Quotable Quotes

May we present the Nodfather?


Nobody said he had to be awake.
Nobody said he had to be awake. #722
Perhaps once Emperor Trump has rescinded the Constitution, the pic in #722 could be used when the mint starts printing Trump 50 cent bills.

"Banana republic" was the condescension Americans used to use to sneer at "inferior" political systems.
Trump in his egalitarian majesty has us looking to "banana republics" as role models. That's leadership !
"It looks like the judge isn't going to let me escape this scam...They're not going to give me a fair trial." ~ Trump, first day

"This conflicted, Trump Hating judge won't let me respond to people that are on TV lying and spewing hate all day long...RIGGED, UNCONSTITUTIONAL TRIAL!" ~ Trump, second day
Some claim all this is just a Biden administration political witch-hunt,
demonizing, railroading Biden's political opponent.



If there's no merit to it, why aren't these 1,380 "victims" calling the scam to public attention?
If there's no merit to it, why aren't these 1,380 "victims" calling the scam to public attention?
Not just the victims but it's a given that some of these individuals will live in Red states and/or have appeared before Trump appointed judges. You'd think that they'd have called things to public attention (or figured out how to get the cases in front of the US Supreme Court)
"some of these individuals will live in Red states and/or have appeared before Trump appointed judges." #726
If only one news source reported this exceedingly improbable story, I'd want to corroborate it before accepting the reports as plausible.
Been there.
Done that.

The didactic children's tale The Boy That Cried Wolf warns children of the risk of false alarm.
The Republicans have severely undermined their own credibility causing many to tune them out.

Astoundingly, this has rendered the Democrats the fount of political integrity in the U.S.
The Democrats !

For decades I've thought of political conservatism as the purer, no frills political philosophy.

But the maelstrom of Republican party politics has rendered the Democrat party the only viable U.S. political safe harbor.

the preferred presidential candidate this November (if there's more than one this November) is this octogenarian


seen here boasting about which finger he'll use when he decides to hit "the button".
"Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is proposing for the US to withdraw from NATO. She believes that Americans should help Putin win." ~ Russian State TV
Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is calling for the U.S. to withdraw from NATO, claiming that the alliance is "not a reliable partner." Published Jul 11, 2023 at 8:02 PM EDT Updated Jul 12, 2023 at 11:30 AM EDT

Perhaps the Greene maddam believes the U.S. can salvage our failure to side with the previous European megalomaniac, Adolf Hitler.

Greene makes a persuasive point:
Why should the U.S. continue to enjoy privileged prosperity as global leader when we can subordinate ourselves to Vlad Putin?
Margie, Putin might not want another wife. BUT !! He might not mind having another horse. Interested?
"I don't care if the Speaker's office becomes a revolving door. The days are over of the old Republican Party that wants to fund foreign wars and murder people while they stab the American people in their face!" ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
"I don't care if the Speaker's office becomes a revolving door. The days are over of the old Republican Party that wants to fund foreign wars and murder people while they stab the American people in their face!" ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
If as a public service you put a bag over your own head, "paper or plastic"?

The "Rep" in Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene stands for "reprehensible". Right? Far right?
"Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was...It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many ways...Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee -- who's no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor -- 'Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill. He said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake.'" ~ Trump
"Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was...It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many ways...Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee -- who's no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor -- 'Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill. He said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake.'" ~ Trump #732
It's a cliché regarding liars and cheaters,
such as the public school student submitting a book report on a book he hasn't read.

The above Trump quotation brandishes the characteristics of such ignorance, to the degree it seems Trump doesn't even seem to understand the fundamentals of "the War between the States", or perhaps on which side Bob Lee battled.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene #733
Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and dispel all doubt.- inspired by Proverbs 17 : 28
"Thousands of people were turned away from the Courthouse... It is an armed camp to keep people away. Maggot Hagerman of The Failing New York Times falsely reported that I was disappointed with the crowds. No, I'm disappointed with Maggot, and her lack of writing skill..." ~ Trump post yesterday
"Thousands of people were turned away from the Courthouse... It is an armed camp to keep people away. Maggot Hagerman of The Failing New York Times falsely reported that I was disappointed with the crowds. No, I'm disappointed with Maggot, and her lack of writing skill..." ~ Trump post yesterday #735
OK Trumpsicle,

Might this be the "Maggot Hagerman" you had in mind?


"... her lack of writing skill..." ~ Trump post yesterday #735

#1 Bestseller ?

So Donheimer,
How's your book doing? Remember? The pleather-bound public domain you've been hoping to make some money with?

Still curious to see what if any penalty Trump will pay for contempt.
Part I
"We have lawsuits in 81 states right now." ~ RNC co-Chair Lara Trump #737
Anyone that questions this would have to explain why there are 81 stars on the U.S. flag. [/satire]

Part II
I've puzzled over this.
More than one possible explanation:
- She genuinely believes there are 81 or more U.S. States. Possible, but unlikely I hope.
- She misworded, and meant 81 lawsuits in multiple States.
- She blue a gasket.

The following text graphic from NBC Fallon 18/01/11:

... and then he married her.
"The people criticizing me are not the American people. The American people agree with me." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

"Truth Social is my voice, and the real voice of America!!!" ~ Trump
"The primitive simplicity of their minds (the masses) rend them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell the big ones ... The victor will never be asked if they told the truth. ... Success is the sole earthly judge of right & wrong."
"Truth is not as important as success." Adolf Hitler