Quotable Quotes

Try this.
Much better, thanks S2.
But does anyone believe that this is going to stop kids?
Not sure even the bill sponsor does. It may merely be political pandering.

From the link:
New York CNN — The governor of Utah signed a controversial bill on Thursday that will require minors to obtain the consent of a guardian before joining social media platforms, marking the most aggressive step yet by state or federal lawmakers to protect kids online.

I support the stated objective. But your well-stated skepticism seems on point.
"As part of the bill, called the Utah Social Media Regulation Act, social media platforms will have to conduct age verification for all Utah residents, ban all ads for minors and impose a curfew, making their sites off limits between the hours of 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. for anyone under the age of 18. The bill will also require social platforms to give parents access to their teens’ accounts."

Previous efforts to appear to protect minors online have failed. Not clear to me why this new law wouldn't be circumventable by determined teens.
"The legislation, which was introduced by Republican Sen. Michael McKell and passed by Republican Governor Spencer Cox, will go into effect on March 1, 2024."
No rush.

Remember when Republicans championed smaller, less intrusive, less authoritarian government? It seems now voters that want political candidates for that must vote Democrat. You know, the true conservative party.
s #201

Some parents try to protect their children as long as the parents can, until the offspring reach adulthood. However well intended this can shield offspring from adulthood risks, leaving nascent adults unprepared, vulnerable. I consider that the "falling off a cliff" method.
Wiser parents allow their offspring to develop coping skills gradually so that once reaching adult age, the offspring are better prepared to handle adult adversities.

Not clear to me where implementing this legislation falls on that spectrum. Ultimately the best approach for helping children reach adulthood safely may not be to shield them from adversity, but instead in teaching them how to recognize and defend against it.
"The district attorney of New York, under the auspices and direction of the Department of Injustice in Washington DC, was investigating me for something that is not a crime, not a misdemeanor. Not an affair. I never liked Horseface. I never liked...I never...It's just not...Terrible. That wouldn't be the one. There is no one. We have a great First Lady." ~ Trump at his Waco rally
"We have to stop allowing the Democrats to abuse us. It's like we're a beaten spouse." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
S2 #203
From the same campaign event @Waco:

"They’ve got nothing. ... 11 million pages, and my tax returns on top of it ... It probably makes me the most innocent man in the history of our country." Trump addressing a MAGA audience Waco, TX 23/03/25


"We have to stop allowing the Democrats to abuse us. It's like we're a beaten spouse." ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
Here you go Marj #204:

"2024 is the final battle. That’s going to be the big one. If you put me back in the White House, their rein will be over and America will be a free nation once again. Our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them. They know that. There’s never been a movement like this in the history of our country, probably in the history of almost every country. MAGA ... " Trump addressing a MAGA audience Waco, TX 23/03/25

"I got along with him great." ~ Trump on Putin

"I got along with him great." ~ Trump on Xi

"I got along with him great." ~ Trump on Kim Jong-un
“There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” President Trump 2018, after his poorly prepared summit w/ NK/KJU

“We fell in love.” President Trump commenting on his relationship w/ NK/KJU
"I got along with him great." ~ Trump on Putin
"I got along with him great." ~ Trump on Xi
"I got along with him great." ~ Trump on Kim Jong-un
Really? I'd want corroboration from credible sources before accepting that Trump made that exact statement in all 3 cases. He may have. Wouldn't matter much either way. But it seems like awkward phrasing, particularly unusual if Trump made each of these 3 alleged statements on different days.
"Probably not the best time to give up your AR-15..." ~ Fox host Tucker Carlson on Trump's indictment
a) I'm curious if Carlson knows which end the bullet comes out.
b) What or who is Carlson implying might need shooting with an AR-15?

And btw: while I do not own an AR-15 I note that according to the U.S. federal government Trump, the first former U.S. president ever to be indicted is not the heroic champion Trump's own rhetoric implies. Therefore while Carlton may have intended the above quotation to inspire and rally the patriNOTS, Carlson instead may be providing incentive for patriots. You really think that's such a good idea Tucker?


There's no denying martyrdom can and has elevated the status of some causes. You really think martyrdom would work for Trump?
Trump's first 2024 rally in Waco, TX sets the context for the following explanation. In Texas parlance, Donald J. Trump is all hat, no cattle.
S2 #210 & s #211

I just caught the FOX News sound-bite of Hannity interviewing Trump.
While it is late in the dawn of artificial reality, and while FOX rates near zero on the integrity scale, it does seem Trump did say on camera / open mic what S2 #210 discloses.

Worth noting: Putin, Xi, & KJU are among the few nuclear power leaders on Earth that are the greatest threat to humanity. But then in context, has there ever been a U.S. president that was a greater threat to humanity than Trump?
"Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is actually indicting my father. So let's be clear, folks, this is communist-level s***. This is stuff that would make Mao, Stalin, Pol-Pot -- it would make them blush." ~ Donald Trump Jr.
"I have a new rule: the more elite the university and advanced that a graduate is, the dumber they are...If you went to the Ivy League, prove to me you have any common sense at all." ~ Fox co-host Pete Hegseth, who has degrees from both Princeton and Harvard
"Again, until Bragg wipes out all crime from New York before he should look at Donald Trump." ~ former Trump adviser Kimberley Guilfoyle
"If there's a firearm out there you're comfortable being shot with, please show me which one it is." ~ TN State Rep. William Lamberth, to students protesting gun violence
"NPR is not that different from the Tehran Times, with the exception, of course, of being less accurate and more anti-American...It's true." ~ Fox host Tucker Carlson
"President Trump is joining some of the most incredible people in history, being arrested today. Nelson Mandela was arrested; served time in prison. Jesus! Jesus was arrested and murdered by the Roman government!" ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
I consider MTG more of a caricature than a serious-minded legislator. But on this celebration of the Resurrection I find MTG has blundered into agreement with me, agreement akin to a broken clock being right twice a day.
MTG's comparison of Trump to the Lord and Savior rings true. I've lost count of how many times I've heard or read something Trump has said, and exclaimed: "Jesus Christ !!"

Thanks Marjjie for helping us celebrate this holy day in perspective.