Quotable Quotes

S2 #179 commenting on the DNC's calculation of which Democrat was most likely able to defeat Trump in the general election
... they did everything in their power to gimmick the primaries so their preferred candidate would end up running in the national election.
I suppose that's within their charter. In Olympics coming in 2nd wins Silver, in politics, oblivion.
The US (and the world) owes them for that.
Step aside sir. The best you can do in an -I'm more bitter about it than you- contest with me about that is a draw. It's the path not traveled. Any other Democrat on the ticket instead of Hillary might have not only lost the election, but also the vote. At least Hillary won that, as the polls predicted. I still can't BELIEVE none of these pollers bothered to do the electoral college overlay. ASTOUNDING !!

"'Horseface'" ~ Trump / S2 #180
- the only contractor Trump ever paid -
Good one S2.
In any case, how charming to have a lover's quarrel on the front page.

Q: What's the difference between Chick Peas & Garbanzo Beans?
A: Trump never had a Garbanzo Bean on his face.

Oh! Squelch !
S2 #179 commenting on the DNC's calculation of which Democrat was most likely able to defeat Trump in the general election
That's not what the DNC's goal was about. It was to put Hillary in the oval office - it had nothing to do with whether she was the best candidate to defeat Trump. For that matter it had nothing to do with who was best for the US. Just how to get Hillary into the Oval Office.
the DNC's goal ... was to put Hillary in the oval office - it had nothing to do with whether she was the best candidate to defeat Trump.
I think it's a mistake to present an organization with that size, that scope of power, and that degree of influence to present it / them as an ideological or motivational monolith.

Backing the ultra-fantastic super-deluxe candidate in the primary is folly if that candidate can't win the general election. I know that. You know that. And the DNC knows that.
the DNC's goal was ... Just how to get Hillary into the Oval Office.
To the exclusion of any other Democrat? Who made that decision? Based on what?

S2 #182
Perhaps I'm jaded. But my impression is, U.S. politics in my youth (born 1954) was two mostly opposing parties that would work together when interests coincided.
Democrats may have retained a vestige of that.
But I get the impression from the GOP / RNC that holding power / defeating the Democrats is a higher priority than a specific political / legislative agenda.
"If you don't love your children so much -- and there are some people that don't, and maybe deservedly so -- it won't matter because frankly, you don't have to leave 'em anything. Thank you very much, have fun." ~ Trump
"If you don't love your children so much -- and there are some people that don't, and maybe deservedly so -- it won't matter because frankly, you don't have to leave 'em anything. Thank you very much, have fun." ~ Trump
America's dirt-ball.
"We physically took control of the Capitol building in a hand-to-hand hostile takeover. We occupied the Capitol and shut down the Government -- we shut down their stolen election shenanigans...My buddy...and I were in the first two hundred to rush up the steps and inside after the Vanguard had clashed hard with the police and had made them retreat. The military isn't going to save the Democrat Communists. They are done. Today we brought our Government to its knees with no weapons. Now we're all going back armed for war..." ~ Jan. 6 Facebook post by William Calhoun, found guilty this week for his actions that day
"We physically took control of the Capitol building in a hand-to-hand hostile takeover. We occupied the Capitol and shut down the Government -- we shut down their stolen election shenanigans...My buddy...and I were in the first two hundred to rush up the steps and inside after the Vanguard had clashed hard with the police and had made them retreat. The military isn't going to save the Democrat Communists. They are done. Today we brought our Government to its knees with no weapons. Now we're all going back armed for war..." ~ Jan. 6 Facebook post by William Calhoun, found guilty this week for his actions that day
The U.S. Constitution enumerates a right against self-incrimination. I'm not endorsing Calhoun here. But this conviction raises question about where the line is drawn.
The right against self-incrimination says that he can't be forced to testify against himself but it does not mean that he can't voluntarily do so (and that includes putting his foot in his mouth).
Perhaps it's more of a privacy issue.
I invoked the 5th Amendment because the "evidence" is his own words.
It's not a binary, but a spectrum. And over the centuries where the line is drawn along the length of that spectrum has shifted. This Bill of Rights does not mention wiretaps.
So Calhoun confessed in writing to taking "control of the Capitol". I believe if Calhoun had made the same assertion in a private letter, delivered via USPS, government would need an legal excuse to use it as evidence to convict him.
So again, where do we draw the line? If it's USPS in adhesive sealed envelope it's protected speech, but if it's USPS on a postcard it's not?

All this may be settled law by now. I've been living in the forest for a generation. A lot has happened. I'm sure my ill at ease can be understood in context of Trump, MTG, Boebert, DeSantis, etc.
I believe this is a severely toxic socio-political climate to be establishing legal precedents on human rights. Roe was the tip of the iceberg.
"How do you indict a person who hasn't done anything wrong, and you know that person hasn't done anything wrong???...Everybody knows I'm 100% innocent...It was all made up...Our country is being destroyed, as they tell us to be peaceful!" ~ Trump
Trump's desperation is increasing conspicuously.


The confounding lunacy of this is the charges Trump alludes to here is over trivia. Armed, lethal insurrection is a BIG DEAL !!
It's not even an issue here.
“I don’t think people should protest this, no. I think President Trump, if you talk to him, he doesn’t believe in that either." ~ House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, on Trump's "PROTEST! PROTEST! PROTEST!" post

S2 #196
Please pardon my ignorance. I'm familiar with the term "social media". What I don't know includes:
- Is this forum, CitizenVoice.us considered "social media"?
- When a post is re-tweeted, and then the original is deleted by the original author, do the copies survive the delete?

Seems to me a hallmark of Trump is flirting with "the line" but endeavoring to not cross it. And when Trump does cross the line, it's sometimes for associated issues, if not the main issue addressed in that specific Trump comment.
S2 #198
I tried the link, didn't get much but a graphic image or two.

I'm all for responsible parenting. I'm not sure statutory remedy for irresponsible parenting has much constructive potential. Reuctio ad absurdum. It becomes State law. Then what?