Well-known member
Poor kid - no way he can compete

Selvig #882
It is a breach of honesty & accuracy to portray political conservatism as compassionless."A conservative says, "It hasn't happened to me, so I don't care."
A liberal says, It should never happen to anyone and that's why I care." #885
meme ![]() n. 1. A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. 2. a. An image or short video clip, often accompanied by a humorous saying or popular catchphrase, that is transmitted virally, especially on social media. b. A humorous saying or popular catchphrase that is transmitted virally, especially as a caption for such an image or video clip. [Shortening (modeled on GENE) of mimeme, from Greek mimēma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate; see MIMESIS.] The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. |
"Pottery Barn"?"Don't forget the Afghan people ..." #889
If Afghanis aren't willing to fight & die to secure their own Liberty, why should we?"American people are friends of Liberty everywhere, but custodians only of their own." John Adams
I gather Abraham Lincoln is widely recognized as the most articulate U.S. president, before Coulter's time perhaps. IIRC more books have been written about Lincoln than any other American."Obama was the most articulate president we've probably ever had. Trump has a vocabulary of 50 words." Hoodlum attributes to A.C.
While the "50 word" comment is a bit of an exaggeration (and I'm sure it was intended as an insult) it's not as far off as one might think:The vocabulary comment seems intended rather more as an insult than an enlightening observation.
Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents, New Analysis Finds
President Donald Trump—who boasted over the weekend that his success in life was a result of "being, like, really smart"—communicates at the lowest grade level of the last 15 presidents, according to a new analysis of the speech patterns of presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.
The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level.
At the top of the list were Hoover and Jimmy Carter, who were basically at an 11th-grade level, and President Barack Obama, in third place with a high ninth-grade level of communicating with the American people.
The Flesch-Kincaid scale was developed in 1975 for the U.S. Navy to assess the relative difficulty of training manuals. A database of ....
Trump Genius? He Ranks Lowest Among Last 15 Presidents
President Trump says he's "like, really smart," but he communicates at the lowest grade level of the last 15
Trump wasn’t always so linguistically challenged. What could explain the change?
It was the kind of utterance that makes professional transcribers question their career choice:
“ … there is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign, but I can always speak for myself — and the Russians, zero.”
When President Trump offered that response to a question at a press conference last week, it was the latest example of his tortured syntax, mid-thought changes of subject, and apparent trouble formulating complete sentences, let alone a coherent paragraph, in unscripted speech.
He was not always so linguistically challenged.
STAT reviewed decades of Trump’s on-air interviews and compared them to Q&A sessions since his inauguration. The differences are striking and unmistakable.
Research has shown that changes in speaking style can result from cognitive decline. STAT therefore asked experts in neurolinguistics and cognitive assessment, as well as psychologists and psychiatrists, to compare Trump’s speech from decades ago to that in 2017; they all agreed there had been a deterioration, and some said it could reflect changes in the health of Trump’s brain.
In interviews Trump gave in the 1980s and 1990s (with Tom Brokaw, David Letterman, Oprah Winfrey, Charlie Rose, and others), he spoke articulately, used sophisticated vocabulary, inserted dependent clauses into his sentences without losing his train of thought, and strung together sentences into a polished paragraph, which — and this is no mean feat — would have scanned just fine in print. This was so ...
Trump wasn’t always so linguistically challenged. What could explain the change?
STAT asked experts to compare Trump's speech from decades ago to that in 2017. All noticed deterioration, which may signal changes in Trump's brain