible institutions. With regularity, 60 Minutes pursues investigations that lead to legal action, catalyze social change, and illuminate dark government secrets.
The longest continuously running program in American network prime time, it is also, by many measures, the most successful evening program in the history of television.
The winner of 23 previous Peabody Awards (not including yet another one this year), 60 Minutes consistently delivers hard-hitting, exclusive, thoroughly reported stories that help the American citizenry better understand phenomena as varied as Watergate, Abu Ghraib, symphonic orchestras in the Congo, cocaine smuggling by the CIA, and Stormy Daniels.
"'60 Minutes' are the biggest liars in the world. They engaged in deliberate deception to interfere with the last election. They deserve a long prison sentence." ~ Elon Musk
You mean like this Elon?
Prison, where "outside-the-box" connivers congregate to hone their criminal repertoire, before returning to society to demonstrate their criminal acumen to men & women, boys & girls, rich & poor, young & old, native & immigrant, white-collar, blue-collar, intelligentsia, ignorigentsia, tall persons in short pants, and prison, prison.
Is that "prison" sentence long enough for you Elon?