Quotable Quotes

"And we will do it again!" ~ Eric Trump on post claiming the Trump family "gave up everything to Save America"
"Your family has sacrificed nothing, your name will become synonymous with 'Benedict Arnold,' and how dare you tweet this, THIS weekend." ~ former Rep. Adam Kinzinger in response
current score
Eric: 0
Adam: 1

status report:
The Trump formula: lie
It's so simple a 7 year old can understand.
What tests credulity is its wild popularity. It seems a significant portion of the U.S. electorate doesn't rise to the 7 year old's intellect. BUT !!

They vote.
I've heard people ask which of the Trump kids is the dumbest. Every time Eric opens his mouth he answers that question.
I was thinking of the "Trump kids" not Daddy. Barron is too young and although various news reports make make it sound like he's a brat he's never done anything to demonstrate he's any were near as dumb as his brothers. We don't hear much from Ivanka and except for some pictures of her wedding we've never heard much about Tiffany.

And that leaves Donnie Jr and Eric
"Trump kids" not Daddy" #804
That's what I figured. It seems my comedic switcheroo fizzled.
None the less there doesn't seem to be a sharp knife in the Trump drawer, other than perhaps Melania. She doesn't qualify as one of Trump's sons either.
True to form, rather than me quitting while behind, might as well double-down.

This bloke's family bidness was the royalty bidness.
He didn't like it. So he got out.


Compare that to Trump's sons. They're more or less in the swindle bidness.
They seem to be clinging to it desperately.

It strikes me as a stark contrast.
I don't know much about Harry. Saw him in late night interview w/ Stephen Colbert.
Harry seemed to be fairly alert, rational, likeable. I wouldn't birth a spool of barbed wire if he moved in next door.

Different story with any of the Trumpsicles.
I don't know much about Harry. Saw him in late night interview w/ Stephen Colbert.
Harry seemed to be fairly alert, rational, likeable. I wouldn't birth a spool of barbed wire if he moved in next door.
He comes across as a quite likeable bloke. Remember, he spent ten years in the army and did two tours in Afghanistan - while he was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth he can clearly relate to the average man on the street. And his brother William completed more than seven years of full time service (he qualified as a helicopter pilot in the RAF)
"Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country..." ~ Trump post

That's an excerpt from this

"he spent ten years in the army and did two tours in Afghanistan"
The U.S. and the U.K. had different styles in Afghanistan.
The U.S. patrolled with armed troops in flak vests.
But in separate areas the U.K. troops patrolled without flak vests, command's way of sending a message to the natives:
- we're not here as combative occupiers, we're here as cooperative defenders, to protect native Afghanistan from corrupting foreign influences including UBL / al Qaeda -

The U.S. prez gets Secret Service protection. Not sure what they did while Carter was doing construction w/ Habitat for Humanity.
Brit royals don't have body guards? In war zones?
his brother William completed more than seven years of full time service (he qualified as a helicopter pilot in the RAF)
iirc Bill's pappy King Chaz, also a chopper pilot, was in on the Faulkland's War mum started (& or finished).

Based on about zero I wonder if such royal participation is mainly to advance the military objective, or instead to burnish the royal résumé.
"Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country..." ~ Trump post #807
Can't make this stuff up!

Trump's leading in the polls, including most of the "battle-ground" States.

Joe! Bud-A !
Don't forget that the late Queen Elizabeth served in the British Army during WWII. And, if memory serves correctly she was offered an opportunity to evacuate but refused.
Don't forget that the late Queen Elizabeth served in the British Army during WWII. And, if memory serves correctly she was offered an opportunity to evacuate but refused.
An ambulance driver iirc. I checked:
This source says Liz trained as a truck mechanic.

Perhaps the distinction is what Elizabeth trained for, and what she actually actually served in war.

Another famous ambulance driver, in the world war before: Ernest Hemingway tried to enlist in the US Army, failed the physical examination due to poor eyesight. Hemingway signed up with the Red Cross as an ambulance driver.

more @ https://www.ernesthemingwaycollection.com/about-hemingway/ernest-hemingway-in-italy
"Trump is a moderate. Trump is actually a very good man with a big heart and he wants to bring people together." ~ Steve Bannon

"A hater, and she hates at levels rarely seen before." ~ Trump on Rep. Ilhan Omar
Sounds like he knows that the evidence against him is irrefutable

"Mother Teresa could not beat these charges." ~
Trump, as jury began deliberations
"The only crime that I've committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it." Trump 23/04/09 on FOX Easter Sunday
"Sounds like he knows that the evidence against him is irrefutable" S2 #813
ghhaaaaaassssssP !
Are you calling former President of the United States Trump a liar ?!

Think it through #813.
If any president, or presidential candidate got caught in a lie it would expose him as untrustworthy. It would be political suicide. That's why all our politicians are so meticulously honest. Right?
"Gary Hart and Donna Rice" #815
Ahhh, the good ol' days. *
- Bill Clinton doesn't have a small penis. Geniffer Flowers has a BIG MOUTH ! -

* Worth noting:
Hart dug his own grave on that one. Rumors claimed Hart defiantly challenged reporters to check. They did. BUT !!
That was a simple matter of promiscrewity / marital infidelity iirc.

According to New York State law the charges being deliberated against Trump would be misdemeanor charges, if not for their having been committed in connection with other crime, which elevates it to felony, according to reliable sources.
And in light of how close the 2016 election was, and the fact that Hillary was ahead in the polls for a year before the election, along with evidence of Russian interference in the election,
raises serious questions about whether the crime now being deliberated against Trump helped influence the outcome of the election.
"Import the Third World, become the Third World. That's what we just saw. This won't stop Trump. He'll win the election if he's not killed first...Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family." ~ Tucker Carlson

"The Democrats have succeeded in their years-long attempt to turn America into a third-world shithole." ~ Donald Trump Jr.
"Import the Third World, become the Third World. That's what we just saw. This won't stop Trump. He'll win the election if he's not killed first...Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family." ~ Tucker Carlson #817
You're a mother tucker.
"The Democrats have succeeded in their years-long attempt to turn America into a third-world shithole." ~ Donald Trump Jr. #817
... but Republicans could have accomplished worse in less than half the time?

D jr,
Witness Protection won't help you sir. It seems your last resort is a bag over your head.

Paper, or plastic? :)
"The only thing President Donald J. Trump has ever been guilty of is loving this country too much." ~ Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington

"To get people to agree on anything -- 34 counts? 0 for 34? That's a batting slump even the New York Mets could be impressed with." ~ sports pundit Colin Cowherd
"The only thing President Donald J. Trump has ever been guilty of is loving this country too much." ~ Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington

"The only crime that I've committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it." Trump 23/04/09 on FOX Easter Sunday

patriotism: the last refuge of a scoundrel