Photos, vids, etc ....

Like spicy food? Be careful what you ask for. You might get it!

Really hot !
Can you get me his phone number?

[note to sear: no more MTG jokes until KC wins the superbowl]
You mean until Santos quarterbacks the winning team to victory?

I recently learned of Santos' NBA prowess. He's w/ the NFL too?
Makes sense. I can't name a better quarterback on the Baruch Bearcats Volleyball team.

If it were just one charming eccentric (Bernie Sanders, Rand Paul) I might not fret.
"Rational" Romney is clearly outnumbered. The trend is horrifying.

Go KC !
S2 #333 (halfway to #666?)

a) What's his life expectancy after being resuscitated?
b) If a model prisoner, why not?
c) If authorities think it prudent, could such released convict be fitted with a GPS tracker, and confined to court designated area, whether house arrest, or whatever?
d) Whether it's necessary to update the law for this contingency I don't know. But I wouldn't assume it is not.
Re #333 - the question is, has he served his life sentence? After all, he was supposed to be confined until he died - unless he was sentenced to multiple consecutive life sentences he's done that.
I don't consider it a legal "bright line" certitude.
The premise of the vagary is that death is permanent. Usually so. BUT !! Not in these rare exceptions. And that plunges us into the "spirit of the law" debate, when the "letter of the law" is not definitive.
"After all, he was supposed to be confined until he died" S2 #335
I haven't read the statutory language. What you say may be true. - OR -
If instead it says - confined as long as he's alive - then his only legal opportunity to be free from confinement was when he was briefly dead.

Worth mentioning, there are criteria for "dead". Was Damar Hamlin "dead" because his heart stopped during an NFL game?
Point being there are already a variety of definitions for dead, including "brain dead", Terry Schiavo for example.

There are a number of ways to resolve this. The best way is to clarify the wording of the sentence, to include this contingency *.
But the medical community can end-run that more cumbersome process by completing the medical definition/s of dead, to resolve this.

* Reductio ad absurdum, write an exception into "life without parole", and lifers would be trying whatever they could to qualify for the exception/s. What have they got to lose? The movie Flat Liners comes to mind.
"consecutive life" S2 #335
"Consecutive" suggests to me father & son, not father and father. Rather than two lives, it seems more to me like one life, with a brief but relatively inconsequential intermission.
[note to sear: no more MTG jokes until KC wins the superbowl]

Greene's polling isn't ideal for her or the GOP​

According to polling in January by YouGov, Greene was more often than not deemed as "unfavorable" among all respondents.
The second-term Republican polled even worse among self-identified Independents — a group Republicans need to sway to stay in power — 37% said they viewed her as "unfavorable" compared to the 25% who favored her.
But Greene polls poorly, ... Dems will likely weaponize that ahead of 2024.
