Photos, vids, etc ....

"Ok this is pretty funny." #822
Yes, BUT !!

The precedent is potentially exceedingly dangerous. Even an innocent slogan in a foreign language might seem innocuous.
Then come the Satanist slogans, whether in Cyrillic, or plain English.

There is much to alarm the responsible conscience here. But most obvious:
- Either the Texas legislators responsible for this are so stupid they didn't anticipate this. - OR -
- They knew, but didn't care.

Which of these two explanations is supposed to put us at ease with the Lone IQ State?

rivalry between a Texas rancher, and a Massachusetts farmer
The Texan, intending to insult the Yankee for the diminutive size of his Massachusetts spread declared:
"I hopped in my truck and drove around the perimeter of my Texas ranch. It took almost 7 hours."
The Yank nodded in agreement and replied:
"Yeah. I had a truck like that once."
S2 #824

I'm sincerely not sure whether this unique presidential achievement list is more alarming than his popular support.
"1st President ever to be elected with help of a foreign nation." #824
Is this an allusion to Russia?
- Do we know for a fact Russia substantially interfered?
- Can it be proved this "foreign nation" controlled / changed the outcome of the election? That if not for the alleged conduct of this foreign nation, Hillary would have been president?
S2 #826 Nixon

I have a personal history with Nixon. He's the first president I ever voted against. It's an interesting contrast to Trump. Thanks S2.


AJ !
S2 !

There may be a risk that some that review these topics might gain a negative impression of President Trump.

Trump freed the Taliban leader who took over Kabul last year​



And after pouring $2.3 trillion into that hellhole the US still can't afford universal healthcare
No U.S. president in office during this War is blame free.
And while the Biden withdrawal seems a needless disaster, the bulk of the blame belongs to the U.S. president that started this War in the first place, President GWB.
The younger Bush administration was so humiliated by its War in Iraq the administration's war-fighting attentions were disproportionately concentrated there. For they knew,
if their Iraq War, the War they lied U.S. into, were to fail, it would be a disgrace that would mark the GWB presidency for all time.

I supported the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.
Usama bin Laden [UBL] found refuge in Afghanistan. President GWB told the Taliban, the defacto government of Afghanistan at that time, either you hand over UBL,
or we'll come in and get him.
They didn't.
We did.

BUT !!

The U.S. military invasion of Afghanistan was botched hideously from day #1.
UBL was believed to be in Tora Bora.
Apparently to save money the U.S. employed local mercenaries for Tora Bora perimeter security, UBL's fellow Muslims.
Little surprise that UBL was able to circumvent GWB's arrest.
And so what might have been one of the U.S. most brief wars in history became the longest.

Bush said - Wanted: Dead or Alive -
UBL outlasted the 8 year Bush administration.
It was a Democrat, President Obama that skipped the Bush rhetorical swagger, and patiently developed the intelligence leads that resulted in Seal Team #6 feeding UBL to the fish.

One other thought on GWB.
During the 8 years of the GWB administration UBL killed ~3,000 innocent Americans. BUT !!
During those same 8 years President GWB killed thousands more innocent Americans than UBL.
UBL was #1 on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list. GWB gets a generous presidential pension, and Secret Service protection for life.

Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. Fact is his actual compound was located just half a mile from Pakistan's premier military training academy Kakul Military Academy (PMA) in Abbottabad (that's the Pakistani equivalent of West Point). And yet the Americans managed to get in, complete their mission, and escape before the full might of the Pakistani military descended on them in force. Think about it.
To put things in perspective ....


One correction - the number killed in the Holocaust is significantly higher than 6 million. In addition to Jews there were millions of others including Romani, Homosexuals, and disabled people - estimates range as high as 20 million in total (maybe more - seems they're still finding mass graves).
"Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, not Afghanistan." S2 #831
My wording might have seemed to suggest otherwise. Thanks for the clarification.
"... Pakistan's premier military training academy Kakul Military Academy (PMA) in Abbottabad (that's the Pakistani equivalent of West Point). And yet the Americans managed to get in, complete their mission, and escape before the full might of the Pakistani military descended on them in force. Think about it." S2 #831
I've been to the West Point campus a few times. I think the town's name is Highland Falls, but it's been so many decades, not sure. BUT !!
The Abbottabad / West Point analogy was reported at the time.
If Abbottabad was a true active military base like Ft. Bragg, or Camp Lejeune it might seem more concerning.
But West Point is more of a college campus than a military installation. There's a mock-up of one of the A-bombs used in WWII at the museum at West Point. And of course there's lots of impressive masonry, stone buildings.

But if the devil himself was found near West Point I don't think s/he'd be in substantially greater danger than if found near MIT or Princeton. An active military base, different story.

The pic in #832 has me puzzled. I suspect it was originally black & white, and has been colorized. My apology Ansel Adams.

Personal note:
About 40 years ago I spent half a day playing paint-ball against a bus load of West Point cadets.
They'd kick our butts, and then tell us the names of the historic battles they modeled their combat on.

Also possibly worth noting, though the U.S. maintains both West Point and Annapolis military colleges, the expert opinion I've read on it indicates U.S. military officers that graduated from either of these government schools
do not make significantly better officers than those that have graduated from other schools, Stanford, Rice, or whatever.

"Re the Pakistani academy - a terrorism consultant I deal with would disagree with you. Quite vehemently." #834
No problem. I've never been to Abbottabad, or anywhere else in Pakistan. BUT !!
If #834 is correct, then #831 isn't.
"Kakul Military Academy (PMA) in Abbottabad (that's the Pakistani equivalent of West Point)." #831
I've been to West Point. Not clear to me what special expertise is ready there to respond to such a night-time raid, with zero notice, in the amount of time available. Thus if the vehemence is appropriate, the analogy to West Point may not be.
BUT !!
If PMA is capable in responding effectively to such a night-time raid, but didn't, that raises a few questions.

Chiefly, why was there no significant response?
- ST6 too quick? An additional chopper was reportedly dispatched to replace the one that crashed in its own rotor-wash. The team was obviously prepared for that contingency, but it didn't reduce the total mission duration.
- Or was PMA $bought off? Not likely. That would have required fore-warning of PMA commanders ranking high enough to scuttle an effective PMA response, AND would also require their cooperative secrecy. That's compound unlikely.
A little more interesting than the photographer / publisher may have intended.

The sandwich-board style poster displayed by the seasoned citizen directly refutes the "pro-life" lie / slogan of the anti-choicers.

A+ for logical validity. BUT:

That's hardly crowd-populated / reinforced public support and ideological solidarity. She's alone on a street corner, not even a curious pedestrian onlooker.

The graphic tells a story. Not sure it tells quite the story intended.
Perhaps that story may be more persuasively presented in the Republican election faltering following the Roberts activist Dobbs decision re-criminalizing women's right of choice.