Photos, vids, etc ....

Why has this taken so long ?!
It's not merely that FOX did this. They KNOW they did it, and evidently have admitted KNOWING they did it. But:
The end of FOX is not necessarily a panacea. What ever media pestilence springs up to replace FOX may be substantially worse. Not likely to be

If U.S. libel / slander law isn't enough to contain this disinfotainment pestilence, we need law that will. That's not likely while Mitch McConnell is driving the boat.
Dr. Seuss' stories never harmed anyone.
Many a fair-minded person believe that. My older sister grabbed my Chinese knock-off of a Dr. Seuss book, titled Green Eggs and Spam.
She bashed me over the head with it, and went joy riding on my hot wheels. [meaning: point taken]
Thus, I've wondered whether either personally, or all human history, Holy Bible religions (I include Roman Catholicism) has been a net benefit, or a net detriment. UNQUESTIONABLY the examples you've cited are of detriment (in my subjective opinion).

BUT !!

Some of the most magnificent human beings I've ever met have been religious, one of which may have attended Catholic church regularly. Another lived as nobly as any man I've ever met. He spent years as an over-qualified school teacher, then moved on to banking, as a VP of a major bank, and near as I can tell he $earned a $fortune, but donated the bulk of it to charity, and lived quite modestly in a row house in Southern New York State. Last year we celebrated his 80th birthday together. We discussed Glass-Steagall over suchi. I think he's a vegetarian.

I understand. We'll never know whether Christianity improved them, or whether their intrinsic personality steered them to it. Not sure it matters.
One question I've been asking on any number of blogs, including some very conservative ones:

Name one good thing that religion does that cannot be accomplished by secular means.

So far, the best anyone has been able to come up with is "it makes me feel good".
We'll have to side-step cause-&-affect here. But there is a void in the collective human psyche. Religion is drawn in to occupy that void.
"I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief." Gerry Spence, Attorney at Law
2 + 2 = 57
might not impress you as correct. BUT !!

a) 57 is an answer, even if it's not the correct answer.
b) Having the wrong answer pre-supposes the question. And the question can tend to draw us closer to the correct answer.

Let us please not forget some of the most able scientists were religious men.
Gregor Mendel figured out genetic heredity long before Watson & Crick figured out DNA.
Was Ben Franklin a Deist?
Sir Isaac Newton, perhaps the most brilliant scientist of all time, got his education at Trinity College, Cambridge.

Please do not infer more (or less) than I imply. I sincerely believe you and I occupy the same side of the fence on this one. The difference between us is I'm not as bitter about it. No insult intended, but your indelible atheism scores comparably with some more zealous believers.
They evangelize belief.
You evangelize disbelief. You're both zealots. And my cyber-friend, I offer the following not to undermine you, but to tranquilize vexation. Agnosticism is easier on the stomach lining.
I used to subscribe to American Atheist magazine. That was before the Internet. I just checked this AM:
This is the logo they display today.


Seems to me in the previous millennium their logo was similar (w/ nuclear allusion) but with two capital A.
Perhaps they dumped that one because of confusion with another organization with AA identity.

In any case I like yours a little better, a little more graceful, more artistic.

If you check the URL looks like they've scheduled a 4 day blowout in Phoenix April 6, 2023. AAcon2023
I'm probably not going.
A mouse flatus in a cyclone.
sear just called for the arrest, trial, and summary execution of all lawmakers who have ever voted to fund Drug War against their fellow $tax $paying citizens.

note: summary execution is the traditional benefit accorded to traitors in time of war, particularly treasonous war, precisely what Drug War is. It's not a war against drugs, it's a War against the People. And it's congress that's funding it, waging it.
I emphatically agree with the intended point of LQF #450. I do not support the basis provided.
"Inflation is out of control."
Historic low interest rates for an extended period should not distort perception of the historic mean.
It's not "out of control" if it's being controlled. It's being controlled as usual, by the fed. adjusting interest rates.
Housing is unaffordable.
I suspect most Americans are a) housed, & b) affordably.
Healthcare broken
Government involvement with healthcare is not a panacea. This "broken" claim is biased, in degree similar to healthcare itself.
Everyone drowning in student debt
"Everyone"? Why over-state the case? By over-statement the potentially valid point is rendered false.
ecosystems collapsing
"Collapse" means abrupt failure. If this assertion were true we'd all be either dead, or doomed. There are problems to be sure. This biased assertion over-states them.
constantly on the brink of war
Russia just caused a military aircraft to military aircraft collision reportedly in international airspace. That would seem to be a step closer to the brink, not "constant" as LQF #450 asserts.

BUT !!
However imperfectly advocated, the intended conclusion is worth noting, even it too is imprecise. "... every American citizen"?
S2 #452
Took me a while to figure out.
It was being transported on a flatbed truck, cleared the first structural member of the bridge seen with a condom probably from previous collisions, and natural deterioration.
The bridge's next structural support caught the brow of the cab roof buckling the A-pillars. The Viagra truck wasn't lashed down well enough to prevent the transport truck from driving out from under it. That in turn may have spared the bridge more serious damage.

#453 had me alarmed. I thought she was in the chair when he pushed it, and I imagined it outdoors on concrete steps.
I'm not trying to frustrate you here, but when I saw the fish-eye pic I was relieved, though puzzled how chair and amputee were separated at an upstairs bar.
Illegal in Tennessee
In interest to candor & full disclosure perhaps the State should be renamed "Ten'NotToSee". Double-entendre anyone?
Trump attorney Joe Tacopina on MSNBC (!) claims Trump's lies about the Stormy Daniels hush payment weren't actually lies because he wasn't under oath and also he didn't want to violate a confidentiality clause (with vid)
