"Without the Fox News badge I'd have come to the same conclusion - " S2 #969
Either way we could have pointed the accusatory finger.
But with the attribute, we not only know
where to point the finger. We also know, corroborated by well deserved, long-tenured reputation that we have (if you'll pardon the expression) hit the bull's eye by pointing at FOX.
Trekies may recognize the term "prime directive".
As I understand Wilson, humans have this deeply coded compulsion to breed.
Life is relatively simple for binaries with this disposition, with powerful libidinous impulses, etc.
The problem we're contending with here is some of those binaries are so shallow, and so poorly disciplined that they aggress against those that don't mesh with their own haploid aspirations.
Understanding this certainly does not excuse it.
But Secretary Buttigeig demonstrated impressive leadership on the CBS-TV The Late Show when host Colbert mentioned that one of the Republican Speakers (don't remember which) insulted homosexuality.
Buttigeig suggested that he and his husband should entertain the speaker at their DC home, and demonstrate that their home with young children is little different from others with hetero-parents.
We rarely change minds by denting helmets. I sincerely appreciate your commitment to this near orphaned human rights cause S2. You are a champion of champions for it.
Unfortunately, as many a dark-skinned person in the U.S. can tell you, MLK and President Obama may have enormously advanced the cause.
But it seems rendering the United States of America colorblind is a will-o'-the-wisp.
Even rendering light skin a minority as some projections indicate, we will not end racism.
And if we can't end bigotry for ~13% of the population, the ~10% (or whatever it is) are not likely to fare much better.
And so we slog onward, preaching and trying to live by the golden rule. KJV - Matthew 7:12