Photos, vids, etc ....

"From anyone else I'd assume this was a typo. But from her ...." S2 #308


The correct spelling for that misnomer is tidal.
S2, might she have meant a tittle wave?

I don't think tidal waves come "out". I think the come up.
I can't make much sense of MTG until I put her behavior, her thought process in context of a 12 year old girl.

tit·tle (tĭtl)
1. A small diacritic mark, such as an accent, vowel mark, or dot over an i.
2. The tiniest bit; an iota.

[Middle English titil, from Medieval Latin titulus, diacritical mark, from Latin, title, superscription.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
I can't make rational sense of this. The First Amendment is unambiguously clear.
It appears Adams has solved the risk of picking the wrong side, by taking both sides. The most obvious explanation, these are the ravings of drunkards.

A few years ago I encountered a report of a California school that excluded smart-phones. I have a personal friend that's an educator out there.
The two details I recall from that conversation:
1) It was a private school, a Rudolf Steiner school.
2) Many of the parents that sent their children for this deliberately low-tech education were from high-tech industry, "Silicon Valley".

I made my personal decision to not carry a smart-phone before I started reading articles about how addictive they are, in life-changing ways.
Might seem inadequate for one that spends as much time online as I do. But I'm wary of some of the peril.
I understand for example that there are smart-phone traps built into the Internet, designed to psychologically ensnare users.
Long-scroll is one example that comes to mind, but there are others.

My conclusion here is these two have offered but a scant glancing blow at a problem that may not be getting enough attention.
I suspect the smart-phone may be changing the way we socialize. For good or ill ?