Photos, vids, etc ....

While it is discouraging to see a former U.S. president sink this low:


there is a glimmer at the end of the tunnel.
Some claim Trump seeks re-election so he can pardon himself. Scholarly Constitutional expert opinion on that has been muted. BUT !!

The Fulton county Georgia indictments are State law. POTUS can pardon for federal offenses, but not State. And though the current Georgia governor is Republican,
any convict wishing to seek pardon from the State governor must first complete 5 years of his sentence.

That may be in part why this fourth string of indictments has the attention of experts.

Trump is smart enough to do the math when his own neck is in the noose. That suggests to me as the potential destructive impact of this trial becomes evident to Trump, he may seek a plea deal.
I hope Georgia holds Trump's feet to the fire. This is no time for a slap on the wrist.

Associated Press

Trump cancels press conference on election fraud claims, citing attorneys' advice​

JILL COLVIN / Updated Fri, August 18, 2023 at 9:31 AM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump now says he won't be holding a news conference next week to unveil what he claims is new “evidence” of fraud in Georgia's 2020 presidential election — even though no fraud has ever been substantiated — citing the advice of lawyers as he prepares to face trial in two criminal cases that stem from his election lies.

No compelling evidence of the wide-scale fraud Trump alleges has emerged in the two-and-a-half years since the election in Georgia or elsewhere, despite Trump's baseless claims. Republican officials in the state have long said he lost fairly and three recounts there confirmed President Joe Biden's win.

That's not a panacea, BUT

it may bring a little end of the work-week cheer to consider that those that have finally managed to get Trump to shove a cork in it are Trump's own lawyers.

- ha -
it may bring a little end of the work-week cheer to consider that those that have finally managed to get Trump to shove a cork in it are Trump's own lawyers.
Maybe they convinced him that if he didn't shut up his bail would be revoked.
I should've known there'd be a down-side. bail revocation, tranquil bliss

Friday August 25, noon / ET: Trump & his 18 co-conspirators due at court for prints & pics. Will Trump ever see daylight again, after that date?
"Stop buying Skittles asap!" cb #810
After you stop beating your wife?

"Share Size"
What % of Skittles consumed are consumed by a person other than the purchaser?

Are they five?
AR #817
Religion & god are often conflated. Unfortunately so in my opinion.
In too many cases religionists, churches are not brokers for god, but hucksters for themselves.
That's bad. BUT !!
While it's sensible reason to be wary of religion, it's no logical justification to be unappreciative.
Creation is quite a marvel. And humanity's sentient glimpse into this vast miracle is a priceless gift.
Allowing the religion bidness to blind us to that miracle is self-defeating. Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau said: "Love life."

Good idea Frenchie.

“The Scarsdale diet was a popular fad for several years. It has a chart in here indicating what you ought to weigh. [It] Says a woman 5' 4" ought to weigh between 110 & 123 lbs. If you're a man 5' 8", Dr. Tarnower said you should weigh between 137 & 153 lbs. Well, I'm a man 5' 8" who weighs between 205 & 206 lbs. According to him I should be 6' 6" tall.” Andy Rooney

Age of AI generated news dis-information mayhem commence!


It doesn't matter if it gets debunked 3 days later if its something time sensitive. We'll either fall for AI crap and someone will lose/win an election, or something real will happen and no one will believe it. A brave new dimension in weaponised Bullshit awaits and will only get more sophisticated over time.