Photos, vids, etc ....

S2 #361
I'm not endorsing Cruz here.
But premised on the notion that: "If you will the end, you must will the means to that end." George Will
I can not offer my full endorsement of the insinuation.

I'm not vehemently opposed to "living wage", healthcare, and Social Security.
- But paying a high school student (one that has not graduated & therefore does not yet have a diploma) that's performing basic entry-level labor a "living wage", meaning enough income to afford rent, groceries, taxes, home heating fuel, etc is wrong-headed. Minimum wage is therefore not necessarily a good idea in all cases. Whether the system can be adjusted to get it to those that need it & have earned it, while not simultaneously providing an unearned windfall for teenagers is worth a hard look. We're not there yet.

- Healthcare: there are several models, Western Europe vs the U.S. for obvious contrast. I have some slightly Darwinian doubts about the ultimate benevolence of all merit criteria being wrung from the system.

- Social Security is a monstrously insidious Ponzi scheme. Are not all pyramid schemes destined to fail, collapse, unless radically restructured? I understand. Legislators don't want to get stuck holding the bag for indigent elderly. Fabulous. But it's not a binary, either geriatric pencil peddlers on street corners, or Social Security. President sear would phase in private sector involvement. Government should regulate it, NOT administer it.

Broader perspective who within the confines of this solar system can authoritatively state what the Republican party stands for?

Bugs #362
You want DeSantis to run for President of Cuba? His running mate, Vice President Fudd?
S2 / GL #364


- thank you -

JT #365
Cram a diaper in it potty-mouth. Vulgar vocabulary is not a viable substitute for logical persuasion. You undermine your case with puerile vulgarity.
"Agree?" LM #367 / S2
My ill-considered lay answer is: agreed. BUT !

Rather than setting national policy (potentially a global standard) on my ignorant do-gooder inclination, I believe we should first answer a few questions.

Some historic insights can traumatize the children they're given to. Adoption: some adoptive parents have made the mistake of keeping the adoption secret from the adoptee until adulthood. Very bad idea, even if well-intentioned. Turns out it's far less traumatic to let the adopted child know as soon as possible, as they're first learning to speak. Not necessary to deliver every detail, just that they're adopted. And when they reach the stage of maturation where such detail is of interest to them, they can ask for it. That stage of maturation is reached at different ages among different individuals. That raises questions about teaching such history in "Public" (government) schools. And if such education is provided only in schools populated by NA, other problems result. MLK's great challenge was not in enlightening Blacks, but enlightening Whites. If so, not also for NA?

There are other important complications. But if all are resolved, and such learning can be constructive rather than destructive for the victims, I would unreservedly endorse it.

I like the photograph. I'm guessing the boy & girl on the left may be sibs.
Even if not a deliberate disinformation campaign, our culture, my culture obscures the history of these Peoples. Casting Italian Anthony Caruso as "Indian chief" is the tip of the iceberg. Some accounts indicate ostensible native American dialogue in B&W "cowboy & Indian" movies is gibberish. That's capitalism, pseudo-history on a budget. It's a very long list.
It's genocide. Not only entire native nations gone, but along with them their language, their culture. So while imperfect these 5 children, some perhaps in their "Sunday best", provide us a slim glimpse into what is lost.
LL #369
gas·light (găslīt′)
1. Light produced by burning illuminating gas.
2. A gas burner or lamp.

tr.v. gas·light·edor gas·lit , gas·light·ing, gas·lights
To psychologically manipulate (someone) so that they question their memories, perception, or sanity: “Feminists are often gaslighted into believing that holding their partners accountable for promoting gender equality is unreasonable” (Suzannah Weiss).

[GAS + LIGHT1. Verb, after the play Gas Light (1938) by British playwright Patrick Hamilton (1904-1962) and its film adaptations, in particular Gaslight (1944), in which a woman experiences strange events, such as the unexplained dimming of the gaslights in her house, and doubts her own sanity when she is told she is imagining or misremembering her experiences.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

Seems like a recklessly poetic way to express it. It's deliberate pro-active Republican treachery and hypocrisy. Prioritizing partisanship ahead of citizenship / patriotism is a transcendent disgrace. And on the scale it's currently manifest, it undermines, discredits the entire Republican party.
"It's still baffling to me why it took the army all afternoon to deploy the Guard!" Trudeau #371
"The [U.S.] army" is not an executive. I believe it's either the State governor, or the president (both are CEO) that has authority to deploy the [National] Guard.

The U.S. Air Force surely could have quelled the insurrection, but would also have leveled the capitol in the process. Not sure this one earns a passing grade Trudeau. Not up to your usual standard?