Alright Trudeau,#1,241
Not a comment of substance on the GOP, Trump, or MacFarlane, but,"Don't laugh - this is real" #1,243
Thank god it was a girl."Quasi-Confesses to Molesting 12-Year-Old Girl" #1,244
poor Melania
"Beauty is a curse to a slave woman."
There is at least the appearance Biden is offering this student loan forgiveness to buy votes at grass-roots level, not at wholesale level as Trump has attempted by seeking a $Billion from U.S. industry captains, in exchange for $tax $cuts for the wealthy."Trump calls President Biden's student loan debt forgiveness "vile" and ..." #1,248
vile ![]() adj. vil·er, vil·est 1. Morally depraved; ignoble or wicked: a vile traitor; vile accusations. 2. a. Disgusting; repulsive: vile effluent running down the city streets. b. Unpleasant or objectionable: vile weather. See Synonyms at offensive. 3. Miserably poor and degrading; wretched: a vile existence. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin vīlis, cheap, worthless; see wes-3 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] vilely adv. vileness n. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. |
- Some college students work one or more jobs through school to graduate debt free. Other students borrow. Biden rewards the latter group, thereby punishing the former group. Bad idea.
For one:"I don't want to see a government healthcare plan that pays for cancer treatment because that would be unfair to everyone who died because they couldn't afford to pay for treatment out of their own pocket. After all, some people managed to pay for that treatment so why shouldn't everyone have to." #1,250
Government healthcare is fine, or not. - whatever -"I don't want to see a government healthcare plan that pays for cancer treatment because that would be unfair to everyone who died because they couldn't afford to pay for treatment out of their own pocket. After all, some people managed to pay for that treatment so why shouldn't everyone have to." #1,250
These articulate insights seem unburdened by the formality of analytical thought that attends higher ed.#1,252
Republicans and Democrats alike are clanging the gong about Biden's debate fizzle Thursday night.When you put it that way ....
BUT !"the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King ..." Isaiah 33:22
Are we actually supposed to believe Trump was literate enough to read literature like Doonesbury?"Ever wondered where Donnie got that slogan from?" #1,256
meme ![]() n. 1. A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. 2. a. An image or short video clip, often accompanied by a humorous saying or popular catchphrase, that is transmitted virally, especially on social media. b. A humorous saying or popular catchphrase that is transmitted virally, especially as a caption for such an image or video clip. [Shortening (modeled on GENE) of mimeme, from Greek mimēma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate; see MIMESIS.] |