Photos, vids, etc ....

Those who don't want you to learn from history plan to repeat it.


Hourly wage a full-time worker must earn in order to afford rent in 2023 for every state in the USA.


No wonder things suck so bad for people right now.

But don't forget that those numbers are statewide averages so major cities are going to require far higher salaries than those averages.
IIRC in 1970 minimum wage was $1.65 / hr.
Back then gasoline cost $0.38 per gallon.
I don't see a wild disparity since then. There's a far larger divergence in salaries between line-workers and board members.

Adverse Effects of Automatic Cost‐of‐Living Adjustments to Entitlement and Other Payments​

Automatic COLA increases to some federal government benefits and inflation adjustments to eligibility standards for other benefits use price indexes that overstate inflation.
June 22, 2023 By John F. Early
Benefits from Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, federal civilian and military pensions, and dozens of other programs have received automatic cost‐of‐living adjustments (COLAs) to compensate for inflation annually since 1975. The COLAs are calculated from consumer price indexes (CPIs). In addition, eligibility for major transfer programs such as food stamps and Medicaid have been determined by family income compared with federal poverty levels, which are also adjusted annually by changes in CPIs.

The CPIs used for these adjustments systematically overstate inflation by approximately 1 percent per year from two distinct biases—substitution bias and new‐item bias. As a result of these upward biases, benefits not only have kept pace with inflation, they also have increased faster than inflation, raising the standard of living for the beneficiaries and unnecessarily increasing the cost to taxpayers. In addition, these upward biases applied to the federal poverty level also make more Americans eligible for means‐tested benefits, which unnecessarily increases the cost of those programs.
Since 1975, taxpayers have paid $5.6 trillion more in benefits for six major federal programs than would have been required to compensate for inflation, adding that much more to the standard of living for beneficiaries. Policymakers should use the existing official price indexes—the Chained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (C‑CPI‑U, or Chained CPI) and the Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index (PCEPI)—to fix a little less than one‐half of this overpayment immediately, and they should support research and development to eliminate the entire $397.6 billion annual overpayment within three years.

much more at:
In places like Florida they don't even pretend to teach history.

That said, those who do not learn from history intend to repeat it.
You think federal standards are in order? The 10th Amendment tends to rule in here. Typically public school curricula are controlled by the State. Requiring a minimum number of hours teaching history would not necessarily resolve this. Might make it worse, depending on whether taught Biden style, or Trump style. We're already teetering on the precipice with Jim Jordan the only publicly named candidate for house speaker. The stakes are exceedingly high.

Took me a moment.

In the 1960's children were taught to not take candy from strangers. BUT:
children were sent in costume door to door to solicit candy, albeit from neighbors rather than strangers.

Hal·low·een also Hal·low·e'en (hăl′ə-wēn, hŏl′-)
October 31, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles by children going door to door while wearing costumes and asking for treats and playing pranks.

[Short for All Hallow Even : ALLHALLOW(MAS) + EVEN2.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
I'm a Margaret Hamilton fan. Though "hair-&-makeup" had her looking pretty green in The Wizard Of Oz I think she looked better than Trump. Rock it Marge!
"Meta sued by 42 attorneys general ... target kids" LF / S2 #918
The psychology of Internet site design gives preference to long scrolls, on the premise it will hold the smartphone user's attention longer. The user's time is the webmaster's $money.

Nope, no idea.