Quotable Quotes

Personal integrity? Performing on television and making a statement under oath are two completely different things. Only one of them can see someone jailed for perjury.
Personal integrity? Performing on television and making a statement under oath are two completely different things. Only one of them can see someone jailed for perjury.
Correct. BUT !!
A person of integrity need not have penalty of perjury to tell the truth.
And honesty & integrity impart a practical bonus / benefit. When honest, one needn't recall both reality, & fiction. Just recall it as it happened, simple.
Are you suggesting that Hannity (or any other major Fox personality) has even a shred of integrity? Or honesty?
That wasn't my intended point. And I suspect that's not really the question you want the answer to.
But Art Schopenhauer said honor is not to be won, honor is only not to be lost. If so we can suspect any of them was born honest, and that they acquired dishonesty between then and now. When and how? Who knows?

Broader view I believe as a matter of character and law, honesty should prevail. Dishonesty in matters of law is often criminal fraud. Personal dishonesty would seem to be self-destruction. I understand, Trump traded his integrity for celebrity, leveraged himself into the White House with it. I imagine Trump thinks he benefited from the trade. Seems like a Faustian bargain to me.
"The primitive simplicity of their minds (the masses) rend them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell the big ones ... The victor will never be asked if they told the truth. ... Success is the sole earthly judge of right & wrong."
"Truth is not as important as success." Adolf Hitler
Trump & Hitler, kindred spirits.
"It almost sounds like it's designed to persuade Republicans to go along with more gun control." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on series of mass shootings
"I think the really sad part of [Tucker Carlson getting fired]...is because I think people are desperate for the truth, and what is real...Where can you get real news and real information?...He was one of the few...He would speak the truth." ~ Lara Trump
"Nine people were murdered yesterday in Allen, TX by this man who appears Hispanic with what looks like a gang tattoo on his hand... Title 42 ends on Thursday and CBP says 700,000+ migrants are going to rush the border." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, on shooter who turned out to be wearing a "Right Wing Death Squad" patch and had Nazi tattoos
~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, on shooter who turned out to be wearing a "Right Wing Death Squad" patch and had Nazi tattoos
It was the shooter, & not the MOC that was thus adorned?

gad·fly (gădflī′)
1. A persistent irritating critic; a nuisance.
2. One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad.
3. Any of various flies, especially a warble fly, botfly, or horsefly, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals.

[GAD2 + FLY2.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
"I was able to terminate Roe v. Wade." ~ Trump
What an airhole!

- It demonstrates Trump supports discrimination against the majority of the population, the electorate.
- It flaunts his impotence. If Trump couldn't git-'er-dun in four years, not likely another four would help.

Trump, pull a Momma Cass ! It'll finally put your pie hole to good use.
"I want you to find me 11,780 votes." ~Trump in recorded 2020 call with GA Secretary of State

"I didn't ask him to find anything...I said 'You owe me votes because the election was rigged.'" ~ Trump, during CNN town hall
"I want you to find me 11,780 votes." ~Trump in recorded 2020 call with GA Secretary of State
"I didn't ask him to find anything...I said 'You owe me votes because the election was rigged.'" ~ Trump, during CNN town hall
- and -
according to this source: https://morningconsult.com/2024-gop-primary-election-tracker/

of the top ten Republican candidates for the 2024 presidential nomination 8 of 10 are in single digits (Liz Cheney 2%). The top two:
- DeSantis @ 19%
- Trump @ 60%

Thus Trump, the only twice impeached president, party to bloody insurrection against his own government, not only has more points than any other Republican candidate. Trump has more points than all of the other GOP presidential candidates combined.

This poll data was collected before:

Jury Finds Trump Liable for Sexual Abuse and Defamation​

A jury of six men and three women awarded the writer E. Jean Carroll $5 million in damages. Donald J. Trump called the verdict a “disgrace.”
May 9, 2023

Please note, the morningconsult.com poll result is not merely from one misbegotten dissolute homeless drunkard.
It's a compilation of the opinions / preferences of thousands of "potential GOP primary voters * ".

It would be premature to declare Trump "president elect" at this point.
But the polling data has been consistent for years, presenting Trump this Mother's Day as an apparent / likely shoo-in.
"Oh woe is everything!" Grace06

* Responses shown among potential GOP primary voters, who said they would vote for each of the above if the 2024 Republican primary or caucus were held in their state today.
Survey conducted May 5-7, 2023, among 3,574 potential Republican primary voters, with an unweighted margin of error of +/-2 percentage points.
These are what is known as "weasel words"

"Not really...Not that I can think of." ~ Trump, asked if he had showed the classified documents he took to anyone
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Thoese are what is known as "weasel words"

"Not really...Not that I can think of." ~ Trump, asked if he had showed the classified documents he took to anyone
Anyone that cyber-knows you knows you as a shining tower of insight and rational justice. BUT:
"Thoese" has elbowed me off the track a little.
- If the 2nd vowel is extraneous, your #275 might be interpreted as a dismissive insult to my #274.
- If the first vowel is extraneous, your #275 might be interpreted as a preparatory intro. to the quotation. I'm going with the latter. But if there's something else you're trying to tell me, you've got my number.

Incidentially, regarding #275 I consider Trump an exceedingly vain man. So if he revealed his classified trove, it may have been to impress. And to do that Trump may not have disclosed the internal disclosures of the document, but merely brandished the document cover sheets that display the word "classified". Thus the waffling weaseling.
Or other.
Corrected (put it down to writing that before I'd had my first cup of coffee).

As for being weasel words, it gives him a way to explain that if he's ever forced to testify under oath - he's basically saying "I can't recall" - seems to be a popular approach
Corrected ...
As for being weasel words ...
Thanks S2, my fragile ego is restored.

Trump has been dodging his own ricochet for decades. "Practice makes perfect."
But my mental image of your #277 clarification is a gaggle of weasels sobbing inconsolably for being associated with Trump. Let's hope PETA doesn't find out !
"Our country is dying." ~ Trump
Is that the other side of the MAGA coin? If "President" Trump makes America Great Again, then "President" anybody other than Trump results in "our country is dying". Right?

"The economy added 10.7 million jobs under Biden"

That may be pretty good Joe. Let's see how Donald did in comparison.

Trump’s Final Numbers​

The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/

Uhhh, Donald,
"Our country is dying"? Your lament about the Dobbs decision reversing Roe? "President Trump", you remind me: "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something." -- Plato

"Nobody knows the system better than me." "Which is why I alone can fix it." presidential candidate Trump 16/07/21 from the campaign podium

We were hoping for a more durable repair sir.