Quotable Quotes

"Both of these men should be using performance-enhancing drugs... as much of it as they can get, as many times a day as their bodies will allow. If performance-enhancing drugs will improve their lucidity, their ability to solve problems -- and in one of the candidates' cases, improve their truthfulness, morality, and malignant narcissism -- then suppository away." ~ Jon Stewart
"I think she's beautiful -- very beautiful. I find her very beautiful. I think she's liberal. She probably doesn't like Trump. But I hear she's very talented. But I think she's very beautiful, actually -- unusually beautiful." ~ Trump on Taylor Swift
Trump #862
a) ewh !
b) I suppose a self-made $Billionaire that looks like that can expect to be drooled upon by a few fat celebrities once in a while.
c) That's a becoming outfit on you Taylor. But then, if I were on you I'd be coming too. [I'm terribly sorry.]
"Let me tell you about January 6... On January 6, we were respected all over the world. All over the world we were respected. Then [Biden] comes in and we're now laughed at." ~ Trump, asked about his actions on January 6