Quotable Quotes

#741 - no idea what that's supposed to mean.

That said, Trump did bring up the idea of executing his political opponents and he argues that it's covered by his supposed Presidential immunity.
Two politics-oriented adults can't decipher the meaning of this diminutive paragraph. BUT !
Trump's leading in the polls.

"Merciful Heavens!" gramma

I've been groping for a logical explanation for years. Haven't found one.
That suggests the explanation transcends logic.
"Cult of personality"? They like Trump, and don't sweat the details? - we're doomed -
Have a nice day.
"If they put him in jail for his First Amendment right he will be like Nelson Mandela." ~ Trump legal spokesperson Alina Habba
How ignorant would a voter have to be to find this acceptable? Not plausible, that's a bridge too far. "Acceptable"? Nelson Mandela had superlative moral stature. Trump is the antidote.
What Trump has in common with Mandela is bipedalism.
"... ignorant enough to believe that Trump was a good President." S2 #747
Their cherry-picked justification is not easily refuted. Relative peace at our Southern border, and more broadly around the world. The economy. etc
You and I both know these may not be attributable to any decisive executive action taken by President Trump. BUT !!
"The buck stops here." If we blame a president for misfortune during his tenure, must we not also credit him for good fortune during that same tenure? MAGAs surely do.

Doesn't mean I'm planning to vote for Trump. But it does at least acknowledge the problem.


Former Attorney General Barr prepares to vote for Trump, despite calling him ‘unfit for office’​

By: Tim Carpenter - April 30, 2024 10:53 am TOPEKA —
Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, who served in that job for Presidents George H.W. Bush and Donald Trump, said neither Trump nor President Joe Biden were “fit” to serve as president, but he would vote the Republican ticket in November. (Tim Carpenter/Kansas Reflector)
“I opposed Trump for the nomination and I spoke out, you know, from the time I left the administration to just about now, hoping that someone else would be the Republican nominee,” Barr said. “What I’m saying is that between the two of those candidates, Biden and Trump, I plan to vote Republican.
“I don’t think either of them are good candidates, and I think I have to vote for the person I think will do the least damage,” he said.


- yup -
AG Barr says Trump "will do the least damage” compared to Biden.
"This is a kangaroo court." ~ Trump
You mean, mars sue peeal?
"His stamina -- I've never seen anything like it in my life...He'll be in trial all day long, relentlessly being attacked by a corrupt judge whose family is apparently profiting off of this whole thing, only to step out and do events at bodegas and wake up and speak to union workers and go to Michigan...and all the other swing states." Eric Trump on his father
"His stamina -- I've never seen anything like it in my life...He'll be in trial all day long, relentlessly being attacked by a corrupt judge whose family is apparently profiting off of this whole thing, only to step out and do events at bodegas and wake up and speak to union workers and go to Michigan...and all the other swing states." Eric Trump on his father
a) Weak, obviously. BUT !
b) Who could do better?
Eric is an untalented victim of his own lineage. His dad is a cult of personality, and the focus of the Trump family bidness.
So, given Eric's got nuttin', he's at least semantically trying to support his dad.

Donald is a monster, a pathogen.
Eric is a victim.

The nail-biter: will Biden trump them?
"No one believes this production is serious." ~ Eric Trump on his father's election fraud trial
It's rare to find a spokesman for an entire group. Rarer still to find a spokesman for all.
Eric's assertion addresses not what we've said, but what we believe. Either that's a spectacular demonstration of supernatural ability to read the minds of hundreds of millions, or ...
he's a dope.

I feel sorry for him. And along that line of reasoning:

It's not like Eric has no other options. BUT !! It does suggest Eric knows he's sufficiently talentless that groveling in his father's shadow is his most promising option.
That is sad.
"No one believes this production is serious." ~ Eric Trump on his father's election fraud trial
- piffle -
ABC-TV's Jimmy Kimmel Live! host makes gleeful mirth of President Trump's self-inflicted manifold misfortunes, a gift which keeps on giving.

Kimmel has numerous nicknames for Trump, including:
- Vladimir gluten
- founding farter (an allusion to: In a post on X, formerly Twitter, on Monday, Cohen called Mr TrumpVon S***zInPantz” and claimed he “stinks of desperation”).
- hunchback of bloatradame

Kimmel's material may not rise to Shakespeare quality. But the joy Kimmel displays in delivering his nightly anti-Trump monologue seems to enhance the metaphorical finger in Trump's eye.
"I'm not allowed to testify. I'm under a gag order....Nobody's ever had that before...I'm not allowed to talk...It's such a rigged court." ~ Trump, lying about his situation
"I'm not allowed to testify. I'm under a gag order....Nobody's ever had that before...I'm not allowed to talk...It's such a rigged court." ~ Trump, lying about his situation
This does raise some provocative questions about media content, journalistic integrity. "Freedom of the press" rah rah
- splendid -
BUT !!
Associate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. United States Supreme Court ruling: 249 U.S. 47 - Schenck v. United States - proscribed falsely declaring fire in crowded theater. BUT !
Schenck was later partially overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, which limited the scope of banned speech to that which would be directed to and likely to incite imminent lawless action (e.g. an immediate riot).
Would a Trump re-election be "likely to incite imminent lawless action (e.g. an immediate riot)"? How many minutes in "immediate"? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Has Trump not committed to a dictatorship on day one, presumably inauguration day? Or the day thereafter? What's more immediate than that? Rome burned. Nero faddiddled.

"I'm not allowed to testify. I'm under a gag order....Nobody's ever had that before...I'm not allowed to talk...It's such a rigged court." ~ Trump, lying about his situation
Millions believe this, or are willing to proceed as if it's true, or support Trump true or not.

Seems to me " likely to incite imminent lawless action (e.g. an immediate riot)" itself needs a little overturning / refinement. If not, our republic remains in judicially facilitated jeopardy.
"Isn't it nice to have a president who doesn't read a teleprompter?" ~ Trump, at first rally on Wednesday

"These teleprompters, folks, are gonzo. They're gonzo." ~ Trump, stopping speech to adjust teleprompter at second really
"Isn't it nice to have a president who doesn't read a teleprompter?" ~ Trump, at first rally on Wednesday
"These teleprompters, folks, are gonzo. They're gonzo." ~ Trump, stopping speech to adjust teleprompter at second really #757
from Matt Basterson
Trump may not have lost his stride, catching up on his sleep in court, etc.
But not difficult to imagine Trump's campaign staff might be a bit out of step.

The #757 quotations inspire me to wonder, might Trump's campaign staff have swilled Trump's kool-aid?
Trump boasted he doesn't need a teleprompter. Might Trump's staff have taken this literally, and neglected the teleprompter set-up?
"I've got 50 people calling me, begging me...'I'll cut off my right arm, sir. Please, I want to be the vice president.'" ~ Trump
"I've got 50 people calling me, begging me...'I'll cut off my right arm, sir. Please, I want to be the vice president.'" ~ Trump
- I've got 50 people calling me, begging me...'I'll cut off my right arm, sir. Please, I want to be the vice president, BUT !! I can't decide between Marilyn Monroe, or Elvis. ~ Tramp

Mr. former President, try Benjamin Franklin.
He's smart.
He's experienced handling volatile politics. AND !
His 2025 schedule is relatively uncluttered.

Worst of luck to you sir.