Photos, vids, etc ....

Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death


S2 #402


Is that young Christopher Hitchens?

In my largely unsubstantiated opinion Pluto's demotion from planetary status chiefly by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson (also pictured above) was a despicable if viably executed palace coup.
Until I obtain persuasive evidence to the contrary I believe Tyson did this for the lowest of reasons, personal notoriety, rather than compelling astrophysical classification.
Corroborating my opinion, evidence obtained after Pluto's declassification reveal Pluto to be roughly spherical.
Tyson is a charming scientist, and an able educator. But this "accomplishment" of his which Tyson seems to wear as a badge of pride is in my opinion an indelible stain on his list of lifetime achievements.
S2 #407

S2 #408
In that context Cruz slipping off to the Caribbean during a Texas crisis doesn't look quite so bad.

Generally treachery can mean betraying someone else. In the exceptional case of hypocrisy, it's betraying ones self. Whale dirt can't sink that low.
Don't see how you reach that conclusion.
You flatter me by calling it a "conclusion". It may not rise above the level of opinion, a very simple one.
Slipping off to the Caribbean during a crisis has at least the appearance of a betrayal, even if only a temporary abandonment of his constituency. If only he were the first MOC to do that. I suspect, to one degree or another, persons are betrayed by others every day.
But if Cruz is concealing his heritage to join the xenophobe bandwagon, that's an even more fundamental betrayal, a betrayal of himself, his own identity.

It's a minor point.
If Cruz was Mayor of Texas then his services might well have been needed at that time. But I gather Cruz actually delivers so little to his constituents that a few weeks off the continent could go unnoticed. Thus, the Caribbean thing seems to me an infraction more of style than substance. BUT !!
Don't worry Teddy. I don't dislike you any less for it either way.
There's enough detail in S2 #412 to express it in paragraph form. But based on that snapshot alone, looks like Epstein is the alpha, being distracted / annoyed by yet another sycophant.
"#412 is not a snapshot - it's a vid - you have to click on it a couple of times" S2 #414
My thanks S2. Right you are of course.
My intended original counterpoint was, one needn't review the entire video, or more broadly, a full recounting of that day's events regarding Trump & or Epstein.
Simply that two dimensional image (minus the additional dimension of time) is enough to observe a dynamic in their relationship. For obvious example, Epstein is obviously more interested in what he's looking at than who is talking to him. In Skinnerian shorthand, the still image suggests Epstein is higher in the "pecking-order", Trump lower.

S2 #415
From $700 to $3,600 per month, in 20 years. I'm not smart enough to calculate the per year $inflation rate.
But if the "downtown" mentioned here is lower Manhattan (Greenwich Village?) that's probably about right.

Problem is:
a) It's an anecdote, not a statistical summary of the U.S. national trend.
b) It doesn't disclose the other half of the equation, the salary differential over the same timespan.

It's a valid point. I believe there are more persuasive ways to make that point.
"Sicknick" S2 #416
a) Touché
b) For those whose memory has lapsed on this reference:
"Brian Sicknick, a United States Capitol Police (USCP) officer, died on January 7, 2021, after having two strokes one day after he responded to an attack on the U.S. Capitol. The District of Columbia chief medical examiner found that Sicknick had died from stroke, classifying his death as natural and ..." source: StartPage / Wiki
" Giving the middle finger is a ‘God-given right’, Canadian judge rules " #418

Some laymen believe the U.S. Constitution's "freedom of the press" clause enshrines a right to read a newspaper.
First Amendment scholars dispel this myth, clarify the meaning of this Constitutional clause: freedom of the press is a right anyone with a printing press is entitled to.

By logical extension: " Giving the middle finger is a ‘God-given right’ " that anyone with a middle finger is entitled to?

Not clear on the symbolism, but it seems the one with the umbrella is literally if not also symbolically between an SUV & a porta-potty.