Photos, vids, etc ....


Just saw this and it reminds me of something my Mother-in-Law said. My wife and I had only been married for a month of so and we dropped in to see my MiL and, being the sweetheart that she is, she asked me if I'd like a cup of coffee. When I said "yes" she turned to my wife and said "get your husband a cup of coffee" (bit of a chuckle on the word "husband". But my wife's response was epic "He knows where the kitchen is". And of course when I got up to head into the kitchen my MiL headed me off. No way was I going to be the one to make my own coffee - at least under her roof.
"Just saw this and it reminds me of something my Mother-in-Law said. My wife and I had only been married for a month of so and we dropped in to see my MiL and, being the sweetheart that she is, she asked me if I'd like a cup of coffee. When I said "yes" she turned to my wife and said "get your husband a cup of coffee" (bit of a chuckle on the word "husband". But my wife's response was epic "He knows where the kitchen is". And of course when I got up to head into the kitchen my MiL headed me off. No way was I going to be the one to make my own coffee - at least under her roof." S2 #1,227
Political correctness (PC) misleads some to perceive men & women as equals. Legally perhaps. Psychologically, not.
For whatever reason, even in the new millennium women are passive at attracting a mate. For genetic reasons she wants to attract the best man she can, by her own subjective criteria that varies across a wide spectrum from physical to intellectual.
But our culture has left women to look pretty, and wait for a man to "make his move".
This cultural passivity manifests a dimension in the female parallel universe many if not most men don't understand, or are even aware of.

Many mothers understand they are judged by the performance of their children including daughters. Such mothers make effort to produce successful adult daughters. But,
there may be an underlying rivalry between mother and daughter, mother whose strong suit is maturity, daughter who has youth. These conflicting drives can occur simultaneously.

This contest is often but not always conducted with claws retracted. Many men that witness this see the evidence for themselves but fail to recognize / understand it.
"... trying to elect a demented dictator" Trudeau
This may be a goldmine insight.
Democrats here to fore have been trying to sway MAGA voters away from the orange eminence with logic.
But MAGA voters are not primarily attracted to Trump for logical appeal.

If Biden wants to sway MAGA voters Biden will have to address what attracts MAGA voters to Trump, ideological knuckle-dragging.
Not quite sure Joe can reach that low.

ém·i·nence grise (ā-mē-näɴs grēz)
n. pl. ém·i·nence grises(ā-mē-näɴs grēz)
A powerful adviser or decision maker who operates secretly or unofficially. Also called gray eminence.

[French, the power behind the throne : éminence, power + grise, feminine of gris, gray, shadowy.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
Re #1,227

You have to understand that my wife is Greek and her mother came here from Greece after WWII so for her it's very much a cultural thing.

While she's much more relaxed about things than my late Father-in-Law he freaked out because my wife was going to her high school prom with a boy and he wasn't Greek. IFor the record, I'm sure you've seen the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Have to say I saw it with my wife and a couple of her Greek girlfriends and they were all in hysterics basically saying "that's the story of my life" (at least the part about inviting all sorts of nice Greek boys to dinner). As a complete aside a couple of my friends (Cuban from Miami) said exactly the same thing except they were "nice Cuban boys".

Fortunately by the time I came on the scene he'd relaxed on that front because both my wife and her sister ended up marrying Anglos.
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Attending cinema used to be a staple in my life. The habit suddenly fizzled late in the previous millennium.

None the less, this slim segment of dialogue is familiar to me. Perhaps I saw a promo.

Toula Portokalos: Ma, Dad is so stubborn. What he says goes. "Ah, the man is the head of the house!"
Maria Portokalos: Let me tell you something, Toula. The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants.

Maintaining ethnic purity is a common theme.
But it runs counter to:
Westermarck effect: individuals who spend large amounts of time with each other under the age of six, raised together, regardless of relationship,tend to become desensitized to each other, and they will not generally develop sexual attraction to each other later in life. This idea is sometimes referred to as “reverse imprinting,” and it is named for Edvard Westermarck, a Finnish sociologist.
The incest taboo is not purely cultural.
It seems to present an approach / avoidance conflict at genetic level.

Name 3 things that are in bread:
- flour
- yeast
- Pat Buchanan
The incest taboo is not purely cultural.

The incest taboo had very practical origins. If somebody married outside of their immediate family it meant they had a larger "family" to call on in case of need. If they married a close relative, that didn't happen.
" they had a larger "family" to call on in case of need." S2 #1,236
Gog! We're all out of toilet paper again. Go to the cave next door, see if Donald has any.

On a more sober note, the notion of romantic love seems to be somewhat recent in human history, arranged marriages having been common.

Rob Roy was better than Braveheart.

I'm just sayin' ...
I'd like Elon to make a better vehicle available, less like a cartoon.

Doesn't look so bad.
"As if you need another reason not to buy one" S2 #1,239
IIRC the Ford F-150 PU is (or was) THE most popular automobile in the U.S.

It may remain out of reach for centuries, or longer. BUT !!
A 95% efficient electric battery that has an energy density the equal of diesel fuel
will be a big fat nail in the coffin of the internal combustion engine (ICE).