Quotable Quotes

Re #639 - you can find any number of recordings of that speech. I just posted the one that came up on the top of google.
"If you think about it, you have men, you have women, and you have religion." ~ Trump
Ahhh, the reassuring logic of the syllogism:
And if you don't think about it you have ... ? An agnostic androgynous polyglot?
Re #639 - you can find any number of recordings of that speech. I just posted the one that came up on the top of google.
You may get the impression I'm lazy, too lazy to sleuth for it. That's not quite it.
I'm lazy and not too good at basic end-user research, though many a 12 year old may excel at it. BUT:

I did catch an extended sound-bite of it.

It's surely newsworthy. BUT !!
What may be far more alarming still: in the pre-Trump era this would be GARGANTUAN front page, above the fold news.
But Trump has lobotomized the People, & the 4th Estate.
Big picture, there's a persuasive "slap on the wrist" appearance to all this, that authorities proceeded at alarmingly lethargic pace.
I've puzzled over this, and found two remotely plausible explanations.

This unprecedented scale of crime left those responsible for responding simply weren't prepared. - or -
They've deliberately timed this so that wildly popular Trump obtains the Republican presidential nomination. And then after the statutory deadline Trump is declared ineligible, leaving the GOP with no (zero) candidate for the 2024 election, leaving the election to Biden.

- or -
Perhaps most likely of all, it's just they way they do stuff here.
"I got indicted and a lot of people said that's why the Black people like me...I'm being indicted for you, the Black population." ~ Trump at Black Conservative Federation gala
"I got indicted and a lot of people said that's why the Black people like me...I'm being indicted for you, the Black population." ~ Trump at Black Conservative Federation gala
iirc support from Black voters had increased since Trump's 2016 campaign. Will that increased support survive this embarrassment quoted above?
It's not just this one sentence. Trump was on a tear, and dug for himself quite a hole, a grave for many a mere mortal politician.
“In a democracy, people get the government they deserve” attributed to both Thomas Jefferson and Alexis de Tocqueville

I find it sickening that Trump literally embraced the U.S. flag displayed on stage, and then attempted to overthrow the United States Constitution, his own government via bloody insurrection.
Difficult to imagine a more articulate, grand scale hypocrisy.
"God created government, and the fact that we have let it go into the possession of others, it's heartbreaking." ~ Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker, author of concurring opinion in frozen embryo ruling
Pappy warned me: - beware the divine imprimatur.
"God created government, and the fact that we have let it go into the possession of others, it's heartbreaking." ~ Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker, author of concurring opinion in frozen embryo ruling
"God created government" Fallopians 2 : much

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." sometimes attributed to Seneca the Younger (c.3 BCE - CE 65) *

* I know this quote is commonly attributed to Seneca, but it is mistakenly attributed to him. How do I know this? In Volume 1 of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", written by Edward Gibbon,he writes, "“The various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were all considered by the people as equally true; by the philosopher as equally false; and by the magistrate as equally useful. And thus toleration produced not only mutual indulgence, but even religious concord." makingsense Administrator Rob W. Case https://makingsense.proboards.com/thread/720/young-boys-search-god
I'll take things that never happened for $500

"I travel all over the country, I fly commercial. I have seen and witnessed, now more than ever, the amount of African-American men that have come up to me, literally like, 'Hey, man, you're my hero.'" ~
Donald Trump Jr.
"He's scared s***less...Up until this point in his life it's like, 'I'm not going to pay you; take me to court.' He's never been held accountable before." ~ John Kelly, Trump's longest-serving White House Chief of Staff
'Hey, man, you're my hero.'" ~ Donald Trump Jr. #650
- piffle -
" He's never been held accountable before." ~ John Kelly, Trump's longest-serving White House Chief of Staff
- yea -


In the previous millennium even nutty news carried a degree of plausibility.
Here we are, 2024. Not sure which has gone off the rails, my aging mind, or the United States of America. Either way my WTF moment is fast approaching the quarter century mark. - yikes -
After reading this it's clear that Trump doesn't speak any language

"People who don't speak languages. We have languages coming into our country, nobody that speaks those languages. They're truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them." ~
"... nobody speaks them." Trump
Translation: I [D.J. Trump] don't speak it, even if they do, and anyone that isn't me is a nobody.
"Nobody speaks them." ~ Trump
"Spanish" Jimmy Fallon

"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded." Yogi Berra

"He must have made that before he died." Yogi Berra -- Referring to a Steve McQueen movie.

"It was impossible to get a conversation going; everybody was talking too much." Yogi Berra

"I made a wrong mistake." Yogi Berra

"How long have you known me, Jack? And you still don't know how to spell my name." Yogi Berra -- Upon receiving a check from Jack Buck made out to "bearer."

part #2 pending:
"Over the seas and it comes right over our land. And then they want us to have clean. I said wait a minute, we're gonna have clean but it's all flying. Just remember that. Does that make sense? In other words, it's all coming through the currents in the air. It all comes. You can, they can name it, they can say exactly where it's going to be and when." ~ Trump, at rally last week

What did he just say? Anyone?
"Eighty-two percent of the country understands that it was a rigged election, okay?...They got away with something; they're never going to get away with it again." ~ Trump, making up a number
I have the impression Trump's grip on reality is less secure than it was in 2015.
But part of my perception may be influenced by so many of Trump's fantastic lies being exposed. Donald: Mexico is NOT going to pay for it.

However, not only is Trump apparently doubling down. It seems at 10PM/ET Trump has about sewn up the Rep. nom.
"You're all people that have a lot of money. You're rich as hell. We're gonna give you tax cuts." Trump to gathering of wealthy donors at Mar-a-Lago in December
Last night Fallon did a segment reading a quotation, then asking the audience who said it, Trump, or a cartoon character.
"The audience was split on many of the lines, such as “Take me home mommy, this is too tough for me” and “Come on, everyone! We’ve got a wall to finish.”"

The first of these quotations, Trump. The latter, a cartoon character.

Any one of these embarrassing / shocking quotations might be enough to damage or terminate the political career of a lesser American.
Trump has so many of them, it merely adds yet one more to the list, ho hum.
"We're a third-world country at our borders, and we're a third-world country at our elections. We are a nation in decline, we are a failing nation... We are a nation that has lost its way." ~ Trump, in Super Tuesday victory speech

No question the US has lost its way - after all the simple fact that Trump is a serious candidate proves that - then add in the fact that Santos is running again.