Photos, vids, etc ....

Time to bring out the fall fashions

It looks pretty good on Trump. All he needs now is the broad black stripes.


Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio sentenced to 22 years in prison, longest for a January 6 defendant
Re #845

Proud Boy leader and domestic terrorist Henry "Enrique" Tarrio has been sentenced to 22 years in prison. Tarrio fought back tears and his voice cracked as he begged the judge, “Please show me mercy, I ask you that you not take my 40s from me.” He will be 61 years old when he is released.

"Stand back & standby for 22 years" #848 / I read it on Reddit
Mercy me, 22 years is a slap on the wrist for attempting the violent overthrow of the United States.
Gotta love a girl with personality - and she's got plenty of them
I'm not sure how that's done. CGI? But:
Penn & Teller: Fool Us sometimes shows magicians that do instant costume changes as part of the act. I haven't figured those out either.
Editing - cut and paste footage etc. This represents an incredible amount of work for a short vid.
Ending the segment with her in black, as it instantly changes to white, we can do that with perforated film, scissors, & adhesive tape. BUT !!
Having the body in the same position as the garment change takes place, that's tricky.

I don't know the chick, but I'm glad I'm not her Dad, or her husband.
This represents an incredible amount of work for a short vid.
And for a freebie.
Not clear to me where the $payoff is, unless she's an art student & this was an assignment for a credit-bearing course.

Seems well done to me.
I just can't piece together how a composition so well done, seemingly so labor intensive, could be given away. That's partly why I suspect computers, which could shave this down to a project that might only take a few hours.
"Sad but true ... the US owes Canada (and the world) an apology" S2 #859
Superficially is might seem so.
But a more comprehensive analysis demonstrates that "the US" (the term in #859) welcomes free speech. NOT ONLY THAT:

The U.S. doesn't need First Amendment protections for a doting son to extol his love of his mother. Popular speech doesn't need protection.
It's unpopular speech that needs protection. For more insight on that, review the Skokie decision.

Democracy isn't pretty. I appreciate the jocular elbow in the ribs from our Northern neighbor.
However unflattering the graphic #859, is it worse than

We all want perfection.
Please let us know when you find it.
"The remedy for bad speech is good speech." U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis

Skokie, Illinois​

Skokie (formerly Niles Center) is a village in Cook County, Illinois, United States, neighboring the City of Chicago's northern border. ...
Skokie has twice received national attention for court cases decided by the United States Supreme Court. In the mid-1970s, it was at the center of National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, in which a Nazi group, backed by the American Civil Liberties Union, invoked the First Amendment in an attempt to schedule a Nazi rally in Skokie. At the time, Skokie had a significant population of Holocaust survivors. Skokie ultimately lost that case, though the rally was never held.
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