Photos, vids, etc ....


Don't know where to put this

Traitor tRump’s violent talk shows signs of taking over Congress


Traitor tRump-allied conservatives are using more pugnacious rhetoric than ever, and in some cases, such as an incident Tuesday featuring Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.), are ready to make things physical, a trend that is setting off alarm bells on Capitol Hill.

Republican and Democratic senators say Loser tRump’s bombastic threats and insults, which have proved to be a winning political formula for the GOP, are catching on more broadly in Congress.

Senators in both parties say they were shocked when Mullin, a first-term senator and Loser tRump ally, challenged the president of the Teamsters to a fistfight in the middle of a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing, forcing the 82-year-old chair, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), to step in to keep blood from being spilled on his carpet.

Mullin told the Teamsters leader to “stand your butt up” and sprung out of his chair while taking off a wedding ring to prepare for melee.

The Oklahoma senator, a former mixed martial arts fighter, told CNN on Wednesday he had “full intentions” of pummeling the labor boss right there in the hearing room. “First thing I thought of when I stood up I thought, ‘I’m going to break my hand on this guy’s face’ and will take my wedding ring off,” he said.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), who voted twice to convict Trump of impeachment charges and will retire at the end of next year, said that unfortunately, in his view, the Republican Party has become the party of Trump.

He said Mullin’s attempt to challenge a witness to a brawl in the middle of a hearing was “clearly unfortunate.”

“I can understand losing one’s temper,” he said. “But it’s more important to rein it in.”

Romney said “there’s no question” there’s been a coarsening of political discourse in America. “I don’t think that loser tRump created something in the population that wasn’t there, but he brought something out that had been held behind norms and comity that is now out in the open,” he said. “Have we coarsened our debates and our dialogue? No question.”
"President Xi of China, he's like a piece of steel. Strong. Smart. There's nobody in Hollywood who could play the role." ~ Trump
"President Xi of China, he's like a piece of steel. Strong. Smart. There's nobody in Hollywood who could play the role." ~ Captain Miraculous #946
Well isn't that just extra dandy !
And the U.S. is spelled u s.

The Donald, you're obviously very special. Ever consider running for mayor of Pittsburgh?

Titillating anthropomorphism alive & well @CV ! - hoorah -
"I can see why the Titanic hit" #948
The Andrea Doria thought she was frigid?


Thus the vanity refrain of many a defensive iceberg, "The water was really warm!"
Nothing surprising here ...

Trump Serves Food to Soldiers and Police, Complains There’s None Left for Him

"The food looked very good. I wanted to have some, but they didn’t have any for me," the former president said

Former president Donald Trump tried to do a charitable thing Sunday, handing out food to Texas National Guard soldiers, troopers, and others who will be working at the border during Thanksgiving. But he then complained that there wasn’t enough food left for him.

“The food looked very good. I wanted to have some, but they didn’t have any for me. They had none left. That’s not good. That’s my kind of food too,” Trump said, drawing some ...

"This is ... so many levels" #956
I had to watch the loop 7 times before I got what he was saying, though the point he was speaking was evident by loop 2.
Wild guess, that's in Asia. Japan or South Korea?

I generally enjoy a good travelogue. But #956 is an updated peek through the knothole at our Eastern neighbors, and a welcome break from the alarming monotony of wars.
It's different but reminiscent of Harrison Ford's Blade Runner.

I wouldn't want to live there. But apparently there are millions that prefer it.
This is just wrong" #956
The pope can't prove there is a god. I can.

The cosmos and all that's in it can be categorized one of two ways.
- Things man-made.
- Everything else.
"Everything else" has a name: "creation".
If there is a creation (we know it can't be otherwise) then there must be a creator.
And those that present themselves as experts have called the creator "god".

- Some believe god has (uses) supernatural powers.
- Agnostics outnumber them.

Anyone that wishes to commune with religion should pick up a holy text, Holy scripture.
Anyone that wishes to commune with god should put the book down and take a stroll in the forest.
It's not man-made, and is therefore ... . You know how a syllogism works. And if god is a process, instead of the tree the bear scratches himself on being a product of god, might that tree not instead be a manifestation of god? Or god?

Thanks again for the vid. It's worth knowing.
"You don't see too many people brag about passing a dementia test." Al Franken
You two have sent me scurrying to find:

Trump Says He 'Aced' a Cognitive Test. What Does That Really Mean?
Aug 5, 2020 ... Experts say one popular test that the president might have taken is by no means definitive, or even diagnostic.

WaPo presents the Trump "brag". I cited NYT, it's considered a newspaper of record.

Nice to see you Al.
The three of you look quite "happy", you, Bugs, and Daffy.