Quotable Quotes

From 7 lunches ago

Omnivorous sear to Carnivorous Meal Makers: Is A Frankfurter On A Bun A Sandwich?


I mean, at some point ...
How can we actually take Trump seriously ?
How can we actually take Trump seriously ?
Unfortunately too many of the guys in red hats do. If you follow along on other boards you'll see any number of comments about how he performed wonderfully during his time in office, best President ever, and so forth.
"... about how he performed wonderfully during his time in office, best President ever, and so forth." S2 #823
I know.
They include MOC [R] on the Sunday talking heads shows. And they credit Trump for peace in Europe, & the Middle East, etc.

They're dupes.

How do we know Trump was the best president ever? Because Trump TOLD us so !
Trump said so on television.
And when it's on television, it MUST be true! 8 more years !
"Witnesses that were on our side, they were literally crucifed by this man who looks like an angel but he's really a devil." ~ Trump, on Judge Juan Merchan
What is this supposed to mean?

"Every time the Biden campaign uses the shameful word 'convicted felon,' they are not talking about inflation..." ~ Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt
"Witnesses that were on our side, they were literally crucifed by this man who looks like an angel but he's really a devil." ~ Trump, on Judge Juan Merchan
"In this journey, I will never lie to you. I will never tell you something I do not believe." Donald Trump 16/08/18
So the journey is over? Ended 16/08/19 ?
Anyone surprised that he wants this in front of his paid sycophants?

"I never saw a glimmer of a smile from the jury. No, this was a venue that was very unfair...The 'Sentencing' for not having done anything wrong will be, conveniently for the Fascists, 4 days before the Republican National Convention...The United States Supreme Court MUST DECIDE!" ~
The worst thing about this quote - there are people who actually believe this is true

"Hard to believe, they have some states passing legislation where you can execute the baby after birth. It's crazy." ~
"The worst thing about this quote - there are people who actually believe this is true" S2 #830
... & or don't care enough to reason it out. Why should they? They already know they're on the right side of the issue.
- life begins at conception
- abortion is murder
There's no sense in quibbling the details. Democrats are murderers. [/satire]

"The greatest and most impactful documentary of our time." ~ Trump, on "2,000 Mules"

"Salem Media Group said on Friday that it had taken '2,000 Mules' off its platforms and that it would no longer distribute the film and the book." ~ New York Times
"Salem Media Group said on Friday that it had taken '2,000 Mules' off its platforms and that it would no longer distribute the film and the book." ~ New York Times
- bummer -
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Louis D. Brandeis
Before reunification West Germany banned Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.

The ban needs no explanation. BUT !

Brandeis' above quoted insight provides an alternate perspective. "Never forget" requires memory.
"We're taking back our country. When we get in, it's gonna go very rapidly. We're gonna do a lot of things. We're gonna look very strongly at J6. Those people -- there has never been people treated more horrifically than J6 hostages." ~ Trump
Stupidity and ignorance are not synonyms.
" -- there has never been people treated more horrifically than J6 hostages." ~ Trump #834
Trump may or may not be ignorant enough to believe this.
But what of likely Trump voters? Can they all be ignorant enough to accept or overlook this?
Stupidity and ignorance are not synonyms.

Trump may or may not be ignorant enough to believe this.
But what of likely Trump voters? Can they all be ignorant enough to accept or overlook this?
Most will accept it. The few that don't will overlook it.
Paul Harvey called it shucking right down to the cob.

Either MAGA voters are so ignorant they don't realize the dystopian future they're flirting with. Or
they're so monstrously ungrateful they know but don't care.

Compounding this insanity, among the most consequential blunders written into our amended Constitution, the electoral college.
With that Constitutionally inflicted injustice, attends tyranny of the minority.

In the new millennium the Republican party has not put a Republican president into the white house by popular vote.

<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>

On the bright side, President Biden [D] is a snoozer. Democrat voters may need additional incentive to vote this November. SCOTUS to the rescue !

By SCOTUS usurping women's right of choice by overruling Roe, they may not only have awakened a sleeping giant, but have found a way to smack Trump's future presidential aspirations down once and for all.
"Yes." ~ President Biden, asked by a reporter pre-verdict if he has ruled out a pardon for his son Hunter, adding, post-verdict: "I will accept the outcome of this case"

"His father, one of our worst presidents, is more concerned with making the gun people happy, so he won't have the courage to step in here and help Hunter. Don't worry, Joe -- I will Save your son after I get elected (for the third time)!" ~
"Yes." ~ President Biden, asked by a reporter pre-verdict if he has ruled out a pardon for his son Hunter, adding, post-verdict: "I will accept the outcome of this case" #383
I caught the sound-bite on broadcast TV.
It seemed needy, desperate, hasty, unpresidential, pandering.

I credit Trump for my deeper understanding of the human IQ bell-curve.
The cliché is: Half the people you know are below average. - snicker - BUT !
Nearly all of them wear clothes, are capable of connected speech, & have the capacity to avoid common dangers.

Or so it appeared until Donald J. Trump descended by escalator into the political arena.

His first time around Trump presented himself as an outsider, an advantage according to his own rhetoric:
"Nobody knows the system better than me." "Which is why I alone can fix it." presidential candidate Trump 16/07/21 from campaign podium
In 2016 Trump was trailing in the polls, and won.
In 2024 Trump is leading in the polls. Is this the beginning of the end?
"[It is] teaching rebellion of [sic] school board authority." Indian River County School Board on why it is banning Ban This Book, a middle-grade novel about a fourth-grader creating a secret banned-books locker library

"The school board is the final authority for our citizens. The title itself and the theme challenges our authority... It not only mentions [banned books] but it lists them." ~ board member Kevin McDonald, recently appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis


In Ban This Book by Alan Gratz, a fourth grader fights back when From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E. L. Konigsburg is challenged by a well-meaning parent and taken off the shelves of her school library. Amy Anne is shy and soft-spoken, but don’t mess with her when it comes to her favorite book in the whole world. Amy Anne and her lieutenants wage a battle for the books that will make you laugh and pump your fists as they start a secret banned books locker library, make up ridiculous reasons to ban every single book in the library to make a point, and take a stand against censorship.Ban This Book is a stirring defense against censorship that’s perfect for middle grade readers. Let kids know that they can make a difference in their schools, communities, and lives!“

Readers, librarians, and all those books that have drawn a challenge have a brand new hero…. Stand up and cheer, book lovers. This one’s for you." ―Kathi Appelt, author of the Newbery Honor-winning The Underneath

https://www.amazon.com/Ban-This-Book-ALAN-GRATZ/dp/0765385589"[It is] teaching rebellion of [sic] school board authority." Indian River County School Bo
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