Quotable Quotes

"We're a third-world country at our borders, and we're a third-world country at our elections. We are a nation in decline, we are a failing nation... We are a nation that has lost its way." ~ Trump, in Super Tuesday victory speech

No question the US has lost its way - after all the simple fact that Trump is a serious candidate proves that - then add in the fact that Santos is running again.
"third-world country at our borders"?
At our Southern border 3rd worlders are massing to enter.
Your metaphor is backward, for at many a 3rd world border people are struggling to get out, not to get in.
"Santos" #660
Political polarization seems to impart bleed-through to lead us to perceive a binary world. In Santos' case, either good or bad.
I'm going with a different view, amusing.

a) Who is going to donate to Santos' campaign?
b) Might Santos & Trump serve their terms as cellmates?

Terra incognitum, where factual descriptions are more radical than satire.

There may be one or more, but I don't recall Trump ever being in a stronger political position.
VP Harris says Trump will lose in November.

If not, katie bar the door.
"You have a million people every couple of months coming into this country who know nothing about God." ~ Sen. Tommy Tuberville

So now he thinks there should be some sort of religious test for admission to the US?

"If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion." ~
Mike Flynn, former Trump national security adviser and retired Army lieutenant general

Maybe he should learn something about the history of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge and tell us how the US managed to survive all those year between its founding and the introduction of those words.
"You have a million people every couple of months coming into this country who know nothing about God." ~ Sen. Tommy Tuberville

So now he thinks there should be some sort of religious test for admission to the US?
There is a name for the test alluded to here.
The name of that test is "Sen. Tommy Tubervile".

"If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion." ~ Mike Flynn, former Trump national security adviser and retired Army lieutenant general

Maybe he should learn something about the history of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge and tell us how the US managed to survive all those year between its founding and the introduction of those words.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible,with liberty and justice for all.

This,the current official version of the Pledge of Allegiance, has developed from the original pledge, which was first published in the Sept. 8, 1892, issue of Youth's Companion, a weekly magazine then published in Boston. The original pledge contained the phrase "my flag," which was changed more than 30 years later to "flag of the United States of America." A 1954 act of Congress added the words "under God."

The authorship of the pledge had been in dispute for many years. The Youth's Companion stated in 1917 that the original draft was written by James B. Upham, an executive of the magazine who died in 1910. A leaflet circulated by the magazine later named Upham as the originator of the draft "afterwards condensed and perfected by him and his associates of the Companion force."

Francis Bellamy, a former member of Youth's Companion editorial staff,publicly claimed authorship of the pledge in 1923. The United States Flag Association, acting on the advice of a committee named to study the controversy, upheld in 1939 the claim of Bellamy, who had died 8years earlier. The Library of Congress issued in 1957 a report attributing the authorship to Bellamy. / The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1997
Francis Bellamy, a former member of Youth's Companion editorial staff,publicly claimed authorship of the pledge in 1923.
And, the correct way to salute the flag was known as the "Bellamy salute" - you can see why it was abandoned

Speaking of the flag


The iconic design of the current United States flag, with its stars and stripes, was conceived by Robert G. Heft as part of a school project. Heft, a high school student at the time, submitted his design in 1958 as a class assignment, aiming to create a flag with 50 stars to represent each state in the Union.

There's some palm up / palm down detail I don't vividly recall ...
"And, the correct way to salute the flag was known as the "Bellamy salute" - you can see why it was abandoned" #664
And relatively quickly, in historic time-scale.

BTW: Some say Hitler obtained the nazi swastika from aboriginal American design.
That's not all.
Also inspired by America, nazi eugenics. "Three generations of imbeciles is enough." Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927)
"The iconic design of the current United States flag, with its stars and stripes, was conceived by Robert G. Heft as part of a school project. Heft, a high school student at the time, submitted his design in 1958 as a class assignment, aiming to create a flag with 50 stars to represent each state in the Union." #665
We haven't forgotten you Betsy.
"The iconic design of the current United States flag, with its stars and stripes, was conceived by Robert G. Heft as part of a school project. Heft, a high school student at the time, submitted his design in 1958 as a class assignment, aiming to create a flag with 50 stars to represent each state in the Union." #665
Similar story for national overnight delivery. The idea originated as a college project, and reportedly got low grade, before it became a successful $Billion $dollar industry.
"While attending Yale University, Fred Smith wrote a paper on the need for reliable overnight delivery in a computerized information age. His professor found the premise improbable, and to the best of Smith’s recollection, he only received a grade of C for this effort, but ..."
... "In 2021, FedEx’s annual revenue exceeded $87 billion."

"My theory on why he likes the dictators so much is that's who he is." ~ former Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly
"... that's who he is." ~ former Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly
“We fell in love.” President Trump commenting on his summit meeting with North Korea's totalitarian dictator Kim Jong Un

“There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” President Trump2018, after his poorly prepared summit w/ NK/KJU

Joe! No pressure.
"Everything Joe Biden touches turns to s**t." ~ Trump at rally

This from a man who actually managed to bankrupt a casino. And whose gold sneakers have already lost three quarters of their value.
"And whose gold sneakers have already lost three quarters of their value." #669
That seems a little extreme to me. I wasn't aware Trump's gold sneakers had "value".
"Donald Trump is pursuing and articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that that we governed on during our four years, and that's why I can not in good conscience uh endorse Donald Trump in this campaign."
Trump presidential administration Vice President Pence on FOX March 2024
"Nobody, when you think of the Fake News, nobody has been treated like Trump, in terms of badly." ~ Trump
And no presidential candidate has butchered English syntax as dismally as you, in terms of butchered English syntax.
And you're a ding-a-ling.
All the more reason to be sure he's not elected - if anyone reading this isn't registered to vote do it now!

"If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath...for the country." ~
"All the more reason to be sure he's not elected - if anyone reading this isn't registered to vote do it now!" #672

"If I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath...for the country." ~ Trump #672
This is stunning S2.

Trump's using automobiles manufactured outside the U.S. without U.S. labor as a reason for a 100% tariff, AND a bloodbath?

“If you’re listening, President Xi — and you and I are friends — but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now … you’re going to not hire Americans and you’re going to sell the cars to us, no. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected,” Trump said.

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters during a rally at the Dayton International Airport on March 16, 2024 in Vandalia, Ohio. (Scott Olson / Getty Images)
“Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it,” he added. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories.”


Why is this guy not in prison?!
"Ladies and gentlemen: Please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated January 6th hostages." ~ announcer, before Trump rallies
"... the horribly and unfairly treated January 6th hostages." ~ announcer, before Trump rallies #674
The ones chanting "Hang Mike Pence !"

Trump corroborates a relevant detail here. Trump lacks a rudimentary grasp of law enforcement, or even lawful lifestyle.
Do you suppose Trump's cell-mate in the fed. pen. can help him?

News @6:30PM, Trump can't raise the $bond needed. NBC-TV reports that means NY AG may have to seize Trump's assets. I rather doubt there's enough Trump property in NYC to liquidate to provide the required amount.
"Apparently Ma-a-Lago is actually owned by one of Trump's NY companies. Please don't laugh too loud." S #676
You mean, laugh at Trump?
Seems to me I recall reading an account of Trump's litigious history that reported Trump had to defend against 4,000 law suits.
If true, I'd have thought the "very stable genius" would have become judgement proof by now.
Not sure whether the NY AG can get around that.
He prevailed in many of those lawsuits because he could afford expensive lawyers - the little guys suing him could not.
This is Twilight Zone territory. Trump is a conspicuous, explicit danger. And he's sewn up the Republican nomination. t b d :
Will Biden remain plausibly viable (code for "alive") until the day after election day?

I don't know enough about the technical law:
common knowledge if the president dies in office the VP takes over. - fine -
What about elections? I thought the fine print on ballot access is the name of the candidate can not be changed once the nomination is finalized. So if Biden dies after the nomination, is it even legal for Democrats to vote for President Harris? Would they have to "write in" their vote?
And if that's an issue, would it mean as long as Trump votes for himself, the rest of the nation could stay home on election day, and Trump would still win, 1 vote to zero.
"Joe Biden won against Barack Hussein Obama. Has anyone ever heard of him? Barack Hussein Obaba [sic]." ~ Trump, to confused rallygoers last weekend