Photos, vids, etc ....

Bill Maher said:
OF COURSE there's a double-standard. There are TWO sexes !

Studies of young children, in some cases a decade or more before puberty often reveal sex related differentiation.
Leave a 6 year old girl alone in a room full of toys she may be more likely to select a doll to play with.
A boy in the same situation more likely to choose a truck, or a gun, etc.
Men generally are attracted to women that are "good breeders" and women generally are attracted to "good providers". tralphaz
Women have been known to date men that have hair on their back.
What man would want a woman that had hair on her back? There is a double-standard. THANK GOD there's a double-standard. and Vive la différence !!

Republicans are stuck in the 18th century, and want you to stay there. (Pretty clear his mother didn't follow his advice)

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"Republicans are stuck in the 18th century, and want you to stay there. (Pretty clear his mother didn't follow his advice)" S2 #927

- ha -

"Every American woman has a duty to birth at least one able-bodied worker" Speaker of the House Mike Johnson [R] #927

The Dems may well support your simple formula. ZPG means a birth-rate of about 2.2 children per couple. Since men can't reproduce without teaming with a female, your formula may be a compassionate recipe for the diminution and demise of the GOP. Well done Mikey!
#930 part II

Inspirational, heroic, disgraceful.

It does seem to me to be yet another example of allowing authority to concentrate resulting in the abuse of that authority, due to the predictable, painfully familiar characteristics of human nature.
Trump's current fraud trial woes illustrate how precise monetization of broad, leveraged holdings can complicate determining an exact $net $worth.
None the less some reports present Trump as a pauper, others as a $billionaire. Trump may be either. Can he be both?
Can he be both? Not really - only thing is, all we have is his unsupported word for his net worth.

Looking at his assets doesn't work unless we know what sort of debt he has (and who to). And we know his external accountants have distanced themselves from his financial statements.

On that topic, a friend (national head of one of the Big Four) commenting on another case made the observation that he have to take personal financials, even if audited, with a grain of salt.
I rarely if ever invoke Texas as a practical standard, but anything less doesn't seem to fit Trump. In Texas Trump would be considered "all hat, no cattle".

DJ is such a maelstrom of bluster, if he told me water is wet, I'd double-check before I believed him. That Trump is one year from the election the leading presidential candidate in the U.S. is an indelible disgrace. That Trump disgraces himself is widely recognized. That Trump has received the embrace and support of a nation of hundreds of millions disgraces that nation.

Rick Santorum Blasted After Decrying 'Sexy' Ballot Measures As Reason Republicans Keep Losing​

The former GOP Senator griped on Newsmax how 'very sexy things' like abortion and marijuana ballot measures tend to bring young voters out, and lamented 'pure democracies' that let the people decide.

Alan Herrera

Former Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum was widely criticized after he griped on Newsmax about how "very sexy things" like abortion and marijuana ballot measures motivated younger voters to participate in this week's election.

Santorum also questioned the very idea of allowing voters to decide on various issues through referendums. He remarked that "pure democracies are not the way to run a country."


There's a very dark side as well, in that they've shown the same kids that consequences don't apply to you if you're rich and brazenly immoral enough...
Sports metaphor: rah rah

- but -
"Nothing, we're 0 and 7." Trudeau #939
I was w/ Trudeau up until that.

Winning the presidency, albeit by losing the popular vote to Hillary might not count as zero, in zero and seven.

Governor Nikki Haley [R] may have threaded the peril-strewn needle here.
a) Politicians that condemn Trump (like Governor Chris Christie) gets high marks for truth-telling, and low numbers polling against Trump and Christie's other Republican rivals in the '24 race.
b) Politicians that endorse Trump saddle themselves with the same eventually fatal burden Trump drags along behind him.

Haley said she thinks Trump was the right president for that past time, but is no longer the right presidential candidate this time (but Nikki Haley is).

Unimpressive perhaps. Have any of the other Republican candidates done as well?

Meanwhile, separately, rumor simmers Trump is considering Tucker Carlson as a VP running mate.