Quotable Quotes

"All Americans need a Bible in their home and I have [pause] many. It's my favorite book." ~ Trump, in video ad selling the God Bless the USA Bible
"... It's my favorite book." ~ Trump, in video ad selling the God Bless the USA Bible
I'm impressed D.J.
I hadn't realized you were literate enough to use a thick book as a door-stop.

Trump has earned a reputation for not paying his due. Real estate tax exemption but one example.
Any surprise the volume Trump chose for $profit & $promotion imparts no royalty fee? - AND -
The Holy Bible is not merely "a" best seller, reportedly the best seller of all time.
Trump is if nothing else a skilled marketeer.
Perhaps if Trump had been active in 1958 we'd all still be driving Edsel's.

"224 days to victory. We are going to get it done...If the Democrats are successful in November, if means they are able to employ communist tactics...We are going to make sure that on November 5th there are no questions. Donald Trump will unanimously be the President of the United States." ~ RNC co-chair Lara Trump
"224 days to victory. We are going to get it done...If the Democrats are successful in November, if means they are able to employ communist tactics...We are going to make sure that on November 5th there are no questions. Donald Trump will unanimously be the President of the United States." ~ RNC co-chair Lara Trump
Thanks Donald. This koolaid is delicious !
" unanimously be" ~ RNC co-chair Lara Trump

[That's better than Saddam]
"Free the January 6 Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned." ~ Trump, on one of his top priorities if he becomes president again
"Free the January 6 Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned." ~ Trump, on one of his top priorities if he becomes president again #705

"All honors wounds are self-inflicted." industrialist Andrew Carnegie, (born November 25, 1835, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland—died August 11, 1919, Lenox, Massachusetts, U.S.) - source: Britannica.com

Trump applies a simple, time-tested propaganda formula.
What it has cost him is his credibility, his integrity.
Apparently, Trump thinks he got the better end of the deal, that what Trump has gained is worth more that what it has cost him.

He would know.
If you ever wondered which Trump brother was dumbest - now it's up to Eric to top this

"Biden's DOJ treated Catholics like terrorists...If you bought a Bible you were marked by your bank and that information was given to said FBI and DOJ." ~
Donald Trump Jr.
"... If you bought a Bible you were marked by your bank and that information was given to said FBI and DOJ." ~ Donald Trump Jr. #707
My belief (right or wrong) is this quotation is not 100% true. BUT !
Is it 100% false?
If entirely wrong, is there some truth upon which it's peripherally based?

I'm not trying to justify the bloke. I'm trying to understand whether he knows he's a full-blown scammer, or whether there's some semblance of self-delusion.
Same for the elder Don.

Any good propagandist knows, the most persuasive lie is the one laced with truth.
"We will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter, and destruction of our American suburbs. They are hiding all over and breaking into rural communities. They're hiding in bushes -- illegal alien criminals crawling through your windows and ransacking your drawers." ~ Trump
"We will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter, and destruction of our American suburbs. They are hiding all over and breaking into rural communities. They're hiding in bushes -- illegal alien criminals crawling through your windows and ransacking your drawers." ~ Trump #709
That illegal aliens commit more crime than native Americans is a widely popular flavor of Kool-aid.
A drowning man will clutch at a straw. - Sir Thomas More
"Bottom of the barrel" Don.
"Hey, he was higher than a kite. It was the worst address I've ever seen." ~ Trump on SOTU

Every accusation is a confession.
"Hey, he was higher than a kite. It was the worst address I've ever seen." ~ Trump on SOTU #711

Trump's forte is media s a v v y.
Some estimates indicate Trump obtained about a $Billion worth of "free" publicity in the 2016 campaign, by synchronizing his alarming disclosures to the news cycle.

Trump understands how to "read the crowd", and can modify his self-promotion based on recent feedback.
Not clear to me Trump would have gotten away with this degree of absurdity in 2015.
It seems Trump has given up on the never-Trumpers. So instead Trump's trying to energize his base so a higher percentage of them will get to the polls on election day.

The above quotation is obviously silly. BUT! Trump has history of success with it in the past.

Not sure what to make of the $fund-raising race between Don & Joe. I'd wondered whether any prospective Trump $donors would decline if they knew how much of their donation
went to Trump's legal defense, and how little of it to Trump's political campaign.
"If we don't win on November 5th, I think our country is going to cease to exist." ~ Trump #713
"Make the Hells Angels look like extremely nice people." ~ Trump on migrants from Latin America #714

Trump v Biden: who’s leading the polls? Last updated on April 9th 2024

Latest polling averages, %

Joe Biden

Joe Biden 46%
Democratic Party
Donald Trump

Donald Trump 45%
Republican Party

Editorial Comment: "Not plausible." sear

However,Trump reportedly is gaining among young voters.
Thus deliberately for electoral benefit or not, there's an appearance President Biden's efforts to purchase (buy back) this demographic with over a $Billion in tax payer dollars gifted to student loan debtors presents appearance of impropriety.

Biden Announces Student Debt Relief for Millions in Swing-State Pitch

During an appearance in Wisconsin, President Biden said 10 million borrowers could see debt relief of at least $5,000. The plan could help rally support among young voters. ...

So ladies & gents of the ballot box, you have a choice.
Would you like us to gouge out your right eye with a flaming dagger, - or -
would you like us to gouge out your left eye with a flaming dagger ?
"I don't think [Biden] won it fair. I don't. I'm not going to say that." ~ RNC chair Ronna McDaniel on 2020 election, last year

"He won. He's the legitimate president. Fair and square he won. It's certified. It's done...When you're the RNC chair, you kind of take one for the team, right? Now I get to be a little bit more myself." ~ former-chair McDaniel two weeks ago
"I don't think [Biden] won it fair. I don't. I'm not going to say that." ~ RNC chair Ronna McDaniel on 2020 election, last year
"He won. He's the legitimate president. Fair and square he won. It's certified. It's done...When you're the RNC chair, you kind of take one for the team, right? Now I get to be a little bit more myself." ~ former-chair McDaniel two weeks ago
McDaniel's defense:
I'm not stupid, I'm treacherous. I leverage my office to broadcast a lie to prioritize partisanship ahead of citizenship.

Treacherous and stupid are not mutually exclusive. If you're stupid enough to tell that lie, you're stupid, too.
"[Rep. Gary Palmer] said 'The Founders never anticipated this volume of illegals.' There was no immigration law when the Constitution was adopted at all. In fact, the only illegals in the country -- at least according to the native population -- were the people writing the Constitution." ~ Rep. Jamie Raskin
... the only illegals in the country -- at least according to the native population -- were the people writing the Constitution." ~ Rep. Jamie Raskin #718
Thanks Jamie. Thus
Euro-Americans celebrate Columbus Day.
Aboriginal Americans regard Columbus Day rather more the way Hitler's birthday would be, in Tel Aviv, or Jerusalem. "To the victor go the spoils."

a little bit sad that even the name for the continents of America are Europeanized. Wiki: Amerigo Vespucci (vesp-OO-chee,Italian:[ameˈriːɡoveˈsputtʃi]; 9 March 1451 – 22 February 1512) was an Italian explorer and navigator from the Republic of Florence, whose name the term "America" is derived from.
What did the aboriginals call it?

De·na·li (də-nälē)
A peak, 6,190 m (20,310 ft) high, in the Alaska Range of south-central Alaska. It is the highest point in North America. Denali was formerly known as Mount McKinley.

[Koyukon (Athabascan language of Alaska) Diinaalii, the tall one.]
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