Quotable Quotes

"The Democrat party hates Israel. Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed." ~ Trump
"The Democrat party hates Israel. Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed." ~ Trump
a) Obvious nonsense.
b) As alarming as Trump saying it, is that millions of U.S. voters would fall for such nonsense, the above quotation, and many others akin to it.
"Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower!" ~ Trump to NY Attorney General Letitia James, in fundraising letter

Would he rather they seize Mar-a-Lago? After all, it is owned by a NY company.

"Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower!" ~ Trump to NY Attorney General Letitia James, in fundraising letter #684
I perceive Trump as transparently farcical.
The terror is that millions of U.S. voters do not.

Regarding authenticity I believe Biden is known to wear dark tint glasses in bright light.
But the suggestion in the #684 Biden pic is he's in a theater, perhaps a commercial cinema.
If old Joe wears such glasses then, no problem. I'm skeptical about whether or not he does.
And if he does not, "photoshop".
"She should go to Jail along with the rest of the Unselect Committee!" ~ Trump on Liz Cheney

"You're trying to halt your 1/6 trial because your VP, WH counsel, WH aides, campaign & DOJ officials etc will testify against you. You're afraid of the truth and you should be." ~ Cheney
"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." V.P. Cheney"8/26/02" C-SPAN2 "You lie!" Rep. Joe Wilson [R] at President Obama [D] SOU
"She should go to Jail along with the rest of the Unselect Committee!" ~ Trump on Liz Cheney
"You're trying to halt your 1/6 trial because your VP, WH counsel, WH aides, campaign & DOJ officials etc will testify against you. You're afraid of the truth and you should be." ~ Cheney
Lizzy !
You have out-done your bionic father, reminding us what it means to be a man. Good on ya.
Forget the former VP that shares your name. He's just a Dick.
"Remember when [Trump] said 'inject bleach'? I think he must have done it." ~ Biden
Trump wouldn't be the only one.

At least 5 states report an increase in calls to poison control after Trump’s ‘disinfectant’ COVID-19 remarks​

by Aysha Qamar
Calls to poison centers have increased in a number of states following Donald Trump’s suggestion last week that disinfectants be considered a possible treatment for the novel coronavirus. Yes, people actually started ingesting disinfectants like Lysol last week. While Trump claimed his comment was sarcastic on Friday, he once again took no responsibility for the consequences resulting from his stupid remarks.


You are a scourge sir.
Yep - calls to poison control centers doubled ...
Must've been hilarious:

Nine one one, what's your emergency?
"I'm a frick in idiot!
I just chugged half a gallon of chlorox, and now I don't feel so good.
Vote for TRUMP in 2024 !"
Unit Deep 6 has been dispatched to your location sir.
The hearse will arrive there while your corpse is still warm.
. [/satire]
"Received this morning -- beautiful. Thank you! 'It's ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you... Thank you once again for taking the arrows intended for us. We love you.'" ~ Trump, quoting message purportedly posted on Truth Social by a supporter
"... Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property ..." ~ Trump, quoting message purportedly posted on Truth Social by a supporter #694
It seems Trump may be older than I thought.
"Never try to reason with a drunk, or a fool." psychologist Joy Browne
These MAGAs have OD'd on koolaid.
"You can't have an election in the middle of a political season." ~ Trump

"We'll bring crime back to law and order. We'll get those words law and order back." ~ Trump
"You can't have an election in the middle of a political season." ~ Trump #696
"...disassemble, that means not tell the truth" U.S. President Bush (younger)

Vote Republikin! Almost as good as marryin' your own mother !
" sacred landslide " DJ #699
Personal belief:
Even dyed in the wool MAGAs can't be stupid enough to believe "sacred"? "Landslide"?

Best sense I can make of it:
They know Trump is lying to them, BUT !! they like the lies enough that it doesn't matter to them that Trump doesn't actually make good on his promises, merely that he makes them.

- stunning -
and these "Americans" drive pick 'em up trucks on public roadways, vote, and carry loaded guns