Quotable Quotes

"I'm not allowed to testify. I'm under a gag order....Nobody's ever had that before...I'm not allowed to talk...It's such a rigged court." ~ Trump, lying about his situation
"... a former president ... can't understand ... basic difference between a gag order and their right" trex #761
That would explain it trexy, but isn't the only possible explanation. Also possible he knows, & lied.
How "is this weirdo even in consideration for another go at the presidency? How?" trex
By popular preference trex.
Several others, among them more qualified candidates competed against Trump for the Rep. nom.
They lost.
He won, by the deliberately expressed official approval of millions of Republican primary voters.

Clearly trex, your cogent struggle to reconcile this Trump implausibility results from your applying rational criteria.
Plausible or not, Trump falsely accusing "such a rigged court" is not deemed by these voting U.S. citizens as a reason to select another candidate,
so far.


Go For Joe this No vember !!
"I think the abortion issue should largely be taken off the table because the individual states are doing what they're doing. It's really not that big of an issue." ~ Trump
"I think the abortion issue should largely be taken off the table because the individual states are doing what they're doing. It's really not that big of an issue." ~ Trump #763
At this point I'd expect Trump to say that. Why?
- It gets him close enough to Dobbs for whatever political (electoral) benefit there may be. But
- It still accords him plausible irresponsibility.

What remains unclear to me:
- whether most Trump supporters are too stupid to know Trump's scamming them, or
- they know, and don't care.
Shades of #761

"He's taken away my constitutional right to speak... It's a fake trial. They have no case. And it's been absolutely proven now. They have no case...They have absolutely no case... It's a ridiculous case. I did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing wrong." ~
Trump, on judge and election fraud case
Mr. Former President:
During the most recent decade you've raised reason for doubt of your veracity.
"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16 www.DonaldJTrump.com
At your explicit request sir I have indeed marked your words.
Shades of #761
"He's taken away my constitutional right to speak... It's a fake trial. They have no case. And it's been absolutely proven now. They have no case...They have absolutely no case... It's a ridiculous case. I did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing wrong." ~
Trump, on judge and election fraud case #765
Mr. Former President:
If this is yet another of your lies then you confirm that you are unfit for the presidency you seek.

And Mr. Former President, if your above quoted assertion is true you confirm that you are unfit for the presidency, for being a weak, & ineffective leader.
If "They have no case" as you claim, and with all the resources available to you not only as a "successful" "wealthy" business man, but also as a "successful" former president, you can't even defend yourself when "They have no case"
then how can you expect U.S. voters to believe you would be an effective president defending not merely against a U.S. law judge, but against Russia, China, terrorists, cyber-warriors, and more?

I thank you for your candid disclosure sir. In this case you serve US well.
"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16 www.DonaldJTrump.com

For once he may have been telling the truth

"I spotted Ratings Challenged Lawrence O'Donnell, of MSDNC, in the Courthouse today. I haven't seen him in years. He looks like s***, a real loser!" ~ Trump

"[A worm] got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died." ~ RFK Jr.
"I spotted Ratings Challenged Lawrence O'Donnell, of MSDNC, in the Courthouse today. I haven't seen him in years. He looks like s***, a real loser!" ~ Trump
Many things Trump says indicates he doesn't know what he's talking about, such as the ostensible heroism of Robert E. Lee. BUT !!
Regarding looking like s***, and being a "real loser" I consider Trump an authority. One might even call Trump "accomplished".
"[A worm] got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died." ~ RFK Jr.
Thank gosh it hasn't impaired my ability to advocate anti-vax,
or run for president.
- or -
"[A worm] got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died." ~ RFK Jr.
Sorry to hear that RF.
How's the worm? ; )
A prediction? Or a threat?

"At the end of the day, the 47th president will be Donald Trump." ~
Sen. Tim Scott, asked if he will commit to accepting the 2024 election results
A prediction? Or a threat?
"At the end of the day, the 47th president will be Donald Trump." ~
Sen. Tim Scott, asked if he will commit to accepting the 2024 election results #771
I saw a brief vid clip of this. Scary. Disappointing.

Donald J. Trump seems to have put Republican integrity on life-support, technically alive, but inert, comatose.
This Republican political duplicity is a contagion. The only medicine that may temporarily assuage it is Biden's reelection.
"A drowning man will clutch at a straw." - Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
"At the end of the day, the 47th president will be Donald Trump." ~ Sen. Tim Scott, asked if he will commit to accepting the 2024 election results #771
One might say Senator Scott's tongue is as forked as Stormy Daniels.
"The late great Hannibal Lecter. He's a wonderful man." ~ Trump, at rally

"Jimmy Connors." ~Trump, referencing Jimmy Carter

"If you take a look at President Xi of China, talking about Beijing -- now they've got ships circling, they have planes -- they're never doing anything." ~ Trump, confusing Beijing with Taiwan
~ Trump, confusing Beijing with Taiwan
So Trump isn't a detail man.
I put effort into getting it right, and still sometimes fail, for example conflating Taiwan with Hong Kong.
I'm not trying to justify or excuse Trump here. BUT !

I'm more concerned about his $Billion campaign donation offer to $big $oil than I am about Trump getting President Jimmy Kaulter's name wrong.
"There was no crime. Everyone's saying there was no crime." ~ Trump, at courthouse

"There's no crime here." ~ House Speaker Mike Johnson, at courthouse
"There was no crime. Everyone's saying there was no crime." ~ Trump, at courthouse
"There's no crime here." ~ House Speaker Mike Johnson, at courthouse #776
Sadly, it's yet another demonstration of Republican partisanship subordinating citizenship.
Several Republicans, some in uncharacteristic moments of candor, have challenged Trump. BUT !!

Sometimes attributed to Confucius: When rape inevitable, relax and enjoy it.

Evidently they're resigned to Trump being their party's nominee, so they're rallying to Trump's campaign.
Re #776

"There was no crime. Everyone's saying there was no crime." ~ Trump, at courthouse
"There's no crime here." ~ House Speaker Mike Johnson, at courthouse #776
Trump and his supporters are trying to make out that this is a crime about sex and cheating on his wife. It's not - it's about falsifying business records to hide the payoff.
"Trump and his supporters are trying to make out that ..." #778
... or any other deflection they hope might work.
The one I find most alarming, evidently the one preventing the law judge from jailing Trump for his now double-digit violations, is that the entire prosecution is partisan political, contrived, without any merit. - piffle sticks -
BUT !! The mere accusation may not be immediately recognized as preposterous.
... the entire prosecution is partisan political, contrived, without any merit.

That's what Trump and his lawyers are trying to make his supporters believe. Not true but the MAGA crowd is going to believe him and, because much of the testimony is "over the top" lurid they're going to use that as grounds for appeal.