Photos, vids, etc ....

“Now that you're older has it occurred to you again, have you given anymore thought to god and whether he might be real? Stephen Colbert 18/01/17 @CBS Late Show
“Uh,yeah. I think about it every day. Yeah, he's not.” Ricky Gervais in reply

Not sure if it's true. Rumor says Gervais ran a full marathon every day for 30 continuous days.
"What does that have to do with his religious beliefs?" S2 1,202
Almost nothing that I know of.
I mentioned it as I've never heard it of anyone else (thus remarkable if not unique). Those few marathon runners I've encountered commenting on their own preparation for one single race mention "carbo-loading", eating carbohydrate food that will be of most help in supplying their body the energy needed to complete the marathon course.
I'm still skeptical that it's even possible to run one a day every day for more than four weeks in a row. BUT !!
If Gervais has ever even completed one marathon race, it suggests his body is not sickly.
And if his body isn't, perhaps his mind isn't also. (they're connected)
Frailty of mind can accompany frailty of body, & vice versa.

It's a minor point at best, but it suggests, if Gervais' body is hale, so too may be his mind. And if Gervais' mind is hale, so too may be his theological conclusions. Consider it peripheral corroboration.
Ever heard of an "ultra marathon"? Strictly speaking it's any race longer than a traditional marathon but they can be as long as 100 miles.

The Texas Supreme Court ruled woman who gave birth despite supposedly receiving a tubal ligation can’t sue her medical provider because “society views a healthy child’s arrival as a net boon and a gift.”​


The nine-member court, whose members are all Republican, ruled unanimously that Grissel Velasco could not seek damages from Dr. Michiel Noe and his medical practice, Sun City Women’s Health Care, for medical expenses, physical and mental harms, and the costs of raising her now eight-year-old girl.“

Texas law does not regard a healthy child as an injury for which a parent must be compensated but, rather, as a life with inherent dignity and profound, immeasurable value,” wrote Justice Rebeca Huddle.
"Ever heard of an "ultra marathon"? Strictly speaking it's any race longer than a traditional marathon but they can be as long as 100 miles." S2 #1,204
I don't know much about it.
About a decade ago I saw a late night TV interview of an ultra-marathoner.
He sat in the interview chair, and described how he'd be on a training run, and cell-telephone miles ahead to a pizzeria to order a pie to go. He's arrange to have the delivery bloke waiting at a street corner for him. He'd grab the box, and keep on running.
He detailed running, iirc in Death Valley. He said it was so hot the rubber soles of his sneakers were melting, sticking to the pavement.
He completed the interview, but before the camera was off him he was back on his feet, & running in the studio, on stage, on camera, fade to commercial. I do try to limit my compulsions.

I'm all for physical fitness.
Apart from lavish personal sloth my own excuse for not going too extreme is displacement. If I spent more time doing that, I'd have less time to do this. BUT !!

Since the end of January I've been walking 4 miles ~every other day. I'm over 200 miles now, soon to resume bicycling instead.
When I walk the 4 miles, I try to complete the course in under 60 minutes, usually successfully.
I've logged 80 miles on my new HOKA sneakers. Sneakers with Vibram soles. How cool is that ?!

When I was a boy the choice in sneakers was either Keds (blue label), or PF Flyers (green label).
Now the cushion in "running shoes" is rated in miles. My HOKAs are rated at 400 miles.

If I was jogging past that adorable young'un in #1,205 I'd be powerfully tempted to give her a "goochie goochie gooo" while her arms were up. Probably go to jail for it. Well deserved in my case. ; )

[/kiddin'] ( ... or am I ? ... )

Nice slogan: "My Bod / My Choi"
Come back when you're a C-cup darlin'.

I have lost the ability to detect sarcasm or satire - seems this guy is a fictional character - wrote a book about Jesus working as a detective

"I have lost the ability to detect sarcasm or satire - seems this guy is a fictional character - wrote a book about Jesus working as a detective" S2 #1,207
As you know S2, the standard of such analysis is to view the world as static, and any drift to be subjective, yours, mine, theirs. BUT !
The Trump era has shattered that standard.

Source Name: "Jack Kimble"
initials: J K
(just kiddin')

In a sense it may be inspired by a traditional education joke in the U.S.

Early in our history (the 18th Century) we recognized the importance of universal literacy, basic education. To my knowledge that's the origin of the pro-education term "the three R's": Readin', wRightin', & aRithmetic
I've long assumed this to be a good-natured warning about the peril of widespread illiteracy.

I hope I haven't missed the point here. In any case, nice to enjoy a low calorie snicker with my AM mug of java (that means coughy).

The graph in #1,207 looks like a bosom. Any chance you can post the other one? J. K.
Haven't had time to listen to all of this yet so I can't confirm if it's pure hyperbole ....

Right Wing PLOT to Overthrow Democracy CAUGHT and EXPOSED by Top Journalist | PoliticsGirl​

"Quite the contrast" between Putin and Netanyahu #1,211
I'm no huge fan of either of these guys. BUT
we should not lose sight, Putin commanded an unprovoked invasion / occupation of both Crimea, and Ukraine proper. Putin the initiator.

Netanyahu is responding against a bloody attack from Hamas. That doesn't excuse Netanyahu war crimes. But it's intended to define distinction between these two.
" he's actively trying to eliminate Palestinians." S2 1,213
Seems so to me.
I'm not endorsing Netanyahu's tactics.
But I suspect part of Netanyahu's intention is to make Israel's blowback from Hamas' attack so miserable that the Palestinian electorate VOTE Hamas out of existence.
Perhaps so. Perhaps not. Either way, such objective is the stated objective of Netanyahu's current war there.

Either way, doesn't mean it's not war crime.
"Looks more like genocide ..." S2 1,215
Rather than mere "war crime"?

gen·o·cide (jĕnə-sīd′)
The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.

[Greek genos, race; see genə- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots + -CIDE.]

gen′o·cidal (-sīdl) adj.
gen′o·cidal·ly adv.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

Perhaps so S2. Even if not precise & unambiguously genocide and nothing else, it's close enough to cause (me) alarm.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Generalized (not precisely detailed) criticism of Trump [R-FL] posted in this forum has expressed dismay at Trump's poll lead against Biden.
We have in these recent posts logical reason.

May 13, 2024
"President Biden ... claim his commitment to Israel’s security remains “ironclad” ... "

I understand the Israeli & Jewish lobbies punch above their own weight class politically.
But it appears you have shot yourself in the other foot some more, implying U.S. support for Israel even while at War against Hamas is "ironclad", and therefore unconditional.
In that case Mr. President you have surrendered, forfeited valuable, important political leverage.

In this way sir you not only disadvantage yourself in the Middle East.
You also disadvantage yourself on Capitol Hill, and in voting booths strewn across the U.S. countryside.

In contrast President Biden, candidate Trump carries no such recent shame.

It's an election year Joe. One last time, bring your A-game. You know, as if it really matters.
déjà varoom all over again

Corporate culture is "interesting".

Don't miss it,
learned a thing or two there though.