Photos, vids, etc ....

Ever wonder how many conservative women are wearing pants?

S2 #420:
Either I don't get it, or it's not very funny. Not sure what to infer from it's being post #420.
"Anti-abortion techniques now target drag and trans people." Reed #421
I'd wondered why for example Governor DeSantis (R-FL) concentrates his political campaign rhetoric.
Political analysis indicates it's successful.

Is any other reason necessary? To those like DeSantis, winning is all that matters.
"Meet Lauren, daughter of a teen mom ..." @dia #422
A mis-labeled photo may be the most plausible explanation here. That looks to me like Representative Boebert (R-CO) next to a young man, outdoors, in public. If they're both female, then the elder's right hand placement on the chest of the younger would be extremely inappropriate, unlikely something they'd both pose for smiling.
That's her son - Boebert is the daughter of a teen mom (with no father shown on the birth certificate) and Boebert was also a teen mom.
S2 #425
I'm obviously a little slower than usual today. [Not kiddin']

Intelligence (& lack thereof) tends to be hereditary. Perhaps as son matures he'll master the conceptual challenge of passing the button through the button-hole obliquely, thereafter being able to appear in public with shirt buttoned. [kiddin']

In generations past the ideological spectrum of U.S. politicians was quite broad, but mostly plausible, sincere. Beobert, Santos, MTG, & swindle-master Trump have exceeded even satirical plausibility.
“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Dorothy
S2 #427

For those that thought Republican convergence with Vlad Putin was merely about assisting Trump with the 2016 vote (which Trump lost), post #428 compares #427, revealing just how like-minded Putin and Republicans actually are. You tell me what the difference is.

The Daily Beast

Mass Backstabbing Spree Over Putin’s War Sweeps Russia​

Sputnik/Mikhail Metzel/Pool via REUTERS

Russian citizens are ratting each other out to authorities in droves for anti-war comments made in bars, beauty salons, and grocery stores in roughly a dozen cities across the country, according to a new report from the independent Russian news outlet Vrestka.
Legal filings obtained by the outlet from Moscow, Bryansk, Novosibirsk, and other cities indicate that citizens have been turned in for “violations” as minor as cracking a joke about the war, listening to Ukrainian music, or even just talking about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion in a public space.
Many of those jailed after being reported by other citizens were charged under Article 20.3.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a new law signed by Putin last year criminalizing “public actions aimed at discrediting” Russian Armed Forces.
Mentally anesthetized by over 12 months of massively corroborated public opinion polls indicating Hillary was ahead of Trump, no voice loud enough to reach my ear before sundown/ET election day predicted a Trump win.
What lulled me to anxiety-free slumber election night was my unwavering confidence that the system was working, and would keep Trump out of DC.
I was wrong.
Did the system operate according to law? is the outcome what the Founders had in mind?

Systemic safeguards did not keep Trump out of the white house. I see no evidence providing confidence-building comfort DeSantis will be kept out of the white house due to systemic safeguards.

E pluribus unum.
The military stratification created by Russia's invasion of Ukraine has the upside of steeling NATO's resolve. BUT !!
The downside is Putin / Moscow is snatching up the n'er-do-wells that would ally with him, including China, and Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
News this week, North Korea has launched cruise missiles from a submarine. That may potentially extend NK's nuclear reach within the U.S.
This means our enemies may be consolidating, combining their power as never before, becoming stronger.

And E pluribus unum, the People of the United States of America are never stronger than when we are one: E pluribus unum, out of many, one.
So it is for reason not only of survival, and utilitarian benefit to humanity, it's also as a loyal citizen that I believe the divisive politics currently in the U.S. is excitement, entertainment at a cost of risk we can't afford. My pappy taught me, never risk more than you can afford to lose.
And also-ran politicians using division politics like DeSantis are obtaining personal benefit / political power at titanic risk. It's worth the gamble to him. Is it worth the gamble to you, my fellow Americans (if I may invoke LBJ).

We're the People that will either put DeSantis in the white house, or keep him out. What kind of People do you want to be?
iirc in Genesis god said if they would eat fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would surely die. Eve did, BUT !! she lived long enough to populate the planet.

Noos flash Donnie. Ain't none of us immortal. We all are indeed going to die, whether we don't elect you president again. You think you can actually get the GOP nomination? & btw, we've ALREADY elected you president. Does that mean we're all immortal?
In Genesis we're told that god expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden to prevent them from eating from the "Tree of,Life" and living forever.
In Genesis we're told that god expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden to prevent them from eating from the "Tree of,Life" and living forever.
a) oh
b) I thought expulsion from Paradise and rescission of immortality was the punishment imposed by the omniscient, omnipotent deity AFTER Eve did what an omniscient deity would have known she would do. The name I recall for the tree was "the tree of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil". No worries.
Genesis 9:3

22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

Also worth noting that god said "the man is become as one of us" confirming that there were other gods.
Genesis 9:3
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

Also worth noting that god said "the man is become as one of us" confirming that there were other gods.
That seems posted as a correction to me. I see no discrepancy between my recounting from the vaguest of memories of the holy scripture, and yours. I'm OK w/ it if you are, but if you'd intended your #435 as a correction or clarification to me, it failed.

Not sure why it would matter.
I was always taught (school, Sunday School) that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden as punishment for disobeying god and eating from the Tree of Knowledge - no mention of the Tree of Life.

And they weren't immortal - if they were there would be no need for god to worry about the tree of life.

But the thing that was never mentioned - if Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil they couldn't possibly have known that it was a sin to disobey god and they were being "punished" for no reason.

And, as you pointed out, an omniscient god had to know about the serpent and he also had to know what exactly was going to happen. His actions were tantamount to knowingly leaving a toddler alone with an unrepentant pedophile rapist and then blaming the toddler for what happened.
And they weren't immortal -
My Biblical consultant, a Jehovah's Witness (JW), discussed this with me (30 years ago). My comment to him: god said they'd surely die, but they didn't (die right away).
JW's explanation*: Adam was made in god's own "image & likeness", and god was immortal. Thus, the penalty for enlightenment was the loss of divine immortality. Adam (& ...) would live out their natural days, but would indeed "surely die", perhaps at the age you and I are now.
* I understand, scriptural interpretations are manifold. I'm not insisting JW's is right (or wrong). It's a story.
- if they were there would be no need for god to worry about the tree of life.
I've got some Jewelweed growing naturally, natively in my yard. It can be used to treat poison ivy rash. But I didn't plant it here deliberately.
Bear in mind, in the religion bidness, one need only have a plausible interpretation. Among the more plausible for the tree of life in paradise: there might have been a grove of them here or there, nothing special. The Holy Bible doesn't mention the tree of NHL not because the big G wasn't a HUGE ice hockey fan, but merely because when Genesis was written it was Summer, slipped the author's mind. I've never read the full taxonomic list of life-forms in primordial Paradise.
But the thing that was never mentioned - if Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good and evil they couldn't possibly have known that it was a sin to disobey god and they were being "punished" for no reason.
They wouldn't have needed it. They would have had use for, and holy scripture implies they had, a viable if rudimentary grasp of permitted, and forbidden. They would not have had to know why. And if your speculative premise is correct, they might not have had basis to understand "why", but still have been aware it was forbidden.
And, as you pointed out, an omniscient god had to know about the serpent and he also had to know what exactly was going to happen. His actions were tantamount to knowingly leaving a toddler alone with an unrepentant pedophile rapist and then blaming the toddler for what happened.
Your vividly articulated perspective on these scriptural analyses over the years leads me to believe you might prefer stories from Dr Seuss.
Your vividly articulated perspective on these scriptural analyses over the years leads me to believe you might prefer stories from Dr Seuss.
That'd make more sense than many of the bible stories. Besides, Dr. Seuss' stories never harmed anyone.
