Quotable Quotes

"Your life is in peril. The Biden administration... would sooner end your life than let you stand in their way. [You would find a] safe haven and from here you can lead the fight for the American people." ~ Viktor "Merchant of Death" Bout, urging Trump to seek refuge in Russia

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"Tears [of joy] were pouring down." ~ Trump, describing New York City courthouse employees before he was arraigned

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car·i·ca·ture (kărĭ-kə-chr′, -chər)
1. A representation, especially pictorial or literary, in which the subject's distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to produce a comic or grotesque effect.
2. A grotesque imitation or misrepresentation: The trial was a caricature of justice.
car·i·ca·tured, car·i·ca·tur·ing, car·i·ca·tures
To represent or imitate in an exaggerated, distorted manner.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
"They're all top of the line." ~ Trump on Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, and Russian President Vladimir Putin
"I hope everyone notices and I'm sure the Fake News won't, that I'm leaving the price of the Trading Cards the same as last time...I could have raised the price MUCH HIGHER, and I believe it still would have sold well, with a lot more money coming to me, but I didn't choose to do so. I will be given no 'nice guy' credit?" ~ Trump, on issuing second set of NFT cards for $99 each
"I'm sure the Fake News won't" ~ Trump, on issuing second set of NFT cards for $99 each / S2 #230
Then we are not "fake news"? What a humiliating public demotion !
Hey 'rumpster! What's it like to be a "has-been"?
"We have food critics that criticize restaurants, Consumer Reports that criticizes products, auto critics that criticize automobiles, and conservative Americans have just wrapped up a week of nuking a beer company, but you can't criticize a voting machine company or you'll get sued for millions and millions of dollars." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
s #232
"Beyond the technical issues with the rocket itself, the sheer power of the Raptor engines at takeoff produced a massive crater underneath the orbital launch mount. It’s unclear how much work will be required to repair the site, or if it can be salvaged at all. Either way, ground infrastructure issues could impose significant delays to later tests — perhaps delaying the next one by months."

It left a crater. Fine.
They didn't know it would? What did they do about the Saturn V ?
"We have food critics that criticize restaurants, Consumer Reports that criticizes products, auto critics that criticize automobiles, and conservative Americans have just wrapped up a week of nuking a beer company, but you can't criticize a voting machine company or you'll get sued for millions and millions of dollars." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
Your career on the political circuit may be coming to a close. But you have a bright future on the improv. / comedy circuit. You're hilarious.
"Most of the so-called problems the Democrats are talking about -- the end of the planet, threats to democracy and all the like -- they're simply made up." ~ Fox host Laura Ingraham
"... an AI app ..." S2 #235
The AI app is not an expert in geology. How many bars of cell service do you suppose they get in that tunnel? Only one person in the pic without a beard, looks familiar.

note: A.I. has progressed spectacularly since "Eliza".
-- they're simply made up." ~ Fox host Laura Ingraham
If I were teaching a course in propaganda, the GOP headlines might do as well or better than any formal textbook.
" -- they're simply made up." ~ Fox host Laura Ingraham
You're a socio-political troglodyte Laura, to deny the scientific consensus of anthropogenic climate change. "simply made up"? Let's review your data, and your methodology that leads you to your opinion (not enough basis to call it a "conclusion").
"We worked really hard to build what we have. Those f***ers are destroying our credibility. It enrages me." ~ Tucker Carlson in text to producer, on Fox correctly calling Arizona for Biden in November 2020
"We worked really hard ..." ~ Tucker Carlson in text to producer, on Fox correctly calling Arizona for Biden in November 2020
So FOX, your employer qualifies as "f***ers"? And somehow those "f***ers" tricked the entire solar system to collude with them? What a pity those "f***ers" don't run for congress. If they can impose lock-step unity like that, in congress they could rule the world.
TV man, you're all Tuckered out. Bye bye. So long.

Oh, Tucker, how do things look from the unemployment line?
Fret not. McDonalds is hiring.
- oh -

S2 #221

In my childhood I read a Hardy Boy book. But I didn't make the connection until ...


Franklin W. Dixon