Photos, vids, etc ....


What book? Where can we get a copy?
Re #761

Apparently electroshock therapy and lobotomies can't turn a gay person straight but a pride poster on the wall of a school will turn all those kids gay.
Not certain you're a broadcast TV fan, but Seth MacFarlane, the creative powerhouse behind such animated series as Family Guy is a glaring "woke" presence OTA.
The Family Guy team often write such celebs into the script. Adam West is prominently featured. BUT
#772 is lost on me. I understand Bat Man / Mr. Wayne. Not sure what else, except for the nostalgia of the rotary telephone. Whee !
I did.
Apart from an unidentified clunk sound, just seemed like West playing both characters in the same scene, Bat Man on the red phone, Mr. Wayne on the white.

A black phone & a red phone @city hall.

So who's on the other end of the black phone? The white phone?

And I'm guessing Bat Man's onlooker is Robin. I didn't watch the series. Was that the actor that played Robin?

& I can't identify the bust on West's desk. Columbus?
That show was pure camp and this is intended to be ridiculous - even when the show was recorded they could easily have patched the two phones directly together with a single speaker - and given Bruce Wayne's money that would have been easy ...
That show was pure camp
It had to be, to be relevant to the original.

I've diagnosed my #773. I thought there might be a punchline I'd missed. Turns out I was never a fan of either the print or broadcast versions, or the super-hero genre. I'm too literal-minded for that. Big sci-fi fan though, Vonnegut & all.